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Andrew RT Davies accused of misogyny for GB News comments

27 Oct 2023 4 minute read
Andrew RT Davies appearing on GB News

Emily Price

The Leader of the Welsh Conservatives has been accused of “misogyny” and an “appalling lack of respect” towards women over comments he made about Presiding Officer, Elin Jones during a GB News interview.

On Thursday (October 26) Nigel Farage arrived in Cardiff to film a special edition of his show, ‘Farage at Large’ at the Llandaff and Ely RAFA Club.

Andrew RT Davies appeared on the show as a live guest to discuss the Llywydd’s decision to remove GB News from the Senedd’s internal TV system.

During the live broadcast, Mr Farage said GB News has invited Ms Jones to appear as a guest alongside Mr Davies, but that she had declined the invitation.

Mr Davies interjected saying: “She was busy doing her hair no doubt.”

Mr Farage, the former UKIP and Brexit Party leader replied: “Yes maybe.”

Following the show Mr Davies shared the clip of himself making the remark about the Presiding Officer along with the caption: “It was a pleasure to take part.”

Responding to the GB News clip on X, Plaid Cymru leader, Rhun ap Iorwerth accused the leader of the Welsh Tories of showing a lack of respect towards women.

He said: “Nolan principles for public life demand that as leaders, we must ‘treat others with respect’. Appalling lack of respect shown by the Welsh Tory leader towards, a fellow MS, Senedd Presiding Officer, a woman. He wears his misoginy with either pride or total lack of awareness.”

Replying to Mr ap Iorwerth on social media, the Cardiff South and Penarth Conservatives X account said: “You don’t even know what a woman is.”

A well placed Welsh Conservative source told Nation.Cymru: “All call for change, all for a sense of direction but none can find the balls to do what’s needed and get rid of him as leader”

Minister for Economy Vaughan Gething also criticised the Welsh Tory leader for the comments he made on GB News.

On X he published a post which read: “Busy doing her hair”. This is absolutely appalling misogyny from Andrew RT Davies, who should apologise immediately to the Llywydd.”

Similarly, Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism Dawn Bowden posted: “Disgraceful sexist comments from Andrew RT Davies about Elin Jones that weren’t challenged. Tells you all you need to know about GB News”

Concern has been mounting about the output of GB News, which often screens programmes in which right wing interviewers nod in agreement with the right-wing commentators they are interviewing

In a recent misogyny scandal, actor-turned-right-wing activist Laurence Fox was sacked over comments made live on air about a female journalist.

The channel is currently subject to several ongoing Ofcom investigations.

The Presiding Officer removed GB News from the Senedd’s internal television system following the “deliberately offensive” broadcast which she said was “demeaning to public debate and contrary to our Parliament’s values”.

The Plaid Cymru MS for Ceredigion added that Senedd staff and members could still access the channel online in the Senedd.

The Welsh Tory leader has twice written to the Llywydd asking her to reverse her decision suggesting that the ban could be “against the law”.

Recently Plaid’s Westminster leader Liz Saville-Roberts accused Mr Davies of “stoking division” through his appearances on GB News.

She posted a message on X which said: “GB News is used as a stage by Welsh politicians including @AndrewRTDavies to stoke division. Plaid Cymru has refused invitations to appear on this extremist propaganda outlet. All politicians who respect women should sever ties with this vile excuse for a channel.”

In a post to X, Ms Jones said: “My curly hair has become a news story! I was able to trivialise Andrew’s silly, inappropriate comment. But it’s not for him to do so.

“Defending it in hindsight was not the right thing to do here. I always used to say that Tories were the politest of politicians. What happened?”

GB News and Andrew RT Davies were invited to comment.

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10 months ago

The bibber picture here. The leader of the Welsh Conservatives cavorting with the likes of Nigel Farage. Really, if you do not know what that man stands for then you have been in a coma for 10 years. Now, Welsh Conservatives. This is your direction, this is who your leader is willing to deal with, this is now what every single Welsh Conservative is unless you remove ARTD and instil decency to your party. And the Senedd has not banned it. It has removed it from the in house EPG, and I would say irony but Fox went for a… Read more »

Nobby Tart
Nobby Tart
10 months ago

Mrs. RT Davies must be so proud of her husband.

10 months ago

R. T. Davies needs to be sanctioned by the Senedd in line with rules and regulations. We cannot afford, as a nation, to have men in positions of political authority making flippant remarks about women or anyone else… There was a time when this kind of bland indication of sexist thought could be passed off as a joke… However, along with the erosion of everybody’s rights in the last few years, the truly disturbing cases of misogynistic views being spouted by men who have a large following recently have thrown into sharp relief the problem of an increase in sexist… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Sally-Anne

If you feel that strongly about his (mis) conduct go to the Senedd website and find the Standards Commissioner link. There you will get guidance on how to lodge a complaint and the protections offered to you regarding identity etc. Send in a carefully structured letter built on facts and devoid of any of your own emotional responses to these incidents. The case would get referred to the Standards Committee of Y Senedd after the Commissioner has written up his/her own report on the matter and relevant surrounding evidence. Pob Hwyl.

Philip Davies
Philip Davies
10 months ago
Reply to  hdavies15

Now there’s a sensible suggestion on how to disperse all the frothing ire on this Forum! Mr Davies can be told-off for his naughty jibe, apologise and the Senedd can then return to serious business. This stupid distraction has been blown out of all proportion!

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
10 months ago

Cardiff South and Penarth Tories tell Rhun ap Iorwerth ‘You don’t even know what a woman is’ despite him being married to one. THIS is what the Conservative Party is NOW and with self declared future leader Farage conducting a hate in with new buddy and future shadow cabinet member RT, it’s clear that whatever anyone thought the Tories once were, that party is NEVER coming back. I have often referred to sewers as their dwelling place. They are now putting the proof of who they are in writing.

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
10 months ago
Reply to  Fi yn unig

P.S. Can you imagine someone in a constituency office of ANY OTHER political party sending out a message like this without being disciplined and/or dismissed? I’ll bet nothing happens here. Sadly, it’s become normalised behaviour in Toryland.

10 months ago

Why was a RAFA club entertaining a Far right childish TV station, shame on them. A charity that now supports those who would take away care from people. Davies hates women, not a shocker. Especially talking to Farage, a man who laid hate on his own wife publically, when he complained about the EU and such.

Dai Ponty
Dai Ponty
10 months ago
Reply to  Karl

Because most X forces who go there are BRAINWASHED to love the tories i am X forces Army and on my Regiment website the vast Majority are BRAINWASHED orchestrated by former Officers THEY CANNOT THINK FOR THEMSELFES

Ernie The Smallholder
Ernie The Smallholder
10 months ago

The case to remove the extremist GNews from FreeView and FreeSat is becoming stronger by the day. I believe in free speech and that continues online, however, public broadcasting should has standards of fairness and respect. Those standards were broken by Russia Today due to its owner, the Russian government deciding to break international law and invade the Ukraine. Similarly, when a station is so biased in a offensive way towards certain groups in society it also falls short of broadcasting standards – remember this is an insult. If Elin had accepted the invitation, does anyone really think she would… Read more »

10 months ago

We can add another lady to their list, as today on YouTube it was showing a excerpt from a show where disparaging sexual remarks about Carol Vorderman were made by a guest, which sent the studio into meltdown trying to apologise. They just cant stop, so somebody needs to do it for them.

10 months ago

The Welsh Tories should have stuck with Paul Davies. What he did in the Senedd is nothing compared to Boris Johnson’s antics in Downing Street (yet those on the right still want him back in No.10). Since the Brexit vote and the election of Trump, centre right parties have been hijacked by far right populism who lack any kind of rationality. They are a dangerous threat to democracy. Andrew RT Davies is the leader of the opposition in Wales, therefore he has a responsibility not just to hold Welsh Labour and Plaid to account but also provide a democratic alternative… Read more »

10 months ago

Let’s be honest Andrew Davies is a loser. His flippant little comment is just the latest example. He will revel in any moral outrage he can stir up. Let’s not give him the satisfaction. I hope that if any politician is asked for their opinion on his pathetic little comment that they’ll just reply with “Bit of a loser really isn’t he.”

Clive Bradley
Clive Bradley
10 months ago

The contempt of the contemptable returns like a dog to its vomit.
But what can you expect from bucket of bile like him and his ilk.

Gruff Williams
Gruff Williams
10 months ago
Reply to  Clive Bradley

Don’t sit on the fence!

Steve A Duggan
Steve A Duggan
10 months ago

I don’t know why the Welsh Conservative party put up with Mr Davies. Surely it must know that by continuing to keep him as leader, a man who flirts with extreme right wing views on GB news and acts misoginistically will never be voted into power here in Wales. The party is distrusted and dispised enough as it is without such a leader, he makes it vitually impossible for them. As much as I can’t stand the party, it is not healthy for Wales to have just one party in charge for over 20years. The country needs a decent, honest… Read more »

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
10 months ago

What can we say about Andrew RT Davies. Not a lot really. The man is below contempt. A two time political failure who will never become First Minister of Wales. He knows it, I know it, and when the next Senedd election happens will be sent packing by the Welsh electorate. To be frank. He’s not worth his MS wage. The money could be better spent helping poor communities than lining the pocket of this political shirker and his party of self-hating little Englanders..

Philip Davies
Philip Davies
10 months ago
Reply to  Y Cymro

Because Mark Drakeford is such a shining light?

Richard E
Richard E
10 months ago

” For whom the gods would destroy they first make mad “

The ancient Greeks got it right

ARTDs’ role is to be leader of the Opposition , holding Gvt to account ; questioning , reviewing and challenging.

insulting , blagging and play acting – lowers the his role into that of bit part clown for Nigel F…

i just cannot imagine Nick Bourne, Johnathan Evans or David Melding let alone Paul Davies or Glyn Davies seeing such a pantomine worthy of their time or adding to political : civic life.

so so sad

10 months ago
Reply to  Richard E

Someone recently compared Boris Johnson to the tale of the clown who wanted to be king. When he succeeded, the people hoped he would become more kingly but instead he turned the palace into a circus. In the case of ARTD, he’s the pub boor who would be a party leader. Perhaps his party hoped he’d grow in authority – instead he drags the Senedd into a gutter brawl.

Sarah Good
Sarah Good
10 months ago

Did we expect anything else from this bigoted offensive buffoon?
I presume he is auditioning to replace the offensive “Lozza” Fox?
Perhaps he should step down from Y Senedd since he spends most of his time on GBNews these days, venting his spleen

10 months ago
Reply to  Sarah Good

How does he find time to do his job as a councillor with the Vale of Glam council with all this work, let alone be a MS

10 months ago

What does Andrew R2D2 know about hair?

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