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Andrew RT Davies accused of ‘Islamophobic race baiting’ by faith council

08 Aug 2024 5 minute read
Racist messages sprayed on the ground in Newport – Right Andrew RT Davies

Emily Price

The Welsh Conservative leader has been accused of engaging in “Islamophobic race baiting” and “dog-whistle racism” by the Muslim Council of Wales.

Pressure has been mounting for Andrew RT Davies in recent days over his controversial social media posts about Halal meat in Welsh schools.

Last week, he accused a school in the Vale of Glamorgan of serving Halal only lunches to pupils.

Before the school had a chance to respond, Mr Davies published the “incorrect” claims online.

The post went viral racking up millions of views after it was shared by the anti-Islam campaigner Tommy Robinson.


During a week that saw riots co-ordinated by the far-right in England, Mr Davies published further letters to Welsh councils asking for reassurances that non-Halal meat options are available for school children.

This sparked a string of offensive Islamophobic comments from followers of his Facebook page which weren’t removed.

The most senior Conservative in Wales says he is following up the legitimate concerns of his constituents.

He argues that ignoring queries, “leaves the field clear for extreme groups to exploit for their own ends”.

The Muslim Council, which advocates for the second largest faith group in Wales, says Mr Davies’ online posts have “real consequences on our streets and in our mosques”.

The group reached out to the Tory leader on July 26 asking for a meeting but did not receive a response.

The council says it’s fundamental that the Senedd’s opposition party listen to and represent the views and concerns of Muslims across Wales.

Muslim shadow minister, Natasha Asghar says she’s made her position on her leader’s recent Halal meat posts “abundantly clear to him”.

She said: “I have always believed in diversity, freedom of choice for everyone, and I hope that all children across Wales continue to be provided with dietary options suitable to them such as Halal, Kosher, and vegetarian within our schools.”

In recent days, Ms Asghar’s Newport constituency was daubed with Nazi symbols and racist messages.

The words “Bettws is not Halal” and “No to Islam” were sprayed onto a public footpath near a brook in Bettws along with swastikas.

Racist messages sprayed on the ground in Newport – Credit: Annette Burston

Community tensions

Also in Newport, the Faizan e Madina mosque in Shaftesbury had its window smashed and another mosque in Bridgend had its online details altered to include pig emojis.

The Muslim Council of Wales was founded in 2003 and seeks positive engagement with politicians from across the spectrum.

It works to eradicate all forms of discrimination faced by Muslims by promoting an accurate image of Islam in Wales.

The group says the offensive comments left on Mr Davies’ Facebook page are “obvious evidence” that his posts are “designed to inflame community tensions”.

The window of a mosque was smashed in Newport


A spokesperson for the council said: “There are many Welsh Muslims who are committed members of the Conservative Party. Many have expressed their disappointment, either in person or online, at Andrew RT Davies’ behaviour towards the Welsh Muslim community in recent weeks. One individual has even expressed his desire to leave the party despite his lifelong support.

“The Muslim Council of Wales are deeply concerned with the sheer number of Islamophobic comments which are allowed to be left on Andrew RT Davies’ Facebook account, and considers this obvious evidence that his posts are designed to inflame community tensions and undermine cohesion.

“The Muslim Council has received no official reply from Mr Davies, nor an acknowledgement of receipt. This further adds to our disappointment with the leader as his social media account has been regularly posting Mr Davies’ activity as well as pursuing the ‘non-halal meat’ issue in schools.

“The Muslim Council of Wales would like to see a change of strategy and approach especially with regards to communications from the Welsh Conservatives.

“Andrew RT Davies is engaging in Islamophobic race-baiting, at a time when we require politicians to be the voice of reason and show moral leadership. The hamfisted attempts at dog-whistle racism may lead to more engagement online for Mr Davies, but have real consequences on our streets and in our mosques.

“A vibrant democracy requires both a competent government and a competent opposition. It is disappointing that under Mr Davies’ leadership, the Welsh Conservatives, are failing to present themselves as a competent and effective opposition.

“Many Muslim children face bullying and discrimination in schools, and Mr Davies’ public and misleading campaign on halal meat will undoubtedly have an impact on returning Muslim pupils in September.”


Welsh Government minister Dawn Bowden and Labour backbenchers Lee Waters and Alun Davies have all called out the Tory leader for his Halal posts.

Alun Davies said: “It is profoundly disappointing that the Muslim Council have needed to make this statement. Andrew has for some time made statements which are designed to create conflict, confrontation and division.

“This is at odds with most politicians in all parties who agree that we all have a responsibility to bring people together. Given current events it is irresponsible for Andrew to deliberately fan the flames of intolerance and prejudice.”

Plaid Cymru politicians have also condemned the posts.

Sioned Williams said: “Plaid Cymru rejects Andrew RT Davies’ populist brand of divisive politics. At a time when we must all stand together against inflammatory rhetoric, the leader of the Conservatives in Wales is doing the exact opposite with comments which are unbecoming of any political figure.”

Welsh Conservative sources told Nation.Cymru that the opposition group in the Senedd have become uneasy about Mr Davies’ leadership.

But several sources added there are concerns about whether the group could unite behind a successor.

We contacted Andrew RT Davies for comment but he did not respond.

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Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
1 month ago

He should be arrested and charged so the Senedd can be rid of hlm…

Careless Talk Costs Lives…as true today as it was in 1940…

Dr Jonathan F Dean
Dr Jonathan F Dean
1 month ago

So Arty D is now posting adverts for the EDL to come to Glamorgan for their next riot?

1 month ago

The first halal conversation should have been carried out as constituency office business and awaited the correct replies and not aired in public to conflate the issue. Then ARTD did it a second time on twitter after the riots had kicked off big time. Thick as mince. That leaves two option, he monumentally dim or ot was intentional to stoke hate. What other constituency business will he air in public? Got an issue and he is your MS? Yeah, doesn’t sound like a he can deal with an issue in confidence, he can use it for political giggles if he… Read more »

Barry Pandy
Barry Pandy
1 month ago

I don’t like Natasha Asghar as a politician but she certainly DOES NOT deserve that. She has my sympathy, as do the members of the mosque in Newport.

As for Andrew R2D2, he is beneath contempt.

Dai Ponty
Dai Ponty
1 month ago
Reply to  Barry Pandy

Barry i think that goes for all the CREATURES who are BLUE Tories they are all beneath contempt

Nobby Tart
Nobby Tart
1 month ago
Reply to  Barry Pandy

I agree with you Barry.
I too don’t like Natasha, but her boss has placed her in a poor position, maybe even a dangerous one.

It’s now time for other Tory MSs to come out against RT over this.
RT has now proved for all to see that he’s an idiot, a simpleton and has absolutely no idea how to behave as a politician.
Is this the person they want as their leader?
It’s time for them to speak up and send him home.

Nia James
Nia James
1 month ago

ARTD has always been a complete wind up merchant, who has never taken politics seriously. His off the cuff ‘joke’ remarks, and stunts like the recent Scrap the Senedd one, prove that he falls below the calibre of politician our nation requires. The London Tories obviously adore him as he is a dog whistler who suits their divisive agenda. He should consider his position.

Daniel Pitt
Daniel Pitt
1 month ago

If any person loses their life because of his incendiary and flagrantly racist comments, he should be arrested as well as the assailant. And he should be forced to serve at least 25% of the murderer’s sentence.

Ernie The Smallholder
Ernie The Smallholder
1 month ago

You see what is happening in England. On their streets, in their cities ?
It’s terrorism by riots.

No normal person in Cymru wants fascist mobs rioting on our streets and countryside.
No one should be inflaming as is these happenings in England.

There is no place for fascism in Cymru.

RTD must withdraw and apologise to the Muslims in Wales,
or the Conservatives party must remove him from the leadership of the party.

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
1 month ago

What has Andrew RT Davies done now? Can’t this idiocrat shut his big mouth for once? Not a day goes by this clueless clown says something inflammaTory to get attention. Is it no wonder there were riots in England & Northern Ireland, thankfully not Wales & Scotland , when the likes of Andrew RT Davies are abusing their platform as highly paid politicians by whipping up anti-Muslim sentiment online resulting in those disgusting attacks we’ve all witnessed on our TV screens. Is he hoping to spark similar in Wales, I wonder? Does he see himself as a Nigel Farage/Tommy Robinson… Read more »

Steve A Duggan
Steve A Duggan
1 month ago

It does seem that new laws need to be introduced to stop the spread of miss-information. Many of these people know fully well they are spreading lies. Yes, we want freedom of speech but not if it will cause harm to others. People must be made aware that there could be consequences for their words if they incite violence.

Che Guevara's Fist
Che Guevara's Fist
1 month ago

Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom from the responsibility of the things you say. Accountability has never been the strong point of the right wing.

Get this clown out of office along with his cohorts.

1 month ago

Wasn’t it obvious from the general election results? Reform were second place to Labour in many constituencies. Forget forming a government, he desperately needs to court their voters if he wants the Tories to continue merely being the opposition. Best case scenario is that also leaves a space vacant for a centre-right Welsh-loyalist party (Gwlad? Propel?) to replace them and the blue anglo party goes away completely.

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