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Warnings of flooding as heavy rain forecast for parts of Wales

22 May 2024 2 minute read
A woman sheltering from the rain using her book – Yui Mok

Heavy rain could bring flooding and travel disruption to Wales on Wednesday and Thursday with an amber warning issued for part of the country.

The Met Office has issued the amber warning for parts of north Wales for 24 hours from noon on Wednesday.

The warning for the region says flooding and disruption are likely, with rain becoming heavy and persistent.

A yellow warning for rain is also in place for north and mid Wales until 6am on Thursday.

Weather warning are in place across the country – Met Office


Met Office meteorologist Alex Burkill said: “Some areas are really going to see a lot of heavy, persistent rain through a big chunk of Wednesday. It is going to be a pretty wet picture as we go through the rest of the week for many places.

“There is some uncertainty as to exactly where we are going to see the heaviest rain and where is most likely to be impacted.”


The forecast says heavy and, in places, prolonged rainfall is expected from an area of low pressure arriving from the east, which has brought downpours to parts of central Europe.

Many places could see 30-40mm of rain, while a few areas may receive 60-80mm as heavy rain moves northwards throughout Wednesday.

The Met Office said there is a small chance a few upland areas could see up to 150mm.

A Met Office spokeswoman said: “The precise track of the low pressure which would determine where the rainfall comes is still uncertain and is something we are keeping an eye on.

“We would encourage people to keep an eye on the forecast over the next couple of days to see how that evolves.”

Chief meteorologist Andy Page said areas exposed to the strengthening northerly winds are most likely to see the highest rainfall.

Northern areas are expected to remain cloudy and wet on Thursday but drier further south with brighter conditions becoming more widespread by the end of the week.

Bank Holiday Monday is expected to be dry and fine for much of the country, feeling warm in the sunshine, although there remains the threat of showers ahead of more settled conditions.

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