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Boris Johnson quitting as MP over Partygate probe

09 Jun 2023 4 minute read
Photo issued by the House of Commons showing the then prime minister Boris Johnson (right) at a gathering celebrating his birthday despite Covid restrictions

Boris Johnson is resigning as an MP after accusing a Commons investigation into whether he misled Parliament over partygate of attempting to “drive me out”.

The former prime minister, in a statement to the media, compared the Privileges Committee probe to a “kangaroo court” as he announced his intention to step down as MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

He said, after receiving a letter from the committee, he believed it was “determined to use the proceedings against me to drive me out of Parliament”.

“It is very sad to be leaving Parliament – at least for now – but above all I am bewildered and appalled that I can be forced out, anti-democratically, by a committee chaired and managed, by Harriet Harman, with such egregious bias,” he said.

The announcement, coming only hours after his resignation honours list had been published, means the Conservatives are likely to face a tough battle to hold onto the London seat at a by-election.

It was the second by-election triggered on Friday following former culture secretary Nadine Dorries’ decision to quit the Commons immediately, rather than wait until the next election.


The Privileges Committee has been investigating whether Mr Johnson misled MPs when he assured them that Covid rules were followed in No 10 following allegations of lockdown-busting parties.

In a scathing attack, he accused the committee of producing a yet-to-be-published report “riddled with inaccuracies and reeks of prejudice” while providing him with “no formal ability to challenge anything they say”.

He said the panel of MPs had “still not produced a shred of evidence that I knowingly or recklessly misled the Commons”.

But he said he thought their “purpose from the beginning has been to find me guilty, regardless of the facts”.

“They know that I corrected the record as soon as possible; and they know that I and every other senior official and minister – including the current Prime Minister and then occupant of the same building, Rishi Sunak – believed that we were working lawfully together,” he said.

“I did not lie, and I believe that in their hearts the committee know it.”

He continued: “So I have today written to my association in Uxbridge and South Ruislip to say that I am stepping down forthwith and triggering an immediate by-election.

“I am very sorry to leave my wonderful constituency. It has been a huge honour to serve them, both as mayor and MP.”


He has called on the committee’s inquiry into his partygate comments to cease.

Mr Johnson returned to Parliament in 2015, having previously represented Henley in the Commons between 2001 and 2008 and serving two terms as mayor of London.

He was promoted to foreign secretary by Theresa May when she took over from David Cameron, but he later resigned over her Brexit policy.

The 58-year-old succeeded her as prime minister in 2019 and would go on to secure a landslide victory at that year’s snap winter general election.

He announced his resignation from No 10 in July 2022 after he lost the support of his party over his handling of sexual assault allegations against former deputy chief whip Chris Pincher.

In his statement on Friday, Mr Johnson was critical of Mr Sunak’s administration, questioning the decision to increase taxes and abandoning the prospect of a free trade deal with the US.

Mr Johnson held his Uxbridge seat with a majority of 7,200 votes at the 2019 contest, with Labour his closest rival.

The by-election is likely to be tricky for Mr Sunak’s party, with Labour more than 10 points ahead of the Tories in most opinion polls.

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Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
1 year ago

Bloody hell!, what a day for the diary, come on Mogg fall on your sword…

Take Fat Shanks’ passport off him, there is a cell somewhere being wallpapered as I type…

We would not want the bugger to get away with mass murder…

Sunak must be feeling his collar too, how many notches on his butt ?

Rhufawn Jones
Rhufawn Jones
1 year ago

Gwynt teg ar ei ôl. Hen gelwyddgi diegwyddor

Stephen George
Stephen George
1 year ago

Good feckin riddance!

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
1 year ago

With this bombshell tonight all those treacherous Conservative MPs including those Welsh Conservatives trolls in Cardiff bay who defended Boris Johnson over partygate should hang your sorry little heads in shame. You are all pathetic! Boris Johnson should not only resign as an MP but be charged with the unlawful deaths of thousands who died because of his wayward joyride in office. He not only freely admitted to shaking the hands of COVID patients , no doubt lied about being at death’s door, because those seriously ill are on ventilators and he never was, because both Boris Johnson like Donald… Read more »

Stephen George
Stephen George
1 year ago
Reply to  Y Cymro

Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of the little slimeball! I suspect that part of his thinking/ scheming, is that he can now get out of standing in his current, eminently loseable seat, and find a much safer one in time for the next general election. It also means he doesn’t have the ‘chore’ of being a backbench constituency MP for the next 12-18 months.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stephen George
adopted cardi
adopted cardi
1 year ago
Reply to  Y Cymro

well said.
Now watch the tories desert the sinking ship.
They know that they are in the wrong –
a five year old probably could tell them that.

1 year ago

Since this is a tacit admission he broke the law while PM, his honours list should be refused.

1 year ago

How lucky we are to be part of the great UK, where the first hint of scandal, resignations are tendered, so reassuring we have this insurance policy.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gareth
1 year ago

What nefarious things will he and Nadine Dorries get up to as they no doubt head off into the sunset together?

1 year ago
Reply to  Mawkernewek

He’s probably done most of that with her over recent years. Yesteryear’s toy cast off and forgotten.

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