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Liz Truss decision to accompany King Charles around Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland draws criticism

11 Sep 2022 3 minute read
King Charles III during an audience with Prime Minister Liz Truss. Picture by Jonathan Brady / PA Wire

There has been criticism of a decision by the new Prime Minister Liz Truss to accompany King Charles on his tour of the UK, including to Wales on Friday.

The Prime Minister’s spokesman confirmed that Liz Truss was due to tour with Charles as he visits the parliaments of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

“In terms of the prime minister’s involvement, she will join the king as he leads the national mourning across the United Kingdom, attending services of reflection in Scotland on Monday afternoon, in Northern Ireland on Tuesday, and Wales on Friday,” the spokesman told Reuters.

On Friday, 16 September, The King and The Queen Consort will visit Wales, and are expected to visit the Welsh Parliament. Further details of this visit “will follow in due course”, the palace said.

But not everyone was happy with the announcement that Liz Truss would also be visiting, with concern that it might be seen to politicise the Royal Family.

Richard Murphy, a Professor at Sheffield University, suggested that it might set a dangerous new precedent under the new King and had “made this period of mourning political”.

“It could, of course, be argued that the King must act in consultation with ministers,” he said.

“But the message is deeply dangerous. First, it seeks to tie the Crown to the Tory party, which is threatening to the monarchy. Second, it makes the Crown political, and it should not be.

“I very much doubt the Queen would have been so unwise as to agree to a tour of the country with a new prime minister, herself deeply unpopular and desperate for publicity. Charles has agreed. That, to me, is a very bad sign, amongst many that are worrying.”


Gerry Hassan, Professor of Social Change at Glasgow Caladonian University, described it as the “first strategic mistake of Charles III”.

“The monarch is meant to be apolitical which of course is a fabrication,” he said. “But this associates the new King with the new PM. This might have some logic for Liz Truss but very little for Charles.”

Financial Times chief features writer Henry Mance also raised concerns about the decision.

“I can see how this helps Liz Truss. I cannot see how it helps King Charles,” he said.

“Let’s see what actually happens. But the well-wishing atmosphere seen outside the palace yesterday will be hard to recreate if a politician is present and meddling.”

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Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago

What was it she said during the hustings? Oh yes ‘ATTENTION SEEKER’. Tory hypocrisy strikes again. What business does she have coming here when it’s a Royal visit? Is she elevating herself above her station to seek attention and will she be whispering in Charlies’ ear ‘We’re going to shut this place down’. This is a total outrage.

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago
Reply to  Fi yn unig

P.S. Who has organised this? is it with the full support the Royal household and why was the visit to Y Senedd moved from Wednesday to Glyndwr Day on Friday 16th? Are ALL parties concerned aware of the distasteful significance of this? No more questions your honour.

2 years ago

This is the equivalent of photo-bombing and will give the PM no street credibility at all. Imagine the scenario: those supporting the King turn up to smile and cheer while those against the PM turn up to boo, just as Boris Johnson was booed at St Paul’s Cathedral at the Platinum Jubilee service.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ellie JONES

Plenty of people will be wanting to boo both of them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ellie JONES

As there is a King Charles it will be like the 1600s all over again.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mawkernewek

He is the modern epitome of his first namesake! And his interference may well help cause chaos across the UK!

Mr Bob, the annoyed husband of Mrs Bob.
Mr Bob, the annoyed husband of Mrs Bob.
2 years ago

Doesn’t she have more important things to do?

Gareth Cemlyn Jones
Gareth Cemlyn Jones
2 years ago

Hope that Nicola gives her short shrift when she visits Scotland. Clearly an unwelcome visitor based on her right wing views and complete disdain of the devolved nations.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gareth Cemlyn Jones
2 years ago

What clown arranged this?

Cathy Jones
Cathy Jones
2 years ago

in a strange coincidence, my local shop is selling eggs at two for one because sell-by date is nearly up, with only a day left on them… Does anyone else want any?

2 years ago
Reply to  Cathy Jones

Protest, loudly. But low-key advocating for assault in a stochastic manner on online message boards? You’re hurting our movement with rhetoric like this, Cathy. You’re smarter than this comment.

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago
Reply to  CJPh

To be fair, it is very cleverly and amusingly worded and it doesn’t mention chucking eggs at anyone.

Margaret Macneill
Margaret Macneill
2 years ago

Absolutely crazy, Ms Truss needs to stay home and take care of govt business. King Charles is old enough and smart enough to get himself around the country.

Nia James
Nia James
2 years ago

All part of the ‘Save the Union’ strategy that has been in place for quite a while. Expect other fluffy initiatives soon around William and Kate. Renaming roads or hospitals is an obvious one. The so-called Prince of Wales Bridge was merely the start. We will also see more Severnside / North Wales corridor announcements to lock us in, and London needs to develop power and water facilities – so, more windfarms and reservoirs. Happy days!

2 years ago

It boils down to this – the former staunch republican has spotted the death of the Queen as the perfect photo opportunity to try and raise her popularity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Llyn

No, it is more significant than that. You can bet that Truss and Charles have had a conversation before this announcement on how to keep the precious union together.

This little joint visit is about showing everyone else who is boss.

Kenneth Vivian
Kenneth Vivian
2 years ago

Opportunity for both to audit all that they own

Pauline DC
Pauline DC
2 years ago

The only upside to this unwanted intrusion into a nation’s grief by a self promoting politician is that it will form a precedence and in 20 years or so we can watch King William being accompanied by Angela Raynor.

Ernie The Smallholder
Ernie The Smallholder
2 years ago
Reply to  Pauline DC

The Welsh Labour Party needs to represent the interests of Wales instead of going quiet when they think it may harm the UK Labour’s interests in England to actually represent Welsh interests as a country – an independent seeking country. The Welsh Labour movement must have its own independent Wales party. This will have benefit to England & Scottish Labour too as they can vary policies for their own countries. Welsh Labour could rename itself as the Socialist/Social Democratic Party of Wales. Why should Mr Drakeford or any future Welsh Labour leader have to compromise the Welsh interest for England… Read more »

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago

Yes. Starmer doesn’t say anything at all about Labours’ electoral success in Wales so Mark Drakeford owes him nothing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fi yn unig

He forbade Scottish Labour from working with the SNP. He is a hardcore unionist whose philosophy is not that much different from the Conservatives.

He doesn’t mention Drakeford’s success because it shows him up and he doesn’t approve of the Plaid-Labour Cooperation agreement.

2 years ago

UK Labour will not win an outright majority within the next decade or even beyond that. Most of the electorate who voted Conservative in 2019 will not think about the long-term impact of borrowing to fund the new energy cap. Most people in a crisis only think about the short-term and they cannot be blamed for that. However, this makes it more likely that the Tories will get over the line in 2024. Boris’ partying will be long forgotten. Labour need Scottish seats. They face an uphill battle in England and Welsh seats will be reduced by 8. Unionists in… Read more »

Cwm Rhondda
Cwm Rhondda
2 years ago

The Labour party’s top priority is the Labour party and its survival

Last edited 2 years ago by Cwm Rhondda
2 years ago

Compromises the monarch and the prime minister.
What’s not to like?

2 years ago
Reply to  CapM

Truss, like her predecessor, will enjoy getting away from the hard core of her job for a few days. Once a trougher, always a trougher.

Kerry Davies
Kerry Davies
2 years ago

Unless Carlo puts a stop to her tagging along to these services he runs the risk of being associated with politics to the extent that the public will demand that he too stands for election.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kerry Davies

No, this will go down very well in England as it will be seen as a subtle message that they are still in charge and the Celts must toe the line. This joint visit is designed to show us who is boss.

It will go down like a lead balloon elsewhere.

2 years ago

There’s no show without Mrs Muppet!

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
2 years ago

It’s the English Conservative equiverlent of a Truss rally. She’s using the death of the Queen to raise her profile. This sly woman’s on an ego trip, literally!

2 years ago

Is this an obscure threat? Or is this buffoon so out of touch that he doesn’t understand that this is a highly provocative act? Either way, a very bad look particularly during a cost of living crisis that many blame the Conservatives for. Vive la republique.

2 years ago

Truss? Mm more royal political neutrality then?

The original mark
The original mark
2 years ago

As far as I’m concerned non of them are welcome in Wales, people have been arrested in Scotland for holding up an “abolish the monarchy” placard, so much for free speech.

2 years ago

Crazy when Scotland isn’t subject to the Police, Sentencing and Courts Act!

Stephen Owen
Stephen Owen
2 years ago

Liz Truss looked like a lost little girl in Llandaff Cathedral, as if she had wandered in by mistake

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