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Council pledges to restore sign defaced by activists

19 Sep 2024 2 minute read
The Beaumaris sign. Image: Dale Spridgeon

Dale Spridgeon Local Democracy Reporter

A council has promised to fix a road sign defaced with red paint and a ‘Wales is not for sale’ poster.

The ‘welcome/croeso to Beaumaris’ sign at the approach of the town, which is popular with tourists, has seen the word Beaumaris painted over with red paint.

A red and white sticker saying “Wales is not for sale” has also been attached to the sign, which has an estate agent’s “property for sale” advertisement above it.

The town sign is on the A545 leading into the Beaumaris just after Gallows Point.

It is not known when it was damaged but it is thought to have been in the past week or so.


The red and white sticker appears to promote the views of Welsh-language activists, who have long been concerned about the number of second homes and high house prices, which they say is driving locals away.

Beaumaris is known for having a high number of holiday lets and Airbnb properties.

A spokesperson for Anglesey County Council said it was not known when the sign had been vandalised.

He said: “The county council’s Highways Service will ensure that the sign is cleaned and restored to its original state as soon as possible.”

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Rhufawn Jones
Rhufawn Jones
9 hours ago

Tra bo hwythau’r Cyngor, yn distrywio’r Gymraeg ar yr Ynys drwy eilunaddoli twristiaeth ac annog mewnlifiad enfawr.

Welsh Patriot
Welsh Patriot
2 hours ago

Mindless vandalism that costs local Council Tax payers, not very clever!

Padi Phillips
Padi Phillips
36 seconds ago

Dylai’r enw fod yn Biwmares.

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