‘Independent’ McEvoy goes after the First Minister

An off-the-leash Neil McEvoy wasted no time in attacking Labour yesterday, accusing Carwyn Jones of misleading Assembly Members.
South Wales Central AM McEvoy, who was suspended from the Plaid Cymru group on Tuesday, set out how he is “going to hold the government to account as an independent Assembly Member”.
He complained that the First Minister, Carwyn Jones, has misled Assembly Members on three fronts:
- Local development plans
- Lobbyists access to Ministers
- The Government’s decision to sell off land under market value
Later the same day he also claimed in the Siambr that the government had allowed nuclear waste from Hinkley Point C in England to be dumped in the sea near Cardiff, without an environmental impact assessment.
Neil McEvoy said that he had submitted a formal complaint to the National Assembly’s Presiding Officer quoting examples of the First Minister misleading Assembly Members in his answers to questions.
“We must not only expect, but demand the highest standards from the First Minister,” he said. “He has clearly fallen below such standards and I want action.”
McEvoy claimed that the First Minister had denied that commercial lobbyists had access to ministers.
“Unbelievably, on 1st November Carwyn Jones had a different view and said that said that he meant that they don’t have formal meetings with lobbyists, after I presented evidence of access,” he said.
“On 13th September 2016, the First Minister claimed he never makes comments on LDPs, despite being quoted by the South Wales Echo as doing so. No complaint was ever received by the South Wales Echo for any misquote.”
He also claimed that the First Minister had tried to offload blame for the “scandalous Lisvane land deal where we the public lost £39 million” on the Labour-Plaid Cymru coalition of 2007-2011.
McEvoy said that the First Minister would have been aware of an Auditor General’s report found that there was no involvement of Plaid Ministers in the sell-off.
A spokesman for the First Minister told Golwg360 that Neil McEvoy’s attack was just an attempt to take attention away from his own suspension by the party.
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Leanne Wood needs to pay attention to the approach of this AM, he is attacking Labour on their atrocious performance in government, he is the only politician unaffraid to hold the Welsh government to account. He is doing what Plaid Cymru should be doing being an opposition.
True. Plaid needs to grow some balls.
Well said!
True. I ended my Plaid membership because of their cowardice.
I ended my Labour membership, been treading water until YesCymru spoke to me.
I mostly like McEvoy’s style, and he brought Plaid to a position in Cardiff that was frankly unthinkable some time ago, by nearly dethroning Drakeford. If Plaid kick him out they’ll have done Labour’s dirty work for them, and that will be unforgivable. It is about time that Carwyn Jones was scrutinised, and that the opposition went after him properly. He is opaque, evasive and it’s true that on lobbying he has demonstrably changed his story (the Lisvane thing needs ot be cleared up too). Plaid is lukewarm about the lobbying thing because one or two of their own ex… Read more »
Jones is waiting for a knighthood for his treacherous actions on behalf of a foreign government.
He and those around him will be accountable and any misappropriation of monies etc will not only be taken back, but prison terms must be dealt out.
Then they can all crawl over to England where they belong!
Is this website a Neil McEvoy propaganda outlet? I seem to remember the same was true of Daily Wales before it disappeared – article after article either written by or about McEvoy. Your reporting is hardly impartial. Have you wondered why the Plaid group in the Senedd voted unanimously to suspend him? Why not speculate on that? I watched the Plenary debate yesterday and it was full of Plaid AMs attacking the Labour government. I predict that Plaid will expel McEvoy. He will take a few hundred members with him and form a new party – the Welsh National Party.… Read more »
Bluebird you are one sad racist and Nation.Cymru does not need pathetic excuses for human beings commenting on this site.
I really do pity you.
Bluebird ? more like a cuckoo ! Same old, same old ….. cuckoo. cuckoo. cuckoo. Waste of space, yet to see a constructive remark from you. Who are you to discriminate against his ethnicity or origin ? A Cymro with a yellow streak down his back is of no value whatsoever to this debate, while a man of whatever origins ( I’m not really interested in the breeding history ) who gets stuck into issues that need to be clarified & resolved should be backed . You must be terrified of what might tumble out when McEvoy and other like… Read more »
I take serious offense at your words Bluebird, and am asking nation.cymru to remove the above message. ‘without a drop of Welsh blood running through his veins’
Is having Welsh blood a requirement to be a Welsh patriot now? You ought to be ashamed of yourself, you [!%#!]. How is someone’s ethnic background remotely relevant in Welsh politics? Liz Saville-Roberts isn’t ‘from’ Wales. Would you like to attack her next? Or perhaps it would be easier for you to attack Mohammad Asghar?
Outrageous. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for bringing ethnic origins into it.
This feels like ‘codi pais ar ol p**o’ but please refrain from insults. I left the comment up because the comment’s target asked that it be left up. Otherwise it would have been deleted.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. May I ask that in future that if people cannot show their faces and add their real name when commenting then they should not be welcomed to comment until they do so. And please don’t go on about privacy, pc, data protection or the rights of outdated idiots that’s just cowing down to them. This can be solved and I would happily welcome it, by having a line in the terms and conditions when joining this site that those registering agree to place a photo of themselves (no one else) and their full name. No problem… Read more »
Interesting though the Labour Spokesperson say the attack is to take attention away from his suspension. Nothing about him being wrong and no answers to the charges. If he was taking attention away from his suspension. Why is he speaking as he says an Independent Assembly Member. Bit weak that one.
He was kicked out of Paid Cymru just for wanting people to be able to buy their council homes………he wasn;t kicked due to his lack of wanting Welsh self rule Bluebird!………….My parents stopped voting Plaid Cymru about 3 years ago as they seem to be losing the plot talking about international issues they have no influence……..my parents however felt very warmed to Neil McAvoy’s confidence and energy………..my parents used to be dye in the Labour…..food for thought for PC
Im currently weighing up whether to end my party membership
Well said!
He hasn’t been kicked out of the party, he’s been suspended from the assembly group for being disruptive and breaching rules. Plaids policy on coumcil housing was established before Mr Mcevoy or yourself joined. Did you read plaids long standing policy positions before joining? Maybe that’s the problem. I suggest you do and then consider them in relation to your own political and social beliefs. If they are incompatible, then maybe you are supporting the wrong party. The alternative is to try to change policy and there is a well laid out process for that, which doesn’t include disruption, diversion,… Read more »
dye in the wool*
Bluebird, you are a racist. Yes, my black grandfather did come here on a boat. My father is English and my foremothers and forefathers were Irish. I’m a Cardiff mixture. Crucially, I’m Welsh, but people like you deny me that on the basis of race. I hope your comment stays up. It exposes you.
Your “black” grandfather? Surely you mean your Arab grandfather? So you were kicked out of Labour – their fault? You will be kicked out of Plaid – I suppose you think that will be their fault too? Very telling..the sign of a narcissist. Always someone else’s fault. Like the disappearance of your former propaganda outlet Daily Wales! You used to own a property that you rented out, didn’t you? No wonder you are so opposed to council housing and housing associations. Can’t have the working classes living in affordable homes can you? Mind, you’re very comfortable with your two salaries.… Read more »
Bluebird, please settle down. Nation.Cymru is written and edited by me, Ifan Morgan Jones. I run this site completely voluntarily in the interests of expanding the Welsh public sphere. I’ve never actually met or spoken to Neil McEvoy in the flesh. My interest in his activities are purely those of someone reporting on Welsh politics. Your past few comments have been published unmoderated but if you continue to spout gibberish I’m afraid I will have to moderate all comments on the site, and that won’t be fun for me or anyone else. Your comment about Neil not ‘having Welsh blood’… Read more »
I think Nation.Cymru now needs to look at its regiatration policy in an effort to protect everyone wishing to debate any issue from attacks from people who are obviously in need of more help than can be offered here. There is no apology or retraction in anything Bluebird has said since and it will continue to do so unless Nation.Cymru stands up for everyone and not protect extremists (which it can be seen as doing as far as I see it). Otherwise, you’ll lose the neutral ground, our respect and become a site for whingers, bickerists, distractionists, unionist infil-traitors and… Read more »
Thank God for mavericks like, Neil Mcavoy, they have the ability to make us check the facts for ourselves; and keep us interested in politics.
Amazing that racists are allowed on this site! Perhaps it shows were the moderators leanings are, I don’t know, but I do now a racist when I hear one!
Totally pathetic and yet another sad and sorry excuse for a human being hiding behind a made up name with no face to put to it!
What exactly have I written that is racist. Nothing.
Thick as well. No limit to your limitations. Bye Bye cuckoo.
Generally, I think commentators should use their real names in replies. I’ve been attacked myself on this site by someone who hides behind a pseudonym. Usually, those people have something dark to hide is my experience, though.
“Amazing that racists are allowed on this site! Perhaps it shows were the moderators leanings are.”
Dafydd, as you well know, comments on this site aren’t moderated if the individual has commented before. If you yourself want to continue commenting on this site, please refrain from libelous nonsense. Thanks – Ifan
What colour is Welsh blood then I wonder ??
Plaid are now experiencing the toxic political force Mr Mcevoy is. A cursory investigation into his past would highlight issues which may be in conflict with his new found persona of corruption campaigner. His campaign in the senedd is likely more to do with past grudges and score settling. As for the issue of council housing, would he care to give his own history of the property market, just for transparency. As with his personal history, which seems vague enough to fit whatever his agenda is, clarity around his dealings in property would help others gain a wider understanding of… Read more »
Could you please tell me what Plaid’s policy on Nuclear power is? I’m a bit confused. I am a member of Plaid. If I don’t support Plaid’s policies, then being one who is of a nationalist bent, who should I and many other nationalists switch to? We have nowhere to go. The first thing I and many people understand that in order to move Wales forward, the dead hand of the Labour party needs to be prized from power. It seems this fact is beyond the grasp of many Plaid AM’s and probably influential people behind the scenes too. It’s… Read more »
Plaids policy on energy is a clear commitment to renewables and a move away from nuclear power. You’re asking the question knowing the policy position isn’t firm and that’s ok in a political party,as long as discussions happen in dignified, respectful and productive way. He wasn’t discussing nuclear power in a dignified and constructive way though was he? As a member of plaid you know you can contribute to policy and create change but you also know there are standards of conduct at all levels. That conduct protects the party and it’s members. Mcevoy has breached theses standards in the… Read more »
Hi ‘no more heroes’. You posted on this site under one of my opinion pieces last week under the name ‘Labour Supporter’ using the same email address. Could you please explain whether you’re a Plaid or Labour supporter? And, if you’re one or the other, why the charades? Thanks, Ifan
This must be the comment you are referring to IMJ. His/Her reasons for hating McEvoy are becoming increasingly clear.
“Labour supporter
15th September 2017 at 4:15 pm · Reply
Maybe the writer should answer his own question by doing some basic research on how the labour party is constituted. I know it suits some in Wales to promote the idea labour just do as the leader in London says, but that’s beyond ignorant and isn’t a worthy basis of any actual discourse.”
Strange that two individuals who hide behind pseudonyms, deliberately attack Neil McEvoy in a nasty, personal way. My AM is Lord Dafydd, former member of Plaid. His Lordship cares about his Lordship and lives in Lordship world. Of course Neil McEvoy bites the heads off cuddly toys. And eats fish fingers. Of course being born in Cardiff makes him ….????…… oh dear, a Welshman!!! Heaven forbid. The bottom line is that Neil McEvoy is a politician who cares. I wish there were more like him.
Care to explain any personal remarks?
As for anonymity, the Internet isn’t about identity, thats facebook you want. It’s a silly point made by individuals who do not understand the medium.
As your obviously a fan of mcevoy, can you highlight any political successes he has had? Any.
I’m rather bothered about this bit – Later the same day he also claimed in the Siambr that the government had allowed nuclear waste from Hinkley Point C in England to be dumped in the sea near Cardiff, without an environmental impact assessment.
This really should be the headline issue.
I have just published a comment on my blog http://jacothenorth.net/blog/an-existential-threat-to-wales/ from ‘Brychan’ that is relevant to this article. I suggest everyone reads it.
Will Bluebird and No More Heroes explain to us how McEvoy’s going after the FM, which is the subject of this article, is wrong or unfounded? or do they just want to slander him like cowards and hide behind fake names?
Because as far as I can tell this is a news site, and not a place where people can smear individuals with hearsay and lies.
If you have information, guys, share it: soon would do.
All other AMs hold ministers to account all the time. Just because he makes a massive noise doesn’t mean he’s more effective. As for slander, ridiculous. His business dealings and record in office are publicly available if you wish to scrutinise. Highlighting inconsistencies is not slander. It’s holding him to account. Maybe mcevoys fan club should apply the same scrutiny to him as he claims he holds others to. Decent news sites would not allow mcevoy free reign to spin his nonesense. He was suspended from the group for clear breaches and is being investigated by the party for other… Read more »
Neil McEvoy is an honest man , he puts others first and always helps those in need , plaid cymru are clueless, without Neil McEvoy In their party I won’t vote for them
Bluebird and NMH: I still want to know in what way McEvoy’s challenges to the FM, which are the subject of the article, are unfounded or wrong, because I don’t see you refuting anything he says. I understand you hate him, which is your right, but I want to know what he has alleged here, in this article, that’s wrong or a lie. The sum total of NMH’s attack on him is that he owns his own home and once rented a place out. Big deal. Call the police! The rest I’m afraid is just hate. I don’t know the… Read more »
I met Neil McEvoy for the first time this week, when a colleague and myself from the Presbyterian Church of Wales met with the Senedd’s Petitions Committee, to present our petition calling on the Welsh Government to formally commemorate the tri centenary of the birth of William Williams, Pantycelyn(1717-2017). We made the point that Pantycelyn and his 900+ hymns, his 90 literary works, his 80,000 miles of service to the Christian faith in Wales over an unbroken 40 year period, and his work as an organizer of the early forms of non-conformist churches in Wales( the Seiadau) and his role… Read more »
As a lifelong Plaid supporter, my honest opinion is that we need a new centrist party to fight for our country. Plaid has gone so far liberal left in recent years that I believe the party will hemorrhage support from ‘actual’ Welsh nationalists, if they haven’t done so already
Not centre. Not left. Not right. A Welsh party for Welsh people.
There is literally nothing stopping all you people who want this from doing so. Please, please, please do it.
Hinkley Point Nuclear Waste Sea Disposal Plan (2011)
Nation Cymru is giving me an insight into the divisions in Wales…illuminating.
Facts as to why I am hate by the anti-Wales/Welsh brigade. Plaid Cardiff West vote 1999 (the national high water mark for Plaid) 3,402. 2016 Plaid vote: 10,205. Biggest Plaid council election vote in Wales 2017: 2414 (my seat in Fairwater). In 1999 the Plaid vote was 669 in Fairwater. In 1999, Plaid had a competitive interest in 1 council seat in Cardiff. Fast forward to 2017, we won 3, came 2nd in 20 and came a winnable 3rd (next time) in 5. Yes, I’m toxic for some. Our communities have a different view. A private sector company would look… Read more »
So, Mr McEvoy, please tell us what you have achieved for the residents of Fairwater in the many years you have represented them as their councillor in Cardiff?
Keep up the good work Neil. Bluebird – I won’t waste time on you, just to say your comments are a DISGRACE
Really disgusted at the treatment of Neil McEvoy by Plaid Cymru, and I’m now within an inch of cancelling my long-standing membership. As has been noted elsewhere, it seems to be fine for establishment ‘suits’ like Rhun Ap Iorwerth to take alternative, and much more controversial, policy positions… and seemingly for political expediency [I sincerely hope] rather than heartfelt personal conviction. Indeed, as I recall it was members/ bloggers who called him out for it who were subject to disciplinary action and not Rhun himself. I voted and campaigned for the leadership of Leanne Wood thinking that Plaid would become… Read more »
I’m not inclined to add grist to the mill of political shenanigans and neither an I Welsh – I’m that most terrible of incomers – English!. However, I’ve been here for seventeen years now and have witnessed time and again the pitiful in-fighting that so often dominates WAG. Yes, I know it’s rife in all politics, but this latest debacle seems to be all about the gang not wanting someone among them who is prepared to stand up and voice an opinion that doesn’t toe the line – Well: we need more of that and a lot less party politics… Read more »
There’s no such thing as WAG.
Plaid, and Wales, needs more people like Neil, Too long have Labour and their Third Sector stooges have had complete hegemony with no scrutiny, or accountability.
Dal ati Neil, You do what needs to be done, You have my full support.
As a Plaid Cymru member we need more people like Neil McEvoy. To have raised Plaid”a profile and vote in Cardiff to this extent could be a game changer if others follow the example. Labour has had too easy a ride in the past, too comfortable, achieving little, knowing it will get reelected no matter what. That has to change. Keep up the good work!
Extracts from Cymru Rydd’s contribution of 20.30 on Sept 21st read as : “….but the Plaid AM’s in the Senedd seem to be a pretty weak, insipid and motley collection of nationalists, who all seem to be at cross-purposes with each other,….” “….can you really see any of the Plaid members in the Assembly risking their status, careers and generous financial packages, and taking to the barricades? Really??….” Those 2 comments describe accurately the condition of a party dominated by grey men/women in grey suits. Dull boring and unimaginative with an addiction to careers and their rewards that would even… Read more »
To all those above saying ‘Nation.Cymru needs to implement a new comment system’ – we are implementing a new comment system. But these things take time and money and Nation.Cymru is a voluntarily run site. It’s not a professional news site with employees. You will need to either show a little bit of patience or pitch in and do it yourself. Best, Ifan
Why don’t you offer a kind of voluntary subscription ‘service’ via paypal where one can donate varying amounts on a monthly basis starting with say £1.
Good stuff Neil McEvoy. We need more people like you; we can’t go on ticking boxes because all we have then are ticked boxes.
English politicians like Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg have assiduously cultivated mainstream media. There was a time when Nigel Farage could get media attention just by standing at a bar holding a pint and grinning from ear to ear. No wonder the Conservatives were frightened of UKIP! The problem for any politician or any political movement in Wales is the deficient Welsh mainstream media While I don’t doubt for a moment that First Minister Carwyn Jones’ concerns about Brexit are genuine, Brexit has come as something of a blessing in terms of raising his profile and that of Welsh Labour… Read more »
Neil McEvoy is one off a kind in politics and as a person, he is the only politician that i know who has the courage to stand up for what is right, and speaks the truth even if it will get him into trouble and even then the trouble comes to him because most politicians don’t like hearing the truth so they make the best to make it hard for Neil McEvoy and pursue vendettas against him and all he is doing is his job and listening to what the public people want for Wales
There is nothing unreasonable as regards Neil’s belief on the right to buy a council property. I think it is perfectly reasonable to allow the right to buy a council property provided that the council either buy another property or build a new house with the money. This is only possible though if the council sells the property to the individual or family on its market value. One of the reasons why right to buy has previously failed is because the council has sold off properties for a bargain price therefore selling off the stock of social housing in the… Read more »
I would like to comment on the comments. Allowing comments on a site like this does give people who don’t or can’t otherwise string enough words together for a proper article/blog a chance to articulate their er…comments. So banning comments altogether (which some sites do) or constraining them only to those that fully declare their identity (same old faces) limits the variety and breadth of voices. It is also very revealing of the nature of a sites audience. Take Guido Fawkes’ order-order for example which people mainly read for its virulent and scatological comment section and which reveals very clearly… Read more »
Just noticed this comment and strongly agree with it.
IMJ – mae dy ymdrech i’w chymeradwio, yn werthfawr, ac yn sail dda i ledaenu eich gewithgaredd yn y dyfodol. Er bod rhai o’r sawl sy’n cyfranu eu sylwadau ychydig yn eithafol, o leua’ mae’n amlwg fod y we-fan hon yn tynu sylw ystod eang o ddarllenwyr sy’n barod i fynegu ryw fath o farn. Diolch am ein tynu ni oll allan i’r goleunu !!
I have to say the comment by the Labour spokesperson – ie only raising issue to draw away from NM’s suspension – one straight out of the toxic Tony Blair’s copy book. Attack the person not then issue. Don’t confirm or deny the allegation but draw the media to the person making the allegation. Remember one example – those who raised issues with immigration – immediately branded as racists!. Are we going to get answers from the FM on the queries raised? Let’s wait and see. Similarly will Leanne Wood follow up and carry on with the issues from her… Read more »
Leanne Wood is doing herself no favours cow towing the Bullies in Local Government and the Senedd. there is a groundswell of disaffected ordinary hard working people who are being institutionally bullied by Local authorities and Government. She can chose to be on the side of the people or be swept away with all the other dross polluting the stables of a broken Political System – She has made a big mistake