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Majority believe it is wrong for PM to accept gifts from businesses, poll finds

24 Sep 2024 5 minute read
Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer rehearses his keynote speech which he will deliver to the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool on Tuesday. Photo Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Three in four people believe it is wrong for the Prime Minister to accept gifts from businesses or organisations, polling has found.

The Ipsos study found 75% of Britons believe it is “rarely acceptable” or “never acceptable” for the Prime Minister to accept such items.

But 15% feel it is “usually acceptable” and 5% think it is “always acceptable”.

The survey was carried out in the wake of stories about how Sir Keir Starmer and members of the Government, including Chancellor Rachel Reeves, have accepted donations towards items of clothes.

Savanta meanwhile said its latest polls suggest “a nosedive in support” for Sir Keir.

The Prime Minister and his most senior ministers will no longer accept donations to pay for their clothes, the PA news agency understands.

Politicians from the three major parties, including the Prime Minister, have also accepted donated tickets to events.

Sir Keir was among MPs, including Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey, to accept tickets to a Taylor Swift concert at Wembley Stadium from the Football Association.

More than two-thirds of those questioned (68%) said it is unacceptable to accept gifts from individuals.


The findings, released on Tuesday ahead of Sir Keir’s first speech to the Labour Party conference as Prime Minister, also found nearly half of Britons believe he earns too much money.

A total of 47% said they think Sir Keir’s annual salary of £166,786 is too high.

By comparison, the Prime Minister’s salary is lower than that of the chief executives and senior officials at some local authorities.

Meanwhile, 68% of those polled believe the £91,346 salary for MPs should be lower.

Ipsos questioned 1,029 adults by phone between September 20 and 23.

The results show similar dissatisfaction to those reported by YouGov earlier this week, when 64% of respondents said it is to some extent “unacceptable” for MPs to accept tickets to football matches and concerts as gifts.

The research released on Monday found 44% of 4,046 people questioned think it is “completely unacceptable” for MPs to accept such gifts, while 20% said it is “somewhat unacceptable”.

Ms Reeves said on Monday she does not “begrudge” gifted tickets for football or concerts providing they are declared by MPs in the correct way.

She told Times Radio: “As long as things are declared properly, so people can see if there’s any conflict of interest, I think it’s fine to go to the football and to go to a pop concert.

“I don’t begrudge people doing that.”

On Tuesday morning, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster said stories about gifts for ministers are “squalls” that will matter less to the public than the plans the Prime Minister is expected to announce during his speech.


Pat McFadden told BBC Breakfast: “As your viewers can probably tell, I’ve been around politics for quite some time.

“There have been squalls like this in the past. I think what’s important is you work your way through them. We’ve got an important chance to do that today.

“We’ve got our first speech today from a Labour Prime Minister to a Labour Party conference for 15 years, so it’s a really big moment where the Prime Minister can set out his agenda for the future, which in the end will affect people’s lives much more than any rows in Downing Street or any of the stories that have been in the newspapers the last couple of weeks.”

Keiran Pedley, UK director of politics at Ipsos, said: “These findings reflect an inherent public scepticism when it comes to the Prime Minister receiving gifts from a wide range of sources.

“Whilst context clearly matters, the public appear to instinctively think the Prime Minister should not be receiving gifts from anyone. Or at least that it is rarely or never acceptable to do so.”

New polling from Savanta showed that Sir Keir’s net favourability has dropped by 28 points among 2024 Labour voters since his landslide election victory in July.

The Prime Minister’s rating has dropped from plus 71 just after the election in July to plus 43 in polls taken from September 20-22.

Among the wider public, Sir Keir’s rating has dropped from plus 15 in late July to minus 11 now, a plunge of 26 points and his lowest rating since July 2021.

Chris Hopkins, political research director at Savanta, said: “Our findings really do show the challenge that Keir Starmer faces as he stands up to make his first conference speech as Prime Minister.

“While he is still relatively popular among his own voters, he has absolutely seen a nosedive in support since the election, which was less than three months ago.

“The cumulative impacts of the summer unrest, the unpopular winter fuel allowance decision and ongoing questions around donations and hospitality appear to have considerably hurt Starmer and his government’s popularity, when they should still be riding high post-election.”

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Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
18 hours ago

Are all Prime Ministers men and women of integrity who can be trusted to be impartial and unswayable…?

Well, we know the answer to that…

Under no circumstances should we trust one again, not now, not ever…

Come in naked and leave naked, just like birth and death…

18 hours ago

I don’t think there should be any gifts from anyone to any party. But this is the system we have. All gifts claimed inside the rules and before in government but have to give the usual suspect hacks keeping this going and other press outlets for latching on when they ignore the worst excesses from Johnson etc. Truss got quite a few nice lounge passes, the hacks shout about that at the time? Nope. Who lobbed 32k at Sunak and why? Hesters loot still in Tory coffers? I see the latest con today was to try to make pub closing… Read more »

17 hours ago

It is deeply hypocritical for the current Labour government to accept lavish gifts from party donors, such as private jet trips, luxury holidays, and exclusive event tickets, after years of loudly condemning the Conservative government for similar behaviour. Ministers who once accused the Tories of being in the pocket of the wealthy elite are now enjoying the very same perks, further eroding public trust in their so-called principles. How can Labour claim to stand for fairness and integrity when they are indulging in the exact same conduct they once denounced?

Mr. Sneeze
Mr. Sneeze
17 hours ago

This is getting boring. Set some rules.

David RJ Lloyd
David RJ Lloyd
17 hours ago

just look at the taking & taking by the royals for centuries & nobody even blinks!! please, moderation & openness is what we should all be responsible for, including the royals for once

Steve Woods
Steve Woods
16 hours ago

They are not gifts.

Let’s call them by their real name: bribes.

After all, givers are not handing them over out of altruism; they will ultimately want something as yet unspecified in return.

Linda Jones
Linda Jones
16 hours ago

As they say ‘… there is no such thing as a free lunch’ so my question is ‘… what do the donors expect in return’. I dont see that declared.

16 hours ago

Low level grubbiness.
Not what was really expected from the new broom.

David RJ Lloyd
David RJ Lloyd
16 hours ago

people have short memories, buffoon boris was gifted house, many holidays, gold wallpaper, & god knows what else. i can say with confidence that he milked it!!! again not a blink of discomfort from the world…. strange egh???

15 hours ago
Reply to  David RJ Lloyd

His redecorations costs dwarfs starmer. Gotta hand it to the Tory press hacks that got the boots on this fib and got it around the world whilst ignoring the liar and cheat that was Boris.

38 minutes ago
Reply to  David RJ Lloyd

“not a blink of discomfort from the world” That’s not how I remember it. There was near constant and wholly justified criticism of his behaviour. Even some of the Tory press got in on it. Labour righty kept continually reminding people of his antics and that of other Tories. Which all makes it so surprising that they have now been accepting freebies. Either their political self preservation instincts are seriously lacking or they think they genuinely are exempt from the standards they set their predecessors. It’s like children having their first turn running the school tuck shop and helping themselves… Read more »

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