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Household energy bills to rise for winter as Ofgem lifts price cap

23 Aug 2024 3 minute read
Photo Jacob King/PA Wire

The average household energy bill is to increase by £149 from October after Ofgem said it was increasing its price cap as homes approach the winter months.

The regulator announced it is hiking its price cap by 10% from the current £1,568 for a typical household in England, Scotland and Wales to £1,717.

It is around £117 cheaper than the cap in October last year, which was £1,834.

Ofgem said rising prices in the international energy market, due to heightened political tensions and extreme weather events, were the main driver behind the decision.

It means households will be going into the colder months facing higher bills than since April when the cap was lowered.

Winter fuel payments

Millions of pensioners are also facing a winter with less support after the new Government decided to scrap winter fuel payments for those who do not receive pension credits or other benefits.

About 10 million pensioners will miss out on the payments of up to £300 this year.

Jonathan Brearley, chief executive of Ofgem, said: “We know that this rise in the price cap is going to be extremely difficult for many households.

“Anyone who is struggling to pay their bill should make sure they have access to all the benefits they are entitled to, particularly pension credit, and contact their energy company for further help and support.”

He also urged consumers to “shop around” and consider a fixed-rate tariff that could save money.

“We are working with Government, suppliers, charities and consumer groups to do everything we can to support customers, including longer term standing charge reform, and steps to tackle debt and affordability,” he added.

Maximum price

The price cap sets a maximum price that energy suppliers can charge consumers for each kilowatt hour (kWh) of energy they use.

It does not limit total bills because householders still pay for the amount of energy they consume.

The figures provided by Ofgem indicate what a household using gas and electricity, and paying by direct debit, can expect to pay if their energy use is typical.

Gillian Cooper, director of energy at Citizens Advice, said: “We’ve braced ourselves for a challenging winter but today’s price cap increase will no doubt see even more people fall behind on their energy bills.

“We’re particularly concerned about households with children and young people and those on lower incomes, who are most likely to struggle with their heating costs.

“Energy bills will now be around two-thirds higher than before the crisis, and with record levels of energy debt and the removal of previous support, people are in desperate need.”

October’s price cap will be significantly lower than during the peak of the energy crisis, which was fuelled by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, driving up costs in an already-turbulent market.

However, experts think there is likely to be a further increase in January, with more rises possible early in the new year due to escalating tensions in the Russia-Ukraine war.

Energy Secretary Ed Miliband said the announcement “will be deeply worrying news for many families”.

He blamed the price cap hike on the “failed energy policy we inherited, which has left our country at the mercy of international gas markets controlled by dictators”.

“We will also do everything in our power to protect billpayers, including by reforming the regulator to make it a strong consumer champion, working to make standing charges fairer, and a proper Warm Homes Plan to save families money.”

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Linda Jones
Linda Jones
17 days ago

The UK energy system is dysfunctional. Wales is the fourth largest exporter of electricity in the world but we are charged some of the highest rates in the UK for electricity. Beggars belief why we need more giant, ugly, noisy wind farms and pylons. Similarly the gas/oil sector are making record profits paying eye watering salaries, bonuses and payouts to staff and shareholders and yet our bills are to increase.
The rip off of households and businesses is criminal.

17 days ago

Another opportunity to hike up the standing charge?

16 days ago

Unhitch the green prices from oil and gas. Plant more renewables.

16 days ago
Reply to  Jeff

…and stop subsiding green energy.

Steve Woods
Steve Woods
16 days ago

Pensioners who die of hypothermia are less of a burden on the Treasury.

Energy companies are far more deserving of excessive profits than old people of warm homes.

16 days ago

Jonathan Brearley, chief executive of Ofgem, said: “We know that this rise in the price cap is going to be extremely difficult for many households.

But we’re going to hike the price cap anyway, mwa ha ha ha ha!

16 days ago

Can we please stop subsidising wind & solar? If they can’t stand on their own two feet by now then we should stop pretending they can: we have more panels and windmills than ever before and the cost of energy has only ever gone up. I’d also suggest that anyone who’s opposed to fossil fuels have their gas supply disconnected, and their electricity usage restricted to the level that wind & solar can generate. Costs will then come down for the rest of us, and they’ll get to live in the green Utopia they want so much.

16 days ago

When its colder and more energy is used the Regulator increases prices by virtually 4 times the rate of inflation!! The cost of renewal energy should be de-coupled from the price of gas and the daylight robbery of standing charges are an iditement of Government inaction .They have money for Ukraine war, the kings extra £45m etc .It is their Choice not act on priorities for the people rather than their rich friends and donors.

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