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First Minister visits St Brides Major to see impact of 20mph speed limit

07 Sep 2023 3 minute read
First Minister, Mark Drakeford

On Thursday the First Minister Mark Drakeford visited one of the first areas in Wales to trial the new 20mph limit to learn more about the impact of the “biggest step-change in community safety in a generation.”

With just 10 days to go before the default 20mph speed limit will be introduced across Wales, the First Minister met business owners, parents and school children in St Brides Major, in the Vale of Glamorgan.

Wales will become the first part of the UK to introduce a nationwide 20mph speed limit as most residential roads, which currently have a 30mph speed limit, switch to 20mph on Sunday, September 17.

St Brides Major was one of the first trial sites for the 20mph speed limit.

While visiting the village, the First Minister met with B&B owners Chris and Julie Davies who are happy with the slower speeds and said they make a positive difference to St Brides.

Local community members who were successful in campaigning for safer streets through the group Safer St Brides were also keen to share their stories during the First Minister’s visit.


First Minister Mark Drakeford said: “Reducing speeds not only saves lives, it helps build safer communities for everyone, including motorists – better places to live our lives.

“It will help make our streets quieter, reducing noise pollution, and slower speeds will give more people the confidence to cycle and walk around their local areas and encourage children to play outdoors.

“Evidence from around the world is clear – reducing speed limits reduces collisions and saves lives.”

Wales will follow a similar approach taken in Spain where the speed limit on the majority of roads was changed to 30km/h in 2019.

Since then, Spain has reported 20% fewer urban road deaths, and fatalities have reduced by 34% for cyclists and 24% for pedestrians.

The Welsh Government has said research shows the 20mph default speed limit could save £92m a year by reducing the number of deaths and injuries.

It could also help to reduce pressure on the NHS from a reduction in injuries from road traffic collisions.

The Welsh Government estimates that over the first decade, the new default speed limit will save up to 100 lives and 20,000 casualties.

The change comes after four years of work with local authorities, police, and road safety experts to design a change in the law.

Local owner of St Bridget’s Farm B&B, Chris Davies said: “The people of St Brides have worked hard to get speeds lowered, and since the introduction of 20mph I’m pleased to say we’ve seen a noticeable difference in people travelling slower through the village and a lot less noise from speeding cars as a result.

“It now feels much safer for local people, especially children, and it’s lovely for guests at our B&B to be able to enjoy being out and about in the village.”

One of the campaigners for Safer St Brides, Nia Lloyd-Knott added: “The rollout of 20mph in St Brides Major has been fantastic.

“As a village we campaigned for slower speeds for a long time, so we were delighted to be chosen as one of the early adopters of 20mph.

“The village has a lot of families who are very keen walkers and cyclists, so the introduction of slower speeds has had a huge impact for the whole village, with many more parents feeling comfortable to let their children travel to the local school independently.”

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Gilbert Jones
Gilbert Jones
1 year ago

Not sure they’ve taken into account that trade people will charge more. If it takes longer to get to jobs they can do less work in a day and they’re not going to just say oh ill earn less then, prices will go up. If it takes longer to get to places perhaps people will just stay at home and not bother, everywhere will feel further away. Less footfall equals negative impact for shops and retail is all we have in Wales. Put up prices to compensate for the loss ? During a cost of living crisis ? Coool If… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Gilbert Jones

Isn’t driving a car a road based hobby as well?

Want to move out of Wales now
Want to move out of Wales now
1 year ago

Well, the stats show that there are also less accidents at 40mph than at 30mph, why didn’t they increase the speed limits? Cars are getting better, braking distances shorter, there are more and more electric cars on the road, car manufacturers follow increasingly more stringent safety tests (including pedestrian), all these arguments presented by WG are naive and silly. This is a politicised issue pushed by car hating minority, and some partly good concerns about those that break speed limits – but punishing everyone for a minority of offenders is a wrong policy. Cars are a solution, not a problem,… Read more »

1 year ago

“Want to move out of Wales now”
If you don’t do it before the 17th it will take you a little bit longer.

James Taylor
James Taylor
1 year ago

This was probably thought up by the same car hating clowns who gave priority to cyclists and pedestrians over road vehicles.

1 year ago

Another piece of propaganda.
As others have said elsewhere, the location isn’t exactly representative of large cities or towns, so rather meaningless.

Also, quoting figures from Spain isn’t really relevant either, unless we know what traffic rates have been over those years – don’t forget that at least two of those years have seen significant impact on travel due to Covid.

92% of people (polled by various news outlets) are against this, and rightly so. It’s absolute nonsense.

1 year ago
Reply to  JimJam

“92% of people (polled by various news outlets) are against this, “
And the links to those news outlets are…?

1 year ago
Reply to  CapM

I agree a recent online poll of Daily Express found most people want Donald J Trump to be the next President of the United States.

1 year ago
Reply to  Llyn

I do too

1 year ago
Reply to  Paul

And me

Paul Trueman
Paul Trueman
1 year ago

I will be going faster in my pushbike my car engine wlnt be running efficiently it will be stuck in second gear more pollution this Clown Dickfird needs the boot

1 year ago
Reply to  Paul Trueman

Can you explain how you travel in a pushbike?

1 year ago
Reply to  Llyn

You push the pedals with your legs whilst riding it glad I could help

1 year ago

In Wales we voted for a Senedd because we were told that they would be more accountable to the people of Wales, however we constantly see decisions being made without any consultation at all with the people. Changes to our education system, changes to our transport and road system, changes to our NHS, now changes to the rules of the road, where is the accountability? And when something goes wrong or money gets wasted on pet projects, Mr Drakeford comes out with his favourite excuse, “ It’s not his fault, it’s Westminsters “. When will our illustrious leader hold himself… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Peter

We had an election 2 years ago. Last time I checked that’s how politicians are accountable.

1 year ago
Reply to  Llyn

Bizarre that those who appear not to want a 20mph limit and bang on about a dictatorship have voted down the following statement – “We had an election 2 years ago. Last time I checked that’s how politicians are accountable”. Apparently they don’t like democracy as well as a 20mph limit.

Leigh Richards
Leigh Richards
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter

Think youll find the changes you speak of were in the party manifesto in the last senedd elections

John Pedley
John Pedley
1 year ago
Reply to  Peter

He won’t, he’s stepping down at the next election

Ric ableton
Ric ableton
1 year ago

A friend of mine has told me that due to this regulation, he is forced to close down two branches of his business from south west wales. 4 people will be made unemployed in the next month as a result. The welsh government state most journeys will take one minute longer. Hmmm, i don’t know how they got to that conclusion. The one thing i expect from this is more road rage, fitting a camera in the rear of your vehicle could now be a sensible option. Of course there should be 20mph limits in some areas, i dont think… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Ric ableton

On many roads I know that currently have a 30 limit, the rules might even reduce many boy racers’ and others’ default 60 to about 30. I’d be quite satisfied with that. Just one example: I’ve seen many HGVs thundering through villages on the A468 at at least 50, putting children and elderly at risk.

Ric ableton
Ric ableton
1 year ago
Reply to  Blinedig

I did answer this but my comment was rejected for some reason. Ill try again but if you dont see it, it means that obviously a friendly debate is unnaceptable on this site

Ric ableton
Ric ableton
1 year ago
Reply to  Blinedig

Boy racers? There will be more instances of vehicles coming up against your rear bumper which is dangerous in itself. Add to that people will look at overtaking which presents an even bigger danger as attention will be diverted from the drivers attention. An increase in road rage could increase significantly as a result. Pedestrians being put in higher danger would go hand in hand with the previous point. As for hgvs, this should have been sorted in a seperatematter to the blanket law, and you say youd be happy with cars doing 30 in a 20 zone? I dont… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Ric ableton

I visited Cardiff last week and saw where they were squandering money and did not vote these clowns in. So far I have to meet someone who was surveyed the said this was a good idea, a bit of common sense would be to look at the individual areas and not include everywhere that was once 30 and make it 20. I am lucky to be 3 miles from the border but it will be a slow drive, it seems it is a war on motorist’s where we will chug along wasting fuel driving in 3rd gear being tailgated by… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Sally

 “I am lucky to be 3 miles from the border “

You’re not going to be lucky for long Sally.
All English counties bordering Cymru are in various stages of developing their own 20mph default schemes.

Rhobert Davi8s
Rhobert Davi8s
1 year ago
Reply to  CapM

That’s news to me. are you sure it was not a dream or a fairy tale.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rhobert Davi8s

Lots of news available on the internet.

1 year ago
Reply to  CapM

Lots of news available on the Internet maybe even some that isn’t fake

Dr Andrew Potts
Dr Andrew Potts
1 year ago
Reply to  Rhobert Davi8s

The Welsh Government has also allocated £215,000 to English border authorities – namely Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Cheshire West and Chester – all of which are included in the total £34.5 million cost. See Wales Online.

1 year ago

£215 000
It’s part of our foreign aid contribution to less developed countries.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ric ableton

” There will be more instances of vehicles coming up against your rear bumper which is dangerous in itself. “
“An increase in road rage could increase significantly as a result. “

Pandering to habitual exhaust stiffing motorists or those with rage incontinence would be a bad idea.

Dai Rob
Dai Rob
1 year ago
Reply to  Ric ableton

Another thing that didn’t happen! Lolol

Ric ableton
Ric ableton
1 year ago
Reply to  Dai Rob


1 year ago
Reply to  Ric ableton

“A friend of mine has told me that due to this regulation, he is forced to close down two branches of his business from south west wales. 4 people will be made unemployed in the next month as a result.”

Any details…..?

1 year ago
Reply to  CapM

There will be no details CapM as it is pure fantasy.

1 year ago

The biggest social engineering experiment in a generation and a continuing campaign to drive motorists off the road, combined with no road building and 50mph on much of our trunk roads. Life in the age of the horse and cart. Time to vote out Welsh labour

David Thomas
David Thomas
1 year ago
Reply to  WilliamsG

The joys of voting in a socialist government,

John Pedley
John Pedley
1 year ago
Reply to  WilliamsG

I agree, but never going to happen.
As long as the vast majority of money is spent in the south.
A & B routes to take pressure off Aston Hill ( queuing to get into North Wales).
Tunnel to Anglesey
All canceled.
Not to mention M4 bypasses.
What is Drakefords vision for Wales.

1 year ago

Why do all of my posts have to go for approval? I don’t think anything I say is that controversial ?

John Wedmore
John Wedmore
1 year ago

Next it be like the old days with some guy walking in front of the car with a red flag . Push bikes will going alot faster most don’t stop at red lights .I can understand outside Schools but not needed elsewhere

1 year ago
Reply to  John Wedmore

Do you think they will fine cyclists for doing over 20mph bet they dont

1 year ago

Lately, I have woken up to review our Nation of Wales as a growing dictatorship, only asked once to vote in four years, Our dictatorial chief Mr. Drakford thinks he doesn’t need to consult us no matter how grievous his policies are to the Welsh people this 20mph is the latest policy for the Welsh to take on. Most of us are not fluent in our Welsh language but we are very passionate about our country and how we conduct our future path for our kids and their kids, I believe that less than fifty % of us are not… Read more »

simon m hughes
simon m hughes
1 year ago

I have been a Labour Party member and supporter all my adult life. That said this is the straw that broke the camels back! This policy will make food and all other goods that a delivered by road more expensive, exactly when we are all in the middle of a financial crisis. It is costing over£100m to implement? Couldn’t that sum be invested in our failing third world health system? Couldn’t it be invested in new schools? Couldn’t it have been invested in road improvements not by making a policy from Victorian era? It is a sad day when our… Read more »

1 year ago

I think Drakeford has lot the plot saying it going to reduce pollution vehicles are going to be takeing longer on journey how’s that saving the planet I think it more about the speeding fines he going to get

Ian Jones
Ian Jones
1 year ago

Totally unnecessary blanket reduction. Let’s monitor figures before and after. Probably no difference. Cardiff just have to do the opposite of Westminster, remember covid. The virus knew no boundaries but London & Cardiff had to have a different approach.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ian Jones

Just because the English Health Secretary did not agree with the Welsh Health Secretary does not make the English SoS right. There is no monopoly of truth in Westminster, they often get it wrong. Remember, London gave us ‘eat out to help out’. That was a complete waste of money.
I know and have spoken to so many non Labour voters that were pleased we in Wales were more cautious when we were entering uncharted waters, they were grateful to the leadership provided by Mark Drakeford at that time.

1 year ago

Let’s face it… Will Mr Drakeford be personally driving himself or chauffeur driven as usual?

Dai Ponty
Dai Ponty
1 year ago

Do not know if its a good are bad thing time will only tell but last week the former Mayor of Bristol introduced there 10 years ago and still working there also the Welsh tories knocking it its being introduced by English councils Tory as well as labour thought i would just point it out

1 year ago

The sooner this £150,000 a year clown is gone the better.

1 year ago
Reply to  James

I can’t stand drakeford who’s done nothing to improve Wales but people had chance to get him and Labour after they’ve been in over 20yrs but there are so many in Wales would vote a donkey in if you put Labour on it

1 year ago

St Brides Magor, population 2000 ?, miles away from a major road is hardly representative, but I doubt he will trouble himself to visit anywhere on a trunk road with high traffic volumes and few if any pedestrians.

1 year ago
Reply to  NewYorker

It’s not really possible for one location to be ‘representative’ of the whole country.

There are hundreds of exceptions to the default 20mph (locations with map is available on Wales gov website). The ones I’ve looked at that I’m familiar with are on trunk roads with relatively high traffic volumes and little if any pedestrian use.

Another case of unnecessary fretting by an opponent to the 20mph default perhaps.

PS as you might be aware NewYorker New York City, population 8.5 million, although also not representative has a default 25mph limit.

1 year ago

Every motorist is now going to obey the speed limit now it has dropped to 20mph in urban areas,? and result in costs for the public. Having driven for 50 years I say that it is not the norm for people to obey the speed limit. Only when a police car is on the motorway do people observe the 70 mph law, and if we are all honest we have broken the 30 and 50 mph laws. Let’s get real, plenty will break this law and some will only obey if a speed camera is present. Arguments were had when… Read more »

1 year ago

It’s amazing the amount of lives that have saved in St.Brides. Before this 20mph limit there’d be bodies all over the place.

1 year ago

Speed limits in Spain
Residential areas 20km/h
In built-up areas 50km/h
Outside built-up areas 90km/h – 100km/h (according to local signs)
Motorways 120km/h

1 year ago

Why don’t we just go back to horse & cart. Top speed around 5 mph, + you don’t need roads eh. Fgs 20 mph I cycle faster than that.

1 year ago

Why go out of main cardiff to see if it works when u should have asked people in Cardiff and they would have said massive mistake as it will be no good for cardiff as the pollution ratings will go hi as more car slowing down in one area at each time sorry it was not thought through

Richard griffith
Richard griffith
1 year ago

20mph is a waste of money and time mark drakeford is an expert at wasting money

James Taylor
James Taylor
1 year ago

As anyone given a thought to the fact that lowering the speed limit to 20mph means car’s/vans/lorrys/ buses etc will be driven in a low gear thus increasing exhaust pollution.

1 year ago

Wont take me any longer because i wont be paying any attention to the 20mph limit and will be continuing at 30mph.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marc

Enjoy your speed awareness course.

Andy Hubbard
Andy Hubbard
1 year ago


Jones Arfon
Jones Arfon
1 year ago

As PCC I opposed this transition to a default 20mph and I wrote to Lee Waters with my objections and the pilot at Buckley proves the point. Before claiming success Drakeford should set a baseline of where we are at now and he claims a reduction of 2000 collisions over a decade. Are those damage only collisions, slight injury, serious injury or fatal collisions. Seems to me he’s pulled figures out of thin air. Time will tell but I suspect that it will be subject to.ongoing review with many roads reverting back to 30mph over time and Lee Waters will… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Jones Arfon

It’s important to collect data on the change to a 20mph default to assess it’s effect. However does anyone really believe the data will show more collisions and more serious collisions occur in the new 20mph limits than when they were 30mph. There’s also the qualitative effect such as how safe, how less stressed etc pedestrians feel which is much harder to determine although Bristol has measured a significant increase in numbers of children walking to school as a result of their 20mph limit. I too expect some roads to revert back to 30mph but I also expect some currently… Read more »

1 year ago

So he went to a place with no major roads and talked only to people who agreed with his policy. Nice biased view of things there Drakeford..

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