Andrew RT Davies: ‘No more powers for Wales’

Andrew RT Davies has attacked Welsh Government policies and declared no more powers should be devolved to Wales in a speech at the Welsh Conservative Conference.
The Welsh Tory leader opened his speech on Friday (April 28) at the ICC in Newport by saying: “Bore da. There you are, I’ve used a bit of Welsh so maybe the media will write some nice things about me.”
He went on to accuse Welsh Labour ministers of being “out of touch” and said they hold “extreme beliefs”.
The leader of the opposition claimed that giving more powers to the Welsh Government would be a “distraction” from improving health and eduction in Wales.
He also attacked proposals to ask for more powers in Wales in order to pass a similar Scottish Gender Recognition Reform Act – which the UK Government subsequently blocked.
Earlier this month, Mr Davies was accused of “distorting” the truth over inaccurate reports in the English press that the Welsh Government plans to give asylum seekers a monthly £1,600 hand out.
The Basic Income for Care Leavers scheme is only for eligible young people leaving the care system and a handful of unaccompanied asylum seekers are entitled to the provision.
At the conference in Newport, Mr Davies criticised the care leaver scheme again and described himself as being “passionate about delivering the very best for our country”.
“Fringe issues”
He also claimed that although the media have criticised his style on Twitter as “too provocative” it’s his duty to “speak out”.
The leader of the Welsh Tories insisted Wales is being left behind because the Welsh Government prioritises “vanity projects and fringe issues over things that really matter”.
He urged the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak to block any requests from “Labour and their nationalist friends” for more devolved power saying “do not be afraid to say no”.
Mr Davies said: “Requests for powers over policing, criminal justice and gender self ID, must be refused.
“Labour’s ideological obsession with gender and putting their extreme beliefs above common sense puts people at risk, distracting them from the issues that matter, distracting them from running the north Wales health board, which is in special measures, yet again.”
Following his speech, members of the audience clapped and some gave him a standing ovation.
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Andrew RT Davies. The gift that keeps on giving to every party but the Conservatives.
Another English pig with a Welsh accent.
Fat boy Real Ting needs to be thrown out through the door head first, along with that disgusting party of his.
They are not only providing the argument for the tories to be wiped out at every election but also more reason for independence.
More devolution was promised if Brexit was voted for. Since then, devolution has actually been attacked again and again. And this will continue if we allow it.
Apathy will kill us.
Bradwr as well as a fat pig
unfair to pigs
typical that arsole Davies a man that has an insatiable craving for power himself tries to belittle the Welsh language with a flippant quip as he ADVISES his paymasters ( who by the way didn’t even know his name ) not to give powers that would benefit the electorate of Wales
Or why don’t you explain to us why you are implying that although most countries in the world have the right to control their own police, criminal justice system, coastlines, railway infrastructure, energy projects etc., Wales shouldn’t have the same?
ITV Wales news asked Andrew RT Davies “Does BJ lie?” Answer NO. Says it all about the man. Why are they called Welsh Conservatives?
Well, let’s see if his contempt for the Welsh people will be rewarded with votes or rejected with lost seats next election.
I’m sure future historians will not write about Andrew RT Davies, or his party favourably.
I work in a large high school in a Tory-held seat in north Wales, and have done for many years. I have NEVER seen either the Tory MP or AS in the school visiting us to see if we need anything, or visiting the young people there to see what they need. Says it all about that despicable party!
Should elected politicians need an invitation to go around their constituencies and the schools in them to see how they could help them? Surely they should be proactive (and concerned) enough to want to visit and help their constituents – especially the young people there?
Yes, Mark Drakeford did visit us once, when he was finance minister. I hosted a meeting with him and some of our pupils. He was FANTASTIC with the pupils! A really lovely man.
Would love to see Davies lose his seat, dream come true.
If I recall didn’t he lead the campaign to keep petrol prices below £1 per litre when a labour government occupied the golden tower (the campaign suddenly
vanished when the tories gained power and what’s the price of petrol now ) so perhaps history will repeat itself and he’ll rejoin the tories dirty tricks department
What a condescending opening to his drivel, ” bore da” indeed, such an obnoxious, odious , ignoramus, insulting the nation he purports to represent, while licking the boots of his London masters all in one sickening sentence. They day he is ousted as a MP, and returned to the dung heap he shovels for a living , can not come fast enough.
“are allowing”???
You obviously can not see his intended irony, by then asking for a good review in the press for speaking Welsh, it would be the same as me asking Carlo how the coronation is going to go, and by the way, is the sex offender brother going to be there.
I forgot to thank you for ” allowing” us to have the block grant, we obviously dont contribute any form of revenue to London, income tax, vat, business tax etc.
This is the very reason why Andrew RT Davies is not , and never will be, the First Minister of Wales. What a patronising little man he is.
His bilious attack on Wales right to home rule when he himself wears a gold & blue lapel pin in solidarity with Ukraine and supports their right to independence and freedom from Russian tyranny but denies Wales the right to call an independence referenda and have more powers to our Senedd Cymru is beyond treacherous.
Agree, but isn’t that a Welsh trait? Caring more for others than their own? The fact that so many Welsh will stand with Ukraine while denying themselves the same thing is both sad and hilarious.
I read many years ago, a Welshman would rather fight for another nations cause than his own.
That’s right Rik, and not just Ukraine, is it? The list is endless.
Indeed, as far back as we can remember. Wales was famous all over Europe for its mercenaries during the Middle Ages. I don’t think this trait has left us, and to be honest, I can’t see it going anytime soon. Listen, I’m fine with helping others when you can, but it should never come at the expense of your own.
That is what ‘Woke’ is…..
The Awakening of a People.
So I’d love to ask him, does he consider Wales a Country? If not, he must consider Britain the Country, if this is the case it predates those of England, Scotland and Wales and solely belongs to the Britons of Wales. Either way, the outcome isn’t the outcome they’d want. We all know their favourable outcome is to End Wales and Scotland as a separate people and nations, and promote Britain and England as One! They can only carry this out without Wales existing.
Yes, Putin IS a Tory.
The UK Tories ARE followers of Putin.
They are trying to do to Cymru what Putin is trying to do to the Ukraine.
… and what Hitler tried to do to Poland and most of Europe.
Fascism must be defeated – Everywhere.
….and if Trump comes back to power next year then we really are in trouble.
Indeed, this is why I can’t get behind all the support for Ukraine. Because it has happened to our nation for centuries and in fact continues to happen, and the world is totally silent on it. All I think is, What about us?! The only difference is we are suffering a Slow death and people don’t realise it. There is also a difference with Russia however as Ethnic Russians who have lived in the area which is now called Ukraine have been attacked. This is unchallengeable. It be a bit like if Wales gained its independence and then 60 years… Read more »
How can I despise someone so much, that I have never met in person. His whole attitude and demeanour and smug grin, while belittling my country, my language, my history, and at the same time me and my family. He makes me fell so angry. His sycophantic rambling and grovelling make me sick.Nothing he ever says is in Cymru’s interests.
I wish the Tories in Wales would drop the words “Welsh Conservatives” It’s degrading.
I was once in a lift with him, at a civic building in Mid Wales. He didnt say a word, but started to giggle like a schoolboy.
I fear if this character ever got into power, God forbid, he would become a dictator. The man should be thrown out of Wales.
RTD knows how to make the ‘Welsh’ Tories even more unelectable than they already are and they really are an obnoxious party these days.
Wait I thought RT Davies was in favour of devolving Air Passenger Duty to Wales? I thought he was in favour of devolving the power to establish a Bank Holiday on St Davids Day? I though he was in favour of Wales getting its fair share of funds for rail infrastructure.
He knows damn well that Wales gets a bad deal, he’s just being controlled by his masters in London, and is too weak to challenge them, unlike his Scottish counterpart Douglas Ross.
Rob, he is in favour of what you said above, the trouble is, in the presence of Sunak, his legs go to jelly and he probably gets brain fog.
He doesn’t have a clue what he wants. Just desperate for votes in Wales and love from Westminster. And he’s failing in both.
There are going to people who vote for this cr*p. He’s not even saying that Welsh Tories would do better, just that he doesn’t want the powers because he’d rather suck up to Westminster.
Not that R2D2 will ever know what it is to be in power!
They wonder why they’re called tory scum.
Self loathing reaches new depths with this one and he doesn’t even try.
Imagine not wanting the best for your own country? Utter traitor.
Imagine being a Welsh politician and arguing against us.
Uncle Tom’s who say things like “I’m Welsh but prefer to call myself British”
I have a better proposition: No more power for RT Davies and the other “Welsh” Conservatives.
Does the R. T. stand for “Right T*at”?
I wonder if Paul Davies had still been Welsh Tory leader would he have gone off the rails like R2D2 has?
What he did in the Senedd was absolutely tame compared to Boris Johnson’s antics.
Tory Twit
Tory oaf
This is a very honest admission that in the unlikely event that he became FM he knows he can’t put together a cabinet of blues up to the current job, let alone with more powers.
Reminds me of Napoleon from Orwells Animal Farm ,a pompous individual, full of his own self importance. Please don’t vote Tory.