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Beacons to be lit on UK’s highest peaks to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day

29 May 2024 2 minute read
Yr Wyddfa. Photo by Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Teams of climbers are to scale all four of the UK’s highest peaks and light beacons in commemoration of D-Day.

On June 6, the 80th anniversary of D-Day, teams will scale Ben Nevis in Scotland, Scafell Pike in England, Yr Wyddfa in Wales and Slieve Donard in Northern Ireland, lighting a beacon at the top to symbolise remembrance.

The beacons will be carried to the top of each peak in memory of those who fought in Operation Overlord in 1944, and will be lit between 9.15pm and 9.45pm.

The event is organised by Walking With The Wounded, a charity that supports veterans, and teams will consist of between eight and 12 individuals, including charity staff, volunteers and other supporters.


Tony Hulton, chief executive of Walking With The Wounded, said: “WWTW is honoured to stand alongside the nation in remembering the bravery and sacrifice of our armed forces personnel during Operation Overlord.

“This significant anniversary serves as a poignant reminder of the pivotal role played by our servicemen and women in shaping history. It is our privilege to pay tribute to their courage and resilience”.

Wayne McCamley, the charity’s veteran liaison and support officer, will form part of the team climbing Ben Nevis.

He said: “I’m both proud and honoured to be representing WWTW on this beacon lighting event on Ben Nevis.

“My grandfather served in the Second World War and he was my inspiration to join the military, so anything that I can do to pay my respects to him, and all the other brave men and woman that served, is a privilege.”

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Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
3 months ago

The Second Battalion, South Wales Borders were the only Welsh Battalion to take part in the landings on June 6th…

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
3 months ago
Reply to  Mab Meirion

Borderers !

Gary H
Gary H
3 months ago

Thanks a bunch. Unnecessary releaase of carbon into ozone layer. They should find domething more worthy of those who died.

Rhddwen y Sais
Rhddwen y Sais
3 months ago
Reply to  Gary H

What would Gwynfor think of that?

3 months ago

We’ve been having this type commemorations in five year increments for some time. Next D-day one will presumably the 85th in 2029. Then there’s. 2025 – 85th – Dunkirk evacuation 2026 – 110th – Battle of the Somme 2027 – 110th- Battle of Passchendaele 2028 – 110th – End of WWI 2029 – 90th – Start of WWII 2030 – 90th – Battle of Britain 2031 – 115th – Battle of the Somme 2032 – 115th – Battle of Passchendaele 2033 – 115th – End of WWI 2034 – 90th- D-Day landings Some years there’d be more than one commemoration.… Read more »

Morfudd ap Haul
Morfudd ap Haul
3 months ago
Reply to  CapM

Typical Plaid!

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