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Prisoner early release scheme ‘reckless and irresponsible’ – Plaid Cymru

21 Sep 2024 3 minute read
Photo by Adirach Toumlamoon is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Plaid Cymru Westminster Leader and Justice spokesperson, Liz Saville Roberts MP, has issued a warning following revelations to the BBC that many prisoners released under the UK Government’s Early Release Scheme on September 10 were not fitted with electronic tags.

More than 1,700 prisoners were let out early in England and Wales last week as part of the UK and electronic tags were a requirement for all those being released.

With another wave of releases expected next month, Plaid Cymru says that the failure to equip prisoners with electronic tracking devices raises serious concerns about public safety.

Ms Saville Roberts said: “The revelation that many prisoners released under the Early Release Scheme on 10 September were not fitted with electronic tags raises serious concerns about public safety.

“It is both reckless and irresponsible that the UK Government has failed to provide crucial tracking devices, putting vulnerable individuals at risk.”

Probation union Napo has said that its members have shared examples where those with both domestic violence offences and sexual offences have been released due to serving concurrent sentences involving a lesser offence.


Speaking to LBC News radio, Home Office minister Jess Phillips said she was “disappointed” to learn of the delays: “It’s not the Government who has made the backlog in tags, it is a contract signed with Serco in May this year.

Ms Phillips also warned that Serco could face penalties for failing to fit the electronic tags within the expected timeline.

Ms Saville Roberts said: “Plaid Cymru warned from the outset that this initiative needed increased investment to ensure proper rehabilitation and public safety.

“The additional burden on the already overstretched Probation Service, coupled with reports of victims not being informed of their perpetrators’ release, demonstrates a dangerous failure of planning by the Labour Government.”


There are five prisons in Wales, but the UK Government has not yet revealed a breakdown of early releases per prison.

Ms Saville Roberts emphasised the UK Government’s irresponsibility in failing to provide essential tracking devices and reiterated the need for data on how the scheme’s failures have impacted Wales.

Poor mobile signal in rural parts of Wales could cause additional problems with the electronic tags which have not been addressed.

Plaid Cymru has submitted written parliamentary questions to the Ministry of Justice to seek clarity on the impact of the scheme in Wales.

“The UK Labour Government must immediately rectify these failings and implement stronger protections to ensure public safety and support effective rehabilitation. Victims and survivors deserve a system that prioritises their safety and welfare.” said Ms Saville Roberts.

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1 hour ago

“Poor mobile signal….” and who is responsible for that?

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