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First minister and Andrew RT Davies clash in Senedd misogyny row

15 Nov 2023 3 minute read
Left: First Minister, Mark Drakeford. Centre: Presiding Officer, Elin Jones. Right: Leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew RT Davies.

Emily Price

Chaotic scenes unfolded in the Senedd during FMQs as the First Minister clashed with Andrew RT Davies in a row over misogyny.

Mark Drakeford’s comments came on Tuesday (November 14) following a question from Plaid Cymru’s Delyth Jewell MS about the UK Government’s treatment of Wales in relation to the King’s Speech.

In his response, the first minister described a “foul-mouthed, misogynist, paranoid atmosphere” at Number 10 which had been “defended week after week” by the Welsh Conservatives during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Misogynistic comments were revealed in emails and WhatsApp messages submitted as evidence to the UK Covid Inquiry.

Mr Drakeford went on to accuse the leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew RT Davies of defending “foul-mouthed” misogyny which he said the leader also “shares”.

Mr Davies rose from his seat whilst the Welsh Conservative bench erupted around him.

The first minister appeared to goad the leader of the opposition saying, “Yes, yes. Look, You have a go now” whilst the presiding officer attempted to calm the chamber.

Interruptions continued in the chamber whilst the leader of the opposition could be seen on his feet calling out and pointing.

Minister for Rural Affairs Lesley Griffiths MS could be seen beside Mr Drakeford repeating the word, “vile” whilst telling the leader of the opposition to “sit down”.

The Llywydd, Elin Jones, said: “I don’t think there was anything misogynistic in Andrew RT Davies’s contribution today.”

The first minister agreed, saying “I heard nothing misogynistic today.”

Mr Drakeford said: “Yes, yes. I see it all the time, Llywydd. He thinks he can say anything he likes about anybody else. The minute you draw attention to his own record, he’s on his feet complaining about it.”

The presiding officer replied by appearing to reference comments made Mr Davies during a recent GB News interview.


She said: “Misogynistic remarks are made by members in this chamber. I’ve been subject to one of them myself not too long ago.”

The Welsh Conservative leader had recently appeared as a live guest on a special edition of the show, ‘Farage at Large’, to discuss the Llywydd’s decision to remove GB News from the Senedd’s internal TV system.

During the live broadcast, Mr Farage said GB News had invited Ms Jones to appear as a guest alongside Mr Davies, but she had declined the invitation.

Mr Davies interjected saying: “She was busy doing her hair no doubt.”

The leader of the opposition was accused of “misogyny” and an “appalling lack of respect” towards women over the comments he had made.

Prior to his appearance, the leader of the Welsh Conservatives had written to the presiding officer calling for her to reinstate GB News in the Senedd.

Mr Davies, a regular guest on the channel has not posted anything on X, formally Twitter, about GB News since his controversial appearance despite it being a regular feature of his social media prior to his live interview.

Nation.Cymru understands the Llywydd has responded to the letter but neither she nor Mr Davies has made the content of it public.

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Sarah Good
Sarah Good
9 months ago

It seemed that everyone in the house was enjoying trolling ARTie on his own misogyny. MD was positively gleeful when responding “go on, go on” to ARTie’s latest venting his grievance

9 months ago

Like a down market Punch and Judy show. Two very sub standard performers doing anything but working to improve the lot of the general public here in Wales. That is too much of a challenge for the two of them and most of their lackeys. Why don’t they buzz off and give someone else a chance ?

Dai Ponty
Dai Ponty
9 months ago

2 leaders of 2 unionist parties both bloody useless

Rhddwen y Sais
9 months ago
Reply to  Dai Ponty

Plaid a lost cause there are more Tory MPs than Plaid. Plaid only appeal to a small section of society that gather round the parish pump.

Why vote
Why vote
9 months ago

What a way to behave in a public forum, school yard bickering by a bully, unprofessional so immature is this how far labour has descended along the political evolutionary ladder, use your vote with care next time.

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