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Learners in Wales receive GCSE and vocational qualification results

22 Aug 2024 4 minute read
GCSE results – Image: David Davies

Today is the second of this year’s qualification results days, with over 58,000 learners in Wales receiving their GCSE results at schools and colleges across the nation.

This summer’s results mark the return to pre-pandemic arrangements for qualifications in Wales, with exams and assessments graded broadly in line with pre-pandemic outcomes.

Qualifications Wales say the results are the culmination of hard work from learners, and the teachers, other staff at centres and families who have supported them through their education.

Philip Blaker, Chief Executive at Qualifications Wales said: “Your results can help you to take your next step, whether that be getting a job, starting an apprenticeship or training, or continuing your studies at school or college.

“Well done to all of you receiving results. Today marks an important milestone in your lives, after years of hard work.

“I hope you got the grades that you were hoping for. If not, don’t panic. There’s plenty of information and guidance, and people ready to support you, including at your school or college.”

Arrangements for qualifications this year were the final stage of a gradual return to pre-pandemic processes that commenced when formal exams returned in 2022.

Differences in approaches to awarding over the last four years mean that comparisons should not be drawn between annual outcomes during this period.

Statistical protection was available in Wales this year to prevent any substantial drops in outcomes at a subject level.


While grade boundaries in some subjects are lower than in previous series, the standard of performance has been such that it wasn’t necessary for WJEC, the awarding body, to apply the additional protection – and statistics have played their usual role alongside examiner judgement in the setting of grade boundaries.

316,588 GCSE grades were awarded this summer – this is more than in both 2019 and 2023.

There were fewer entries from learners in Year 10 and below this year, compared to last year, but more than in 2019.

19.2% of GCSE grades issued were grade A/7 or above, 62.2% were grade C/4 or above and 96.6% were grade G/1 or above.

For 16-year-olds taking A* to G GCSEs, 6.7% of grades issued were grade A*, 19.4% were A* to A and 63.2% were A* to C.

These results are for exams that were sat this summer – they don’t include grades achieved by the same learners in previous exam series.

Results published by JCQ for all learners include Wales A* to G GCSEs and 9 to 1 GCSEs designed for use in England – as grade scales do not directly align, results are published for key grades A/7, C/4 and G/1.


Cabinet Secretary for Education, Lynne Neagle said: “This year is our final step back towards pre-pandemic exam arrangements and today’s results are where we expected them to be with outcomes similar to 2019.

“I would also like to thank our teachers and education workforce who have worked incredibly hard to support our learners to succeed.

“I hope you got the grades you wanted but remember there are many different choices for your next step into learning or employment. Get in touch with Careers Wales, your school or local college for support.”

Philip Blaker added: “To help prepare you for your next steps, it’s vital that your qualifications are trusted and valued, demonstrating what you know and can do.

“That’s why it was important for us to return to usual assessment arrangements this year following the pandemic, to make sure there’s long-term fairness for all learners.”

Qualifications Wales has more information on its website about national results, as well as support on next steps, and Working Wales has free, impartial advice on what options are available to those receiving results.

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