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First Minister criticised for ‘damning’ NHS performance figures

22 Aug 2024 5 minute read
Photo Jeff Moore/PA Wire

The latest Welsh NHS performance statistics have been described as ‘damning’ for new First Minister Eluned Morgan.

The Statistics released today by the Welsh Government on the activity and performance of the Welsh NHS between June and July 2024 have shown a further increase in waiting times across Wales for treatment, taking figures to a record high.

Baroness Morgan was appointed Wales’ Minister for Health and Social Services in 2021 and replaced Vaughan Gething as First Minister earlier this month.

The latest statistics reveal that at least 615,300 patients are currently on a waiting list in Wales, just under 20% of the total population. Those waiting more than a year for a first outpatient appointment rose by 5.5%.

There are also increases in the number of patients waiting over eight weeks for diagnostic services, patients waiting for therapy services and those starting cancer treatment.

Overall cancer treatment times improved over the month but remained well below target. 56.7% of patients started treatment within 62 days of cancer being first suspected. This is better than the last two months.

Ambulance response times also improved slightly, with 48.2% of “red” calls reached within eight minutes.

There were improvements to A&E waiting times, with 69.3% waiting less than four hours, however more than 10,100 patients waited more than 12 hours to receive treatment.


Responding to the NHS data, Plaid Cymru’s spokesperson on Health and Social Care Mabon ap Gwynfor, said: “There is a disappointing inevitability of failing to get to grips with NHS waiting times month after month, and this set of results published today is no different, with waiting times at their highest ever.

“While Labour in Wales has been too focused on internal fighting, the new First Minister has left a legacy of at least 615,300 individual patients on treatment waiting lists. She promised to eliminate waiting lists but failed.  A damning record for the new First Minister of Wales.

“A radical rethink in approach is needed. Plaid Cymru has been consistent in our calls – we need a clear strategy from Welsh Government that starts with admitting there is a problem in the first place.

“Welsh Government must commission an independent investigation into the performance of the NHS in Wales and commit to making targets mean something.

“That includes a more targeted approach to tackle waiting times by prioritising those most in need, to better fund preventative health measures, and to invest in the workforce by providing them with the working conditions and contracts they deserve.”


Sam Rowlands, Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister said: “These woeful statistics show the NHS is in crisis as waits have increased to new records for five months in a row.

“The Labour Welsh Government have failed yet again to bear down on these excessive lists, which begs the question: Since Eluned Morgan was Labour’s health minister, how can she be trusted to turn this situation around as First Minister?

“The Welsh Conservatives believe it is past due for Labour to spend every penny they receive for health on the Welsh NHS, as opposed to prioritising the creation of 36 more politicians.”


Mark Drakeford, the former First Minister and Health Minister between 2013-2016 has recently been re-appointed on an interim basis. He welcomed improvements in the cancer treatment times but acknowledged waiting times for treatment were “disappointing”.

Mr Drakeford said: “High-quality, life-saving and life-changing care is provided every day by hard-working NHS staff all over Wales in the face of continued and unrelenting demand on services.

“I am pleased to see the number of people who received the good news they do not have cancer increased in June, and performance against the 62-day target improved to 56.7%. However, there is still more health boards need to do to meet the national cancer target.

“In emergency care, demand remains very high. The number of immediately life-threatening (red) 999 calls to the ambulance service made each day was the fourth highest on record in July, and attendances at emergency departments continue to be above the long-term average.

“Performance against the four-hour A&E target improved, and the average time people spent in emergency departments before being discharged, admitted to hospital or transferred also fell in July.

“There was an improvement in ambulance response times and we have also seen an improvement in hospital discharge delay figures in July compared to June.

“However, it is disappointing that the number of people waiting more than 2 years for treatment has increased and there’s been further growth in the overall waiting list – just as there has been in other parts of the UK.

“We have been very clear with health boards that we expect to see a focus on reducing long waiting times. We will continue to support the NHS to improve the timeliness of planned and emergency care.”

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Billy James
Billy James
25 days ago

Well the Conservatives refused to back Plaid Cymru in calls for an election…

Linda Jones
Linda Jones
25 days ago

The Labour party in Wales have failed us big time. The mess they have made of the NHS is heartbreaking for all those suffering on long waiting lists. Thanks to their incompetence we are the poorest nation in the UK, we have the lowest education standards and so on.

The only thing Starmer wants is what he can extract from Wales with no benefit to the people of Wales, such as electricity, water etc etc. All with the full support of Welsh Labour MPs and their counterparts in the Senedd.

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
25 days ago

Jobs for the boys and girls, competence is never a criteria, expect very little, only pain, despair and expense…

Adrian Bamford
Adrian Bamford
25 days ago

Don’t worry guys: now that Labour is in government the rest of the UK will be just as dismal before you know it. ‘Levelling down’ you could call it.

Linda Griffiths
Linda Griffiths
25 days ago

I have been waiting for over two years for a spinal fusion. Had a pre-assessment in December 2023 which was valid for six months which has now expired. Need further pre-assessment before an operation can be done. In so much pain and on a lot of medication. Chased them up but nothing doing. Must wait to be contacted.

25 days ago

Terrible stats. However, the system of funding the NHS in the UK is not working. We need some sort of insurance system as in France and Australia. As for Plaid and the Tories. I don’t see any answers forthcoming. Plaid call for more money. But from where will that come from? The Arts (where they are also calling for more investment), Education or Transport budgets? I say this as someone who will vote Plaid in the Senedd election.

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