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Lack of public toilets could leave older people in Wales feeling ‘trapped’ warns Commissioner

25 Aug 2023 4 minute read
Photo by Marcel Gnauk from Pixabay

Enjoying the bank holiday could prove difficult for many older people due to a lack of public toilets, according to the findings of a survey undertaken by the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales.

Research shows that concerns about accessing public toilets can act as a so-called ‘loo leash’ that discourages people from leaving their homes, particularly those with conditions that cause more frequent toilet use, which are more likely to affect us as we get older.

There are fears that some older people may also be putting their health at risk due to a lack of public toilets, with research suggesting that over half of people deliberately dehydrate themselves to reduce the need to use the toilet.

This can create a range of health issues, including reduced coordination, increasing the risk of a trip or fall, and reduced short-term memory and cognitive performance.

In addition, restricting fluid intake can also increase the risk of (or exacerbate) conditions such as kidney stones or cystitis.

The Commissioner says that actions from local authorities – such as working with local businesses to expand public toilet provision and improving the information about public toilets in the area and ensuring this is available to older people in non-digital formats – could bring significant benefits at very little cost.


Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, Heléna Herklots CBE, said: “The discomfort of needing the toilet but being unable to find one is something we’ve all experienced, and the findings of my survey highlight just how much of an issue this can be for older people in Wales.

“Older people regularly tell me that a lack of public toilets in their area can discourage or even prevent them from getting out and about and doing the things that matter to them, leaving people feeling excluded and ‘trapped’ in their homes, something reflected in wider research.

“This means that getting out and about to enjoy the bank holiday with family and friends will simply not be an option for many older people.

“Even more importantly, a lack of public toilets can have a significant impact upon older people’s health, affecting a range of medical conditions and in many cases forcing people to put their health at risk by deliberately dehydrating themselves to avoid the need to use the toilet.

“That’s why it’s crucial that local authorities explore the ways they could increase the availability of public toilets in their areas, such as through working with local businesses, as well as improving information for older people about public toilets in their communities, ensuring this is available to people who are not online.

“We also need to see longer-term strategic action at a national level to improve public toilet provision, which has plummeted in recent years, recognising the vital role public toilets play in terms of public health, and in supporting all of us to age well.”

The Commissioner’s concerns are shared by the Wales Seniors Forum, which recently launched its ‘P is for People’ campaign4, asking older people to share their experiences of accessing public toilets and their views on the change needed.

Wales Seniors Forum Chair, Gareth Parsons, said: “WSF has had a survey running over the last couple of months which is now drawing to a close and we’ll be sharing the opinions gathered in September. The encouragement of the Older People’s Commissioner has been a help in our endeavours.

“The Wales Senate of Older People, who were one of the forerunners of WSF first did the exercise over ten years ago and although the aim of getting to commit all their Local Authorities to produce their own toilet strategies has been carried through, very little change has been evident.

“The closure of most of the department stores and their facilities has left many pensioners unwilling to visit town centres as they used to. There is a National Toilets map but it’s online only which further isolates the digitally excluded, this is more than half of the pensioners in Wales.”

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1 year ago

A shortage of public toilets encourages all ages to seek alternatives in their desperation and use shop doorways, back lanes etc. but then run the risk of facing a fine if caught. A no-win situation. I often wonder where the authoritarians go to relieve themselves!! But, if our local toilets are an example, most of them are filthy and stink to high heaven!!

1 year ago

We could take a leaf out of the Conservative nanny state UK Government and appoint a toilet tzar (no I’m not joking this is going to happen).

1 year ago

The powers that be can’t even blame the closing of these toilets on lack of use. I was in Mold just the other day only to discover that the public toilets in the largest of the carparks serving some 1000 cars and coaches which in Summer is frequently full, and in Winter are very well used. These toilets have been demolished and the only Public toilets are now available in the Bus Station some quarter of a mile away on foot. Of course the Councils need to consider the budget, but I would argue that properly funded public facilities are… Read more »

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