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Carwyn Jones ‘lacks strength of character’ to defy UK Labour on Brexit, warn Plaid Cymru

31 Jul 2017 2 minute read
The First Minister. Picture: National Assembly.

First Minister Carwyn Jones is unlikely to deny consent for the EU Withdrawal Bill if Labour vote for it in the House of Commons, according to Plaid Cymru MP Jonathan Edwards.

The Second Reading of the EU Withdrawal Bill in the House of Commons will conclude on Monday 11 September.

Plaid Cymru has tabled an amendment to the Bill, denying support for it. The Labour Party is yet to table an amendment, indicating that they will let it pass through Second Reading unopposed.

Plaid Cymru MP Jonathan Edwards said that without the backing of the UK Labour Party, it was questionable whether Carwyn Jones would deny consent for the Bill in the National Assembly for Wales.

“Labour’s action during Second Reading will also indicate their likely position when the Bill is debated in the National Assembly during the Legislative Consent process.,” Jonathan Edwards said.

“Speaking in a personal capacity, I doubt Carwyn Jones and his colleagues in the Welsh Government have the strength of character and conviction to deny their support unless the Labour leadership in Westminster decide to bring down the Bill.

“Their actions will be determined by the position of their London bosses not the Welsh national interest.  If Labour fail to protect Welsh democracy and the Welsh jobs in these defining votes, history will not be very kind on their act of cowardice.”

Jonathan Edwards MP

‘Trojan Horse’

If Labour Cardiff sit on their hands they will be endorsing and demonstrating support for what they themselves have called a “naked power grab”, he said.

“Brexit is being used as a Trojan horse to reassert Westminster control over the British State,” Jonathan Edwards said.

“British Government Ministers aren’t even being tactful about how they intend on using the Great Repeal Bill to fundamentally grab powers away from Wales which have been endorsed in two separate referenda by the people of our country.

“These powers are vital because they enable the Welsh Government to shape our economy.

“As the scandal over electrification of the Rail line between Swansea and Cardiff shows we cannot expect Westminster to act with the best interests of Wales at heart.

“Plaid Cymru will not support any legislation which deliberately aims to seek to undermine Welsh democracy.”

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7 years ago

Sorry to be miserable. But Plaid can say what they want.
They’ve got no say and no influence regarding Brexit – on this issue they’re more irrelevant than the Lib Dems!

7 years ago

But the point is to call Labour out…..and make sure Carwyn Jones is held to account

7 years ago
Reply to  Chris

How do you foresee he’ll be held to account? Because I don’t think Welsh Labour are held to account ever. Neither is Plaid Cymru for that matter – after their performance in June we’ve got Adam Price saying “Let Leanne be Leanne…”. There is absolutely no accountability in Welsh politics unless you go against the gravy train (of which Plaid spends most of its time trying to plug with its nose).

7 years ago

As a former member of Plaid Cymru, I cringe when I read their pronouncements on Brexit these days. They really have lost the plot. Let me explain: On 23 June 2016 the majority of Welsh voters defied their masters and voted Leave. We defied the entire political establishment, the “experts”, the prophets of doom and gloom, the President of the United States even. Wales had woken up, a land of sheep no more. Having voted for greater independence for Britain we were clearly on the road to independence for Wales. Plaid Cymru’s continued response to this defiance remains embarrassing. Along… Read more »

leigh richards
leigh richards
7 years ago
Reply to  glasiad

Well Plaid’s ‘pronouncements’ on brexit might be based on the fact that two thirds of welsh exports are to the eu single market, and a hard brexit and the tariffs it would impose on welsh goods would clearly be disastrous for the welsh economy. You also omit to mention the EU issued warnings to those governments because the hungarian government sponsored an anti immigrant/anti semitic campaign and the right wing polish government wants to strip the polish judiciary of its independence, proposals which have generated huge opposition in poland incidentally

7 years ago
Reply to  leigh richards

If you are accurate in describing Plaid Cymru’s pronouncements on Brexit, then it is a continuation of Project Fear, (or project FUD), a project clearly rejected by the Welsh electorate. As for Poland’s and Hungary’s reforms, whatever we may think of them, good or bad, is not the point. They are changes being made by democratically elected governments of those nations. The fact that the EU is threatening them if they go ahead reveals the profoundly undemocratic and authoritarian nature of the EU. Their mask has slipped, yet again. It is time we woke up and began defending the principles… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  leigh richards

Poland and Hungary are on the naughty step right now, and I understand the Czechs and Austrians among others might join them. Their governments seem to have gotten it into their heads that they are nation-states that serve as the homeland of their titular ethnic groups. Naturally the European Commission takes a dim view on this sort of ideology, preferring their subjects to have no attachments to anything other than the European Commission, and it shows. Meanwhile Wales is a colonial possession, with a rising incoming population who by and large have no reason to care about the previous tenants… Read more »

7 years ago

Glasiad: Curious as to how you see a Welsh voice standing up to Westminster. How would YOU suggest Wales defends itself from the supermarket sweep from London of the powers and economic foundations Wales has been trying to build on through its vital connections with Europe.

I assume you have the answer…

I need convincing…

7 years ago
Reply to  Glyndwr

No nation can enjoy the perks of independence if it remains economically dependent on other nations or trading blocks. Exports / imports should always be the icing, never the cake. Only then could Wales enjoy a sustainable and prosperous national economy.

At the very least we should demand parity with the Isle of Man which has its own currency and an independent parliament.

While we are stuck with the English pound as our sole currency we will continue to be fleeced and exploited. For more info on money, the economy and independence see:

Neil McEvoy
Neil McEvoy
7 years ago

Jonathan is usually spot on with his attacks, but let’s not follow Labour with attacks on character. It’s not a lack of a back bone which explains (un)Welsh Labour caving it to London, it’s their pervading UK nationalist ideology. Labour operates like a tribe also and the interests of the tribe always come first. Plaid in the Bay needs full on opposition, not a half way house, where we seem eager to fall over ourselves to negotiate crumbs or supposedly “influence.” It comes to something when a Labour finance Minister refuses to divulge any more than 0.71% of a budget… Read more »

Bryn Daf
7 years ago


leigh richards
leigh richards
7 years ago
Reply to  Bryn Daf

it’s not its about ‘DEPENDENCY’ Bryn Daf – it’s about economic realities. Two thirds of welsh exports are to the eu single market, and a hard brexit and the tariffs it would impose on welsh goods would clearly be disastrous for the welsh economy. Plaid are right to challenge labour on staying in the single market and the customs union

Llyr Davies
Llyr Davies
7 years ago

So sad to see this site become the home of Plaid propaganda so quickly.

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