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Carmarthen man appears in court accused of protesting in abortion clinic ‘buffer zone’

17 Oct 2023 2 minute read
Christian preacher and campaigner Stephen Green outside Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court, west London.

A Christian preacher has appeared in court after holding a pro-life sign outside a London abortion clinic.

Stephen Green, 72, from Carmarthen, Wales, is said to have protested against abortion within an area surrounding MSI Reproductive Choices clinic in Mattock Lane, West London, which is protected by law, on February 6 this year.

He held a sign with Psalm 139: 13 – which implies that life is sacred from the moment of conception – according to the Christian Legal Centre supporting Green.

Green appeared at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court, west London, on Tuesday, where he pleaded not guilty to breaking a public spaces protection order (PSPO).

The PSPO, put in place by Ealing Council in April 2018, was the first ‘buffer zone’ surrounding an abortion clinic to be introduced in the UK.

During the brief hearing, Robert Smith, defending, said: “He doesn’t believe that what he did amounts to the charges brought.”

Green held a copy of the Bible outside court after the hearing.

Speaking outside court, he said he was “determined” to defend himself and “fight for justice”, describing the charge as an “attack” against the Bible and free speech.

Green will appear for trial at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court on January 19.

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10 months ago

Typical right-wing religious lunatic trying to dictate to women as to what they can or cannot do with their bodies, then throw the ‘free speech defense.’
People like him are better off in America’s bible belt, I’m sure he would get along well with the fascist Trump fanatics.

Lazar Ionescu
Lazar Ionescu
10 months ago
Reply to  Rob

Do you think this choice should extend to females in the womb too? Or do you get around this by calling babies in the womb body parts – something they are not as they have different DNA to the mother. The justification is only possible by dehumanization. We all have the right to do what we want with our own bodies – but not with the bodies of other human beings.

Sarah Good
Sarah Good
10 months ago
Reply to  Lazar Ionescu

You’re another man claiming dominion over women’s bodily autonomy.

Last edited 10 months ago by Sarah Good
Steve Thomas
10 months ago

Is he a Carmarthen man? Or is he a religious fanatic who is based there?

Paul James
Paul James
7 months ago

I dont agree that he is a religious nut but YES I will pray that the convictions over turned but also that he learns from the experience. Its really hard to balance this one. On onside you have a line of men – protesting an action that is the choice of women. In most countries that choice is considered a human right. He has travelled from Carmarthen to London to protest and his purpose and defence was his right to freedom of expression and not religious freedom or compassion. ~ My feelings are that a % of those sad events are because… Read more »

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