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Campaigners call on FAW to cut ties with bank that invests in Israeli weapons firm

04 Sep 2024 5 minute read
Football Association of Wales (Pic by Nik Mesney/FAW)

Martin Shipton

Pro Palestine campaigners have called on the Football Association of Wales to sever sponsorship ties with a global banking group that invests in Israel’s largest weapons firm.

Cardiff Stop the War, Cardiff Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Apartheid Free Zone Cardiff have accused the online Chase Bank of being complicit in Israel’s invasion of Gaza that has led to the deaths of more than 40,000 Palestinians.

The campaigners point out that internationally renowned charities such as Oxfam, Action Aid and Amnesty International are all in agreement that a ceasefire is necessary and that aid must be allowed to reach Palestinians who are in a state of enforced famine, developing illnesses such as polio and being denied treatment for many severe illnesses. Most of the population has been displaced and people have nowhere safe to go.


In a letter to FAW chief executive Noel Mooney, the campaign groups state: “Many of us as campaigners are avid Wales football supporters, and attend matches regularly. But currently we are struggling to consider purchasing the Wal Goch [Red Wall] membership, or to consider attending matches, given your links to companies complicit in Israel’s violations of International law.

“To that end, we are writing to appeal to you as an association to sever all sponsorship ties with Chase Bank, who have investments in Israel’s biggest weapons firm, Elbit Systems. Taking support from a bank that is funding this barbarity in Palestine is beyond the pale. There are many ethical banks you could be seeking to work with, and we would urge you to explore such avenues.

“As a small nation, we should be standing with Palestine, but we should also do what is right for humanity, and boycott companies linked to the Israeli government’s war machine. I am sure that you are aware that such boycott and divestment campaigns worked successfully to end apartheid in South Africa. We urge you to be on the right side of history and bring an end to such sponsorship initiatives, so that Wales, its national teams, and its fans, can all stand together in advocating freedom for Palestine.”

‘Alarm bells’

Avid Wales fan John Roberts from Cardiff Stop the War said: “As soon as I received the email stating that Chase Bank were being taken on by the FAW as a financial partner, alarm bells were ringing. Longstanding sponsored relationships with McDonald’s also exist, who we know have been criticised for feeding Israeli soldiers during the genocide.

“I am therefore not renewing my red wall membership. I am no longer willing to associate myself with a football association that is willing to associate with complicit companies who have directly profited from the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian athletes and their communities in Gaza. Enough of the sports washing. Boycott Israel. Free Palestine.”

Damon Butler, a Wales fan, said: “It is morally reprehensible to be associated with the same sponsors of a state that bombs football pitches full of innocent children.”

Elliot Hughes, a Red Wall Member said: “I am disappointed that a generally progressive football association like the FAW hasn’t done more in support of a similar sized nation which is being assaulted on many fronts. One of which is the basic right for the children and people of Palestine to play sport in a free and safe environment. By cancelling sponsorship deals we – the Welsh footballing community – would be showing solidarity and making a small but important contribution towards stopping the violence.”


Former Plaid Cymru MS Bethan Sayed, a prominent pro-Palestine campaigner, said: ‘Divestment campaigns work. I was part of the campaign during the 1980s in the South Wales valleys, calling for the boycotting of South African goods which led to the end of apartheid there. No effort is too small, and the Football Association of Wales, who prides itself on being at the forefront of equality and diversity issues nationally, could stand for humanity on an international level too, by seeking out sponsorship opportunities with ethical companies we can all endorse.

“As a Wales fan who has also travelled abroad to attend matches, I feel this action would set an example to the world. I want to renew my Red Wall membership, but cannot do so under current circumstances.”

A spokesman for the FAW would only say: “We are unable to provide comment at this time but we do acknowledge receipt of the letter.”

It is understood that the FAW has been told by Chase, part of the global banking giant JP Morgan, that the group’s investment in the Israeli company is “insignificant” and that concerns about it have never been raised before.

The sponsorship deal with Chase involves the funding of community projects such as training people from disadvantaged backgrounds to become football coaches.

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J Jones
J Jones
4 days ago

This has an ironic connection with 1958 when Wales failed to qualify for the World Cup, but were then included after Arab countries boycotted Israel because of the historic conflict.

The authorities insisted Israel had to play a play off to justify their inclusion in the finals, but struggled to get other countries to get involved, until Wales stepped in to win a play and made their only World Cup finals of the century.

Another Richard
Another Richard
4 days ago

So the only people who will lose out if this funding is cut off will be the beneficiaries of the community projects. Stop the War etc exhibit an interesting form of altruism.

J Jones
J Jones
4 days ago

Maybe the beneficiaries should be children in Gaza not getting bombed and their names added to the 40,000 already killed by the Chace Bank funded Israeli bombs.

Sioned Huws
Sioned Huws
4 days ago

No investment is insignificant

4 days ago

Perhaps Stop the War should have advised the Palestinians not to invade Israel and slaughter civilians on October the 7th 2023. Then there would be no war.

Mr Williams
Mr Williams
1 day ago
Reply to  Adrian

Agreed. And it is also a great hypocrisy that so-called ‘stop the war’ et al. are not calling for the boycott and divestment from the countries (e.g. Qatar and Iran), that have funded the terrorists for years, and kept the conflict, that has caused suffering to both Israelis and Palestinians, going.

Last edited 1 day ago by Mr Williams
Jon W
Jon W
7 hours ago
Reply to  Mr Williams

The ‘conflict’ is kept going by the well documented ethnic cleansing and slaughter of Palestinians and the apartheid regime they are victims to.
Have an honest look at these as a start

Jon W
Jon W
8 hours ago

Something the FAW need to commit to changing. I already have my tournament ticket and aways get one but will not renew next time unless they drop these sponsors especially chase bank

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