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Labour votes down motion to urge UK Government to reverse cuts to winter fuel payments

18 Sep 2024 6 minute read
Joel James

Chris Haines, ICNN Senedd reporter

Senedd members narrowly rejected Conservative calls to urge the UK Government to reverse its decision to end universal winter fuel payments.

Labour voted down the motion while Plaid Cymru joined the Conservatives in backing it, with the final tally 23 in favour and 24 against.

Leading the debate, Joel James warned that about 400,000 households in Wales will lose up to £300 per person after the UK Government’s decision.

He said the cuts blindsided millions of pensioners, who have now been put into a state of fear over the affordability of bills which are predicted to jump by 10% in October.

The Tory shadow social justice secretary rejected “disingenuous, manufactured” claims of a £22bn black hole in UK public finances, saying a recent audit identified no such shortfall.


He described the reforms as “exceptionally shortsighted and callous”, warning it risks pushing thousands of pensioners into fuel poverty.

Mr James pointed out that almost 900,000 people are entitled to pension credit – one of the eligibility criteria for winter fuel payments – but do not claim the benefit.

He said: “What is most alarming … the new Labour [UK] Government has commissioned no impact assessment whatsoever on the impact of this cut.

“And the Labour Party’s own research has estimated that by scrapping universal winter fuel payments, excess deaths will increase by almost 4,000 people.”

Mr James, who represents South Wales Central, accused Welsh Labour MPs of showing “contempt and cowardice” by failing to vote against scrapping the cut.


Sioned Williams, who represents South Wales West, said Plaid Cymru shares the Conservatives’ concerns and the party would back the motion.

But the shadow social justice secretary described the cut as a continuation of the austerity agenda of the previous UK Government.

She said: “That is a crucial point in our view because we are a party that completely rejects the ideology and policies of austerity.”

Ms Williams described austerity as an entirely ineffective and unfair policy which transfers money from the poorest to the richest in society,

She told the Senedd the Conservative UK Government forced pensioners to make impossible decisions between eating and heating,

Ms Williams said it was hugely concerning to see “spineless” Welsh Labour MPs allowing the cut to pass through the UK Parliament.


Mike Hedges, a Labour backbencher, accused the Conservatives of hypocrisy, pointing out that the party previously called for an end to universal free prescriptions in Wales.

The Swansea East MS, who chairs the cross-party group on older people, told the chamber: “I started to receive my state pension in July.

“I’ve never received a winter fuel allowance payment and now I will not.

“Do I need it? No. Do Paul McCartney, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Elton John, Sting or Mick Jagger need it? I could go on … naming people who are very wealthy and don’t need it.”

Mr Hedges said: “There is a discussion to be had over the universality of support – there’s a balance between ensuring no one misses out and the cost of provision.”


Peter Fox, a Conservative MS, said an estimated 21,000 pensioners in his Monmouth constituency will lose out on winter fuel payments.

He told the chamber: “That payment, brought in by Rishi Sunak, was incredibly important in helping support pensioners through harsh winters.

“Now, we’re seeing this vital support being ripped from them to help fund things like the massive pay rises to train drivers who already have a great wage.”

He accused Labour of u-turns, saying Keir Starmer put out a pre-election video captioned: “Pensioners deserve security in retirement and that is what my government will deliver.”

Mr Fox, the former leader of Monmouthshire council, stressed that cutting winter fuel payments was a political choice and money could have been found elsewhere.


Heledd Fychan challenged Labour backbenchers, asking: “Imagine if a Conservative government had done this – what would your comments have been then?”

The Plaid Cymru MS said: “People will die as a result of this decision, we know that.”

Ms Fychan, who represents South Wales Central, said one in six older people in Wales is living in relative income poverty, with an older population than the rest of the UK.

James Evans, the Tory MS for Brecon and Radnorshire, told the chamber winter fuel payments have been a lifeline for older people.

He accused Labour of punishing pensioners: “What they don’t deserve from this Labour government in Westminster is to live in fear of hypothermia and crippling debt.”


Laura Anne Jones claimed the UK Government’s sums do not add up.

The Tory MS said cutting winter fuel support has been estimated to save about £1.5bn but if everyone eligible for pension credit claimed it, it would actually cost an additional £3.3bn.

Ms Jones raised an “appalling” constituency case of a woman in her 70s who was so worried about paying energy bills that she was forced to take a part-time job.

She added that 1.6 million disabled pensioners will be stripped of their payment.

Natasha Asghar, who also represents South Wales East, said Senedd Conservatives were blamed and held to account in the chamber for UK Government decisions over 14 years.

“Yet during the first opportunity for scrutiny yesterday,” she said. “The first minister distanced herself immediately from Keir Starmer, abdicating responsibility.”


Responding to the debate on September 18, Jane Hutt reiterated that difficult decisions are being taken due to a £22bn “black hole” in the public purse and a “bleak” outlook.

Wales’ social justice secretary said the former chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, failed to account for public sector rises recommended by independent pay review bodies.

Ms Hutt highlighted support available via the discretionary assistance fund but she warned that too few people are taking up the Welsh Government grants.

She said: “We have to support those people who have been affected by 14 years of austerity and Tory economic mismanagement.

“We have a duty to turn this around at all levels of government and reach out to those most affected by the shameful legacy of the £22bn black hole.”

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S Duggan
S Duggan
18 hours ago

This basically shows us the Welsh Labour party is no better than the Westminster party. Remember this in 2026.

Billy James
Billy James
12 hours ago
Reply to  S Duggan


Steffan Gwent
Steffan Gwent
18 hours ago

Where is the fabled clear red water between and Cardiff Bay and Westminster now?

17 hours ago

So Mike Hedges with his £72,000 salary +expenses Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Elton John etc. are typical examples of UK pensioners?

Last edited 17 hours ago by Glen
Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
17 hours ago

We will be voting for anonymous ciphers, clones of whichever first mate is relaying the orders…

The future is more of the same disappointment, groundhog days, cold, hungry and worried, yet the man whose vision requires thousands of pounds of a shadowy figure’s money fails to focus on honesty, truth and a virtuous path to take his population forward beyond maintaining control of an unnatural cull perpetrated by a predatory society…

The temper tantrums of a member of the Gentry are a terrible look for Cymru in the twenty first century…

Cymru and Moses have much in common…

15 hours ago

What did anybody expect, other than support for the London masters. Did the Tory’s in the bay criticise Johnson and his cabal for the covid parties, no, and Labour will not ” rock the boat ” either. They are unionist parties, and the union and London come first, second and last.

12 minutes ago
Reply to  Gareth

Did the Tory’s in the bay criticise Johnson and his cabal for the covid parties”

Well, they did actually, but why let facts get in the way of a good rant eh?

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
15 hours ago

The Fat Shanks Effect…that this is contemplated and approved by a regiment of ‘flats’ in fact two dimensional cutouts…

Welcome to the larger more costly Senedd of the future, a larger trough for a bigger gang of line towers…

Sewn up by the solicitor politicians of Desolation Bay; medical negligence a speciality. is that right, handy…

Welsh Patriot
Welsh Patriot
4 hours ago

The vast majority of Welsh Labour Senedd members could not be bother to take part in the debate, just turned up at the end to vote, sums them up I’m afraid.

3 hours ago
Reply to  Welsh Patriot

Looks like 13 others declined to take part. Shabby shower of all colours. The strong bond between Labour in Westmonster and the Bay regime was supposed to work to our advantage. No sign of that yet, only a compliant supine bunch of lightweights doing their best to suck up to Starmer’s mob.

Tracy lewis
Tracy lewis
2 hours ago

Shameful! And utterlessly clueless! To claw back money from pensioners who have paid into the system all their lives. I am totally confused as to how much is actually really going to be saved as stated by Reeves, many pensions do not claim benefits that will allow them to receive the wfp! This is because they were proudly managing! These people will now likely claim the benefits they are entitled too ( rightly so) and be entitled to the wfp!!! Thereby costing the state more. It would be very interesting to know the actual amount in new benefits claim for… Read more »

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