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Anti-racism protestors outnumber far-right in Cardiff for the second day in a row

04 Aug 2024 2 minute read
Counter-protestors gathered outside Cardiff library to spread an anti-far-right message

Stanley Murphy Johns

In Middlesborough, 300 far-right protestors marched towards the city’s cenotaph carrying a sign that read: “Tom Jones is Welsh, Axel Rudakubana isn’t.”

However, Anti-racism counter-demonstrators were on the streets of Cardiff for the second successive day on Sunday, as the anti-immigrant groups threatened to hold another protest in the Welsh capital.

On Saturday what was described as a ‘vigil’ following the horrific murders in Southport last Monday, was attended by a small number of right-wing extremists, while an estimated 400 people staged a counter-demonstration outside the Senedd.

“We have to do more than just counter-protest against whoever turns up, we need to put forward an alternative, a positive alternative.” said one anti-far-right protestor.

Today, outside Cardiff Library at 3.55pm, there was tension in the air.

Scenes of violence in Rotherham and Middlesborough were perhaps heavy in the minds of onlookers.

But by 4.01 the tension had all but disappeared. It was clear there was going to be a protest, but not a violent one.

Instead, people held banners calling for unity and respect for all.

One anti-racism campaigner said: “We’re here to take a stand against racism, but also against the causes of racism.”

He offered words of sympathy and condolence to the families affected by the Southport killings but pointed out that: “There’s an attempt by certain people on shall we say the far-right of the political spectrum to exploit that tragedy for political gain.”

One placard read: “Be sad, be angry, just don’t be racist.”

As the afternoon wore on, the counter-protest outside the library grew to a similar size as the day before at the Senedd.

Again, the far-right presence was deterred, but not entirely extinguished with a handful of men loitering around the fringes of the demo.

The chant from the counter-protestors rang out loud and clear:

“We are many, you are few.

“We are Cardiff, who are you?”

In Middlesborough, Cleveland Police have said “a number of arrests” have been made. While in Rotherham South Yorkshire’s Mayor Oliver Coppard has promised they will: “Come after those carrying out this violence with the full force of the law.”

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Daniel Pitt
Daniel Pitt
29 days ago

£364,673.28 has already been raised for Alder Hey children’s hospital by Taylor Swift and her fans (Swifties). We should focus on what unites us as human beings.

28 days ago

Beautiful scenes. That’s Welsh pride on show.

28 days ago

Da iawn pobl!

28 days ago

Just for everyone’s info, so-called ‘anti-racism’ is not what it pretends to be. Its key proponent is a grifter called Henry Rogers: though he calls himself Ibram X Kendi, presumably because it makes him sound more revolutionary. His idiotic thinking can be summed up in one of his quotes, “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” Rogers is one of a number of a race-baiting chancers who’s made himself extremely rich by talking complete nonsense. The Welsh Government has, as usual, fallen for the con because politicians are generally… Read more »

Last edited 28 days ago by Adrian
28 days ago
Reply to  Adrian

How many hotels did they try to kill the refugees in? How many police did they hospitalise?
(I don’t do twitter).

27 days ago
Reply to  Adrian

This is some peak far right brain rot. No one invented anti racism, it’s line of thinking can be traced back to 1500s. The Quakers practiced anti racism.

Imagine thinking saying “actually if you oppose racism then you’re actually the racist” is a legitimate thing to say and not being absolutely mortified that you could be so completely stupid.

Welsh Patriot
Welsh Patriot
28 days ago

I can’t help but notice some of the Palestine flags in that protest?
Not sure its just an ‘anti far right’ protest then!

27 days ago
Reply to  Welsh Patriot

Ok English patriot, quiet down

28 days ago

Nation Cymru comments sections are going to feature more and more Reform backing content. Right through to the Senedd election I expect. Modus operandi will include. Stating that established parties – Labour and Tories are useless and worthless this is the approach for England. For Cymru because of Plaid Cymru the addition of Gaslighting, (as in the original meaning of to try and reduce confidence) of Cymru and Cymry. Expect culture, language, achievements etc to be disparaged. Not coming out and saying they support Reform. Not yet anyway. In the meantime there’s the sniff test. The current riots have provided… Read more »

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