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Former haulage worker launches clothes collection for new mums

30 Aug 2024 3 minute read
Katie Jones from Ammanford with her young child

A first-time mum has taken her passion for the benefits of breastfeeding and used it to launch a business offering comfortable and practical clothing for fashion-conscious new mums.

Katie Jones was working in the administration team of a haulage firm and, since passing her HGV driving tests, had been covering driver shifts, but realised that the male-dominated environment didn’t suit her once she had her first child, Olivia, now eight months old.


Katie, 25, who has launched Mama Glam, said: “It was probably the worst time to decide to start a new business – just after having a newborn baby, but the terms I was offered to return to my previous job after maternity just didn’t suit me.

“Lots of my friends have become mums and we all agreed that all comfortable clothing on the market for breast feeding targets older mums. Perhaps it’s because breastfeeding has a traditional image, but my friends were delighted when I asked if there would be interest in a range of more fashionable clothing. Like me, they had been borrowing tops from their partners and wearing them oversized. 

“Getting younger mums to breastfeed and breast pump is apparently challenging, although I believe there are so many benefits for mum and baby.”

Katie Jones, founder of Mama Glam

Katie identified a need for good quality, warm clothing so that there is no need to wear lots of layers while breast feeding. Her debut range features branded hoodies, sweatshirts and T-shirts and dresses, which are available to order online and feature discreet, easily accessible zips.

She continues: “My business adviser has been brilliant and helped me with applying for the finance, as well as offering lots of business advice since.”

The British Business Bank Start Up Loans programme provides government backed loans of up to £25,000 per individual, up to a maximum of £100,000 per business. In addition to finance, successful applicants can receive free mentoring, access to resources and advice.

Jess Phillips-Harris, Senior Manager for Wales at the British Business Bank, said: “We’re pleased to be able to support business owners like Katie to develop a real passion into a new business.

“The British Business Bank’s Start Up Loans programme exists for entrepreneurs like Katie. She has identified a real gap in the market and built a business around it, which benefits other women. We wish her every success in this innovative venture.” 

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