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Jacob Rees-Mogg ‘very strongly’ considering standing at next general election

18 Aug 2024 3 minute read
Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg after losing his North East Somerset and Hanham seat in the 2024 General Election. Photo Jonathan Brady/PA Wire

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has admitted he is “very strongly” considering standing at the next general election after losing his seat in July.

The former Tory minister, who lost the constituency of North East Somerset to Labour by more than 5,000 votes at the July 4 ballot, told a fringe audience his party “deserved” to lose the election.

Sir Jacob was appearing at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe on Sunday as part of The Political Party with Matt Forde show.

The outspoken politician said he was not “absolutely certain” he would seek election in 2029, but told the McEwan Hall audience that his recent election loss was not a “shock”.

He said: “I am not absolutely certain but I love politics and I love being in the Parliament.

“So I am thinking very strongly about standing again.”

Sir Jacob said he knew his party could not “overcome a 20% deficit in the opinion polls”, adding: “I wrote to my children at boarding school before the election to say ‘look I will probably lose’. I tried my best to warn them that I was going to lose my seat.

“We governed badly, we hadn’t done what we told people we would do. We put up taxes when we said that we wouldn’t, we hadn’t dealt with migration and we hadn’t governed well.

“I can’t pretend we didn’t deserve it.”


But the former Tory MP praised previous prime minister Rishi Sunak, adding he was “very impressed” that he had handled the election result with “great dignity”.

And speaking about the government of former Tory prime minister Liz Truss – of which he was business and energy secretary – he said: “I think the attacks on her have become deeply unpleasant and go beyond the normal political criticism and have become very personal. She is not a bad person.”

Sir Jacob also told the audience of the impact being a politician had on his family, adding that his eldest son, aged 16, received hate mail following the election.

“I think to send a piece of hate mail to a 16-year-old because you don’t like his father is an awful thing to do and just fundamentally nasty,” he said.

“It is not my son’s fault that I have the political views that I do and it is cowardly, because if you don’t agree with me then you should get in touch with me – put your name on the bottom of it – but to write to a 16-year-old is just loathsome.”

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Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
30 days ago

There’s a lot of comedy at the Edinburgh fringe. Perhaps that’s why he was there. Also, there are many on GBeebies who are described as ‘comedians’, none of whom have ever raised so much as a smile from me. He must be one of those.

30 days ago

“I think to send a piece of hate mail to a 16-year-old because you don’t like his father is an awful thing to do and just fundamentally nasty,”.
“It is not my son’s fault that I have the political views that I do .”

Hate mail is bad whoever it’s sent to.
But Jake isn’t averse to putting the Mogg sprogs out on the front line when it suits him.

Meet the Rees-Moggs

Lots of other examples of him using his children as political assets for his advantage are available online.

30 days ago

Did he say which party? Did he commit to trying to regain his seat with a Conservative rosette on or might it be with Reform?

S Duggan
S Duggan
30 days ago

Put on your posh, upper-class, voice and stick to comedy Mogg, it’s where you belong.

29 days ago

Says the bloke that got absolutely every thing wrong about brexit and needed Sun readers to write policy for him when some idiot made him a minister and now touts his feelings on a hate TV channel with small reach and £40+millions losses. Remember he tried to spin the assault court case on Jean Carroll as a win for trump on that hateful channel.

Last edited 29 days ago by Jeff
29 days ago

It’s high time he joined the rest of the political failures in his rightful place at GB news where he can spout his vile nonsense at a suitably gullible and thick audience.

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