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A celebration of Cardiff’s beautiful arcades to return to the city

17 Oct 2023 3 minute read
City of Arcades Day, 2019 (Credit: Matthew Horwood)

An annual celebration of Cardiff’s world-famous arcades is returning to the Welsh capital, with exclusive events, entertainment and discounts.

City of Arcades Day – which first launched in 2018 by the Business Improvement District, FOR Cardiff – is returning on Saturday, November 18, 2023.

The event promotes Cardiff as a unique retail and leisure destination, by raising awareness of the seven arcades in the heart of the city.

City of Arcades Day, 2019 (Credit: Matthew Horwood)

Cardiff is home to the highest concentration of Victorian, Edwardian and contemporary shopping arcades in the UK.
These distinctive retail destinations offer shoppers a unique experience, at a time when people are looking for something a little different when they shop.

The arcades were also recently cited as one of the top destinations for shopping outside of London.

On the day, city centre visitors can expect guided walking tours, live music and arts performances and exclusive offers.
There will also be some unique events including a surprise City of Arcades game, which will be unveiled closer to the time.

Often referred to as the jewel in Cardiff’s crown, the arcades house more than 100 independent shops, cafes, bars and restaurants.

The event created by FOR Cardiff will celebrate the best of these and create a retail experience that will really impress shoppers.

City of Arcades Day, 2019 (Credit: Matthew Horwood)

About City of Arcades

Cardiff is known as the City of Arcades because of the seven Victorian and Edwardian arcades that nestle amongst the city’s high streets. Home to over one hundred shops, cafes, restaurants and bars, the arcades are a unique shopping and leisure destination with a wealth of history and culture.

FOR Cardiff established the City of Arcades brand in 2018 to give Cardiff a distinct identity and raise awareness of the independent businesses located in the arcades. City of Arcades has established a reputation both nationally and internationally, winning the prestigious International Downtown Association (IDA) award of excellence in 2018.

City of Arcades Day, 2019 (Credit: Matthew Horwood)

Since then, FOR Cardiff have created several award-winning campaigns and events including Cardiff’s Top 10 Businesses, City of Arcades Day, the Art & Soul of Cardiff and City of Arcades Week.

Find out more HERE

City of Arcades Day, 2019 (Credit: Matthew Horwood)

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David Smith
David Smith
10 months ago

Ironically this reminds me of our late 1960’s, early 1970’s campaign spear headed by Bob Dumbleton to oppose the Councils Central Area Development plan, including demolition of the said archives and now a fine attraction and distinguishing feature for the city centre.

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