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Welsh music video fund doubled for coming year

19 Sep 2023 2 minute read

A project which was set up last year to help create Welsh music videos, will double the number it backs over the next year.

S4C Lŵp and PYST’s financial fund launched last year and gave 10 new artists and directors the opportunity to create their first music video.

The fund will produce 20 videos this year, with the aim of supporting musicians and directors who would not otherwise have the opportunity to create Welsh language videos.

From October there will be a quarterly shout out for projects, with five videos published each quarter.

Alun Llwyd, Chief Executive of PYST, said: “The success of the first year showed that there is a real need for funding opportunities for independent videos.

“This is especially true for those musicians and directors who would not have the opportunity and would certainly not be able to realise their vision without help.

“The variety of artists and directors in the first round underlines the desire that exists to engage and create in Welsh.

“I’m really looking forward to seeing the fund continue to grow next year.”


Elen Rhys, S4C’s Head of Entertainment added: “It’s great to be able to support Welsh musicians and directors in order to give them a platform to showcase their talents.

“I’m so glad that the fund is growing and giving us more opportunities to see more Welsh music videos.

“This is a great opportunity and we call on anyone who is interested to apply.”

If you would like to apply for support from the fund contact [email protected] for further details.

The videos commissioned with the support of the fund last year were:

Sachasom ‘Agor’

Directed by Sion Teifi Rees and Sam Stevens

Dead Method ‘Marwolaeth’

Directed by Molly Allen and Edward Russell

Kathod ‘O Hedyn Bach / Troelli / Cofleidio’r Golau’

Directed by Manon Wyn Jones

The Trials of Cato ‘Aberdaron’

Directed by Matt Coles

Chwalaw ‘ Dim Arwyr’

Directed by Izzy Rabey

Talulah ‘Byth yn Blino’

Directed by Leah McLaine and Dominika

Gig Klust 01

Directed by Aled Victor

Sachasom ‘Braf oedd Byw’ (Brwydr y Bandiau 2022 Winner)

Directed by Sion Teifi Rees and Sam Stevens

Achlysurol ‘Dŵr i’r Blodau’

Story and script by Anna Bobrytska

Produced by Aled Emyr

Moss Carpet (Brwydr y Bandiau 2023 Winner)

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Dai Rob
Dai Rob
11 months ago

There’s been some great vids from them….cadw nhw’n dod!!!

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