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Cardiff Airport rated one of the best in the UK

06 Sep 2024 2 minute read
Cardiff Airport

Cardiff Airport has soared into the top of best UK airports, according to a new survey from Which? magazine.

The airport in Rhoose was ranked in seventh place by the national Which? survey of 29 UK airports.

Topping the list was Liverpool John Lennon – ranked the best UK airport, while just down the M62, Manchester finished bottom of the pile, ranked the worst.

Posting on Facebook, Cardiff Wales Airport said: “Passengers rate us highly for overall satisfaction and are very likely to recommend us.

“Thank you to our teams for all their hard work, we pride ourselves on getting travellers off on their holidays quickly and smoothly, with excellent service and efficient airport controls. Thank you for your support!”

Rory Boland, Editor of Which? Travel, said: ‘Our survey found many of the biggest airports fall at the basics – with passengers often unhappy about the availability of toilets and seats, and reporting long queues at times.

“Flogging fast passes and filling terminals with retail spaces and airport lounges is a money spinner – but judging by our survey results, it’s not what passengers need.

‘Smaller airports in contrast may have few shops to speak of and the likes of London City have no private lounges – but our survey shows what they can do is get passengers off on their holiday quickly and smoothly.

“Next time you’re booking a flight, it’s well worth considering not just your choice of airline but also your airport – it could make all the difference to the start of your getaway.”

A spokesperson for Manchester Airport said: “Manchester Airport is proud to give people in all parts of the North easy and affordable access to nearly 200 different destinations across the world.

“We understand not every experience is perfect and want all passengers to feel able to raise their concerns directly with us.”

For the full results visit the Which? website HERE

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Y Cymro
Y Cymro
20 hours ago

Credit where credit is due. I hear nothing from Andrew RT Davies & Welsh Tories who wanted our only International Airport in Cardiff to die a slow death when its then Spanish owners were running it into the ground. Yes, I will attack the Welsh Labour government for their abject failures but will also give them credit for saving Cardiff International Airport from oblivion. I’m glad that it’s getting positive reviews where Andrew RT Davies preferred to see Wales one of two countries on this planet without an airport. This is why Wales should grind the Welsh Tories into the… Read more »

J Jones
J Jones
11 hours ago
Reply to  Y Cymro

Top post. We do need to up our game on so many fronts in Cymru, but to me having our own national airport follows our national language in having our own national identity.

Hence those who want rid of the airport also want rid of our language, just for this country to retard into some sort of western Ingerlund.

Amos Hartley
Amos Hartley
8 hours ago
Reply to  Y Cymro

What’s strange about their objection is that a Tory mayor has been doing exactly the same – spending hundreds of millions supporting the regional airport – in Teesside because he undertands the importance of an airport in economic development. So at best the Welsh Cons are ideologically confused and didn’t get the memo about being pro economy.

Amos Hartley
Amos Hartley
20 hours ago

People would prefer to use their lovely regional airport but are forced to travel huge distances because airlines are forced by APD to operate from a few oversubscribed airports to be competitive. It’s bad for economic resilience, worse for the environment and terrible for passengers.

John Ellis
John Ellis
19 hours ago

Try telling that to a Welsh Tory!

Nia James
Nia James
19 hours ago

Always a pleasure to use Cardiff Airport. We just need a greater choice of flights and destinations. I used to travel regularly to Malta, but they don’t fly there now. Bring it back please.

Welsh Patriot
Welsh Patriot
8 hours ago

Yes I find Cardiff Airport great, I only live a few minutes away and can be through security less than 30 minutes from leaving my house, the trouble is other than “bucket and spade” flights to the costas there is no where I want to go.
I have travelled KLM long haul a few times, but KLM have removed one of their flights, so its virtually impossible now unless you want spend a night in Schiphol!
Sadly my next few trips are all from LHR

Amos Hartley
Amos Hartley
5 hours ago
Reply to  Welsh Patriot

They need to sort out APD and attract long haul services to North America. That’s the game changer. The rest will follow.

7 hours ago

More connectivity please!
Bristol Airport has arranged Flexibus to connect from several South Wales destinations to them to increase convenience.
We need a regular, direct bus service from Cardiff Station to Cardiff airport and a frequent free minibus from Rhoose station into the airport.
More passengers will mean more destinations.

Welsh Patriot
Welsh Patriot
6 hours ago
Reply to  Hywel

Its not about connectivity, Bristol Airport is a complete pain to get to, but over 2 million people from South Wales use it. Why, because they have lots of flights. Flights that people want regardless of where the start. Cardiff needs more flights, but no major airline will setup in Cardiff, because they know people will and do use Bristol.

5 hours ago
Reply to  Welsh Patriot

That is true, WP, but Bristol have been working on their connectivity – eg. the Flexibus deal.
Cardiff Airport could be much easier to get to – there’s a railway station within 1 mile!
Amazon, DPD etc make a fortune out of “last mile delivery”, the WG could turn around Rhoose’s fortunes by doing the same, and giving it a major transport upgrade.
Devolving the Airport Tax would also help!.

Amos Hartley
Amos Hartley
6 hours ago
Reply to  Hywel

A shuttle bus meets every train at Rhoose, and you can buy through tickets on the app. It takes about 45 minutes to reach the terminal from Cardiff Central and Bridgend stations which is as good as most airports. They could reinstate the express bus but remember the outrage that caused because some people saw a few empties run by.

3 hours ago
Reply to  Amos Hartley

I used to take the express bus and it was never that empty. No different than any other bus service. The problem with the shuttle bus to Rhoose is that passengers from the main South Wales line have to change twice to get to the terminal building, either Cardiff Central or Bridgend, and again at Rhoose. It would be much better to bring back the express bus to operate from the Terminal building directly to the new bus station on a 24/7 basis and with through ticketing to the rail network. Almost every other airport in the UK has an… Read more »

6 hours ago

It’s great it’s so highly rated, but now it needs to actually not just be a drain. The possibilities are massive, it just needs to be run properly, and have some wise investment made.

5 hours ago

No problems with seats and toilets at Cardiff that is because it is relatively empty most of the time, passengers vote with their feet and consistently Cardiff at low end of passenger numbers.
A National airport for Wales should be delivering higher passenger numbers or it will forever face criticism from people who want value for the money being spent on it.
As a start how many from North Wales or Mid Wales use it, instead of Birmingham, Liverpool or Manchester?

Amos Hartley
Amos Hartley
3 hours ago
Reply to  Howie

“National airport” is just a label invented by those trying to oppose it. Airports are always regional. Heathrow doesn’t serve Newcastle. Edinburgh doesn’t serve Glasgow. CDG doesn’t serve Marseille. Sydney doesn’t serve Perth. And Bristol is useless for south Wales because it doesn’t and never will offer scheduled long haul. That’s why Cardiff needs to be developed as economic infrastructure to support growth in south Wales.

Mr Williams
Mr Williams
2 hours ago

I have been to many airports around the world. After visiting Singapore’s amazing Changi Airport, no UK airport, in my opinion, is great. Reasons: 1) Toilets – basic, no access to water in the cubicles and often not clean – most don’t even have sanitiser to spray on tissue to wipe the seat! 2) No hot water provided in the terminals to make a cup of tea or coffee, or pot noodle (meaning you have to buy an extortionately priced drink from one of the overpriced stores). 3) Some don’t even provide cold drinking water. 4) Seats in the ‘lounges’… Read more »

Johnny Gamble
Johnny Gamble
1 hour ago

Many interesting comments in the comments section on this. First APD, maybe it could help the airport if it was devolved. Some people have pointed out that Devolving APD could have an impact on Bristol Airport.I beg to differ on this as Devolving APD to the Scottish airports has had zero impact on Newcastle Airport. I have mentioned before about the accessibility of the airport and as a previous CE of BMI said that unless a decent road is built from the M4 the road access will always be a problem. Plus what other Capital City in Europe has an… Read more »

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