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Liz Truss to ‘ignore’ independence demands and cut public sector pay outside of South East England

02 Aug 2022 4 minute read
Liz Truss. Picture by PA / Henry Nicholls.

Liz Truss has vowed to “ignore” calls for independence and to cut public sector pay outside the South East of England.

The Tory leadership favourite said that the best way to keep Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in the union was to “deliver for them”.

However, she also unveiled a new policy to pay staff employed by the government less outside London. Regional pay boards would “tailor pay to the cost of living where civil servants actually work” she said.

The bulk of the savings – some £8.8 billion – would come from paying workers living in cheaper areas of the country, she said.

It was not immediately clear how this would impact the pay of staff in devolved areas, although cuts at Whitehall would translate into less money available to the Welsh Government which gets a population share of UK Government spending.

Liz Truss also claimed that it was best to ignore “attention seeker” Nicola Sturgeon.

“What we need to do is show the people of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales what we’re delivering for them and making sure that all of our Government policies apply right across the United Kingdom,” she said.

Ms Truss, speaking at a hustings event in Exeter, referenced growing up in Paisley before saying: “I feel like I’m a child of the union, I really believe we’re a family and we’re better together and I think the best thing to do with Nicola Sturgeon is ignore her.”

Tory members cheered and applauded the comment, with the Foreign Secretary adding: “She’s an attention seeker, that’s what she is.

She replied “no, no, no” when asked about another independence referendum in Scotland if she becomes prime minister.


Liz Truss’ comments on independence and cutting public sector pay outside the South East of England drew criticism from her political opponents.

Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the PCS union, said: “If Liz Truss is elected, and if she tries to go ahead with these proposals, she’ll face opposition every step of the way.

“Civil servants are not a political tool to be used and abused for one person’s ambition; they are the hard-working people who keep the country running, day in day out, and they deserve respect.”

SNP MP Chris Law, posting on Twitter with a link to Ms Truss’s remarks, said: “The only reason why Scotland needs independence. Utter contempt from the future PM.”

Elsewhere at the hustings, Ms Truss declined to give details about the most embarrassing thing she has done in her life.

She said: “Honestly? My daughters will be watching this and I absolutely am not going to say.”

Asked if she is a person of faith and practises religion regularly, Ms Truss said: “I share the values of the Christian faith and the Church of England, but I’m not a regular practising religious person.”

Tory leadership rival Rishi Sunak said on the same question: “I’m a practising Hindu and that’s how we’ve raised our kids.

“Just a few weeks ago I was back at my temple in Southampton where I grew up, every year we have a family prayer day where we cook lunch and serve it to the community, and it was a very special part of how I was brought up and a special part of how I live my life today.”

Mr Sunak, on what he would do if not a politician, said: “If I could run Southampton Football Club, I’d be a very happy man.”

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Dean Thomas
Dean Thomas
2 years ago

You could have scripted this. Truss will be PM and that will be bad news for Cymru. She will attempt to mimic Thatcher, and when the media rally behind the ‘Iron Lady 2’ imagery, in contrast to ‘boring’ Keir, that will mean curtains for Labour at the next General Election There will be grim times ahead for our nation, and its sense of solidarity and identity, so we have to be ready and prepared to meet the challenges when they arise.

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago

The absolute embodiment of total ignorance. The best way to keep the Union together is to crush democracy, eradicate identity and ram home Empire rule. However, as a recruiting sergeant for independence, these credentials are top drawer. If the Tories have a single seat in Wales or Scotland after the next election I will be very disappointed. How much more goading do we need to shut them out completely and ‘deliver’ (ooh, there’s that word again) the final message that WE DO NOT WANT THEM!

2 years ago
Reply to  Fi yn unig

They’ll probably hang on to the Borders seats; not sure about the others though. There won’t be an SNP whitewash; Orkney and Shetland vote LibDem and there’s the People’s Republic Of Morningside giving Labour a toehold.

Steve Duggan
Steve Duggan
2 years ago

I always thought Truss was the worse of the two but it appears she is going to be even more extreme, than I thought. Good. She’ll help the independence causes across the UK no end. The time of bullying Westminster PMs is over. If they continue to play the hard colonialist attitude- it will just lead to the breakup of the UK quicker.

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Duggan

Cymru, Alba, Cernyw, Manceinion Fawr and more. They’ll all all be wanting out when Maggie the 2nd starts swinging her colonial baseball bat.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fi yn unig

I don’t think that Maggie was ever as daft as this silly posturing madam. Much of it is just talk, she may indeed want cut the costs of the Civil Service but that will drift into the long grass when protracted talks about redundancy terms, redeployment etc etc lead to another state of inertia. And the fat heads she was addressing will have mostly forgotten it anyway and moved onto another bete noir (or 2). Her malice towards Scotland in particular is evident but she may temper her behaviour towards Wales due to having a greater number of M.P’s held… Read more »

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago
Reply to  hdavies15

Maybe. The sequel rarely lives up to the original.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fi yn unig

This one is from the very cheap production company !. That said such products sell well among the drones who have bought into the franchise uncritically.

The Original Mark
The Original Mark
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Duggan

Going by her recent comments and what I’ve read about her, she will make the decimation, hatred, and division thatcher mk1 created appear like a picnic, we will have to live through that, and don’t forget just like the 80’s there are people today who will be lapping up what she’s saying, even in Wales there will be tory voters backing her all the way. I am certainly not looking forward to the next few years.

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
2 years ago

Certainly the red pen down tickers are on here in force, prob the press office of no.10, the kids are home alone by the looks of it…

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
2 years ago
Reply to  Mab Meirion

As a last resort she can send in the troops, don’t forget that…

2 years ago

With the mess they are making of the economy don’t be surprised if they go for pensions next. Remember what they did for WASPI women. Even after an enquiry found them to be in the wrong in the way they implemented the pension changes they did nothing and many women lost 10s of thousands of pounds.

The Original Mark
The Original Mark
2 years ago

if my comments about Truss didn’t keep getting deleted/removed, you would know she was bad news, Why isn’t her meetings with American right wing climate denying lobby groups, the ones that were behind trump pulling out of the Paris agreement, being reported on,

Doctor Trousers
2 years ago

Quite right Mark. These so called “think tanks” and lobbying groups hide in plain sight with bland acronyms and seemingly bland agendas, but they are behind so much of the worst things going on in the world, and have been for some time. The science denial playbook used by the oil industry and their corrupt stooges to attack the long established, rock solid scientific consensus on climate change, is widely considered to have been pioneered by the tobacco industry, as evidence grew of the link between smoking and cancer. I would argue that the playbook goes back much earlier in… Read more »

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
2 years ago

I think it started when the early Big Oil economy ousted the Hemp economy but then I’ve heard complaints from Stoneagers about the tinpot ideas of the bronze age and then the Bronzers filled the comment tablets about the lies and spin of the ferocious ferrous fanatics…has Reach taken over this site I wonder?

The Original Mark
The Original Mark
2 years ago
Reply to  Mab Meirion

There’s a very good podcast called DRILLED, it’s put out by critical frequency, it’s well worth a listen, but just the first episode explains a lot, Exxon Laboratories had a very interesting start, but then it got politicised.

Doctor Trousers
2 years ago

There is an excellent podcast called “how they made you doubt everything”, which covers a lot of what we’re talking about. It was originally broadcast on Radio 4, but don’t hold that against it. The presenter actually specifically talks about how the BBC has been complicit in presenting climate change denialism as being of equal value to legitimate climate scientists.
Not that this undoes any of the damage, to say this on a show tucked away on Radio 4 that will largely be preaching to the converted. They should be screaming it from their most popular prime time TV shows.

Doctor Trousers
2 years ago

The comment I posted in reply to this was denied approval. My comment was completely factual and evidence based, i can provide sources for every claim i made, and it named no specific individuals or groups, so cannot be considered libelous. I would ask that it is reconsidered for approval.

Doctor Trousers
2 years ago

Never mind, it’s appeared now

Mark Mansfield
2 years ago

Nothing you posted has been denied approval.

Doctor Trousers
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Mansfield

Fair doos, it did disappear though. It went from being visible to me but awaiting approval to not visible at all. Glitches happen, it’s not a problem. For future reference, would I have been notified by email if it had been denied approval?

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Mansfield

Mark why all the massive ugly adds…revenue I suppose?

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
2 years ago
Reply to  Mab Meirion

Who in Wales shops in the Brexit heartland of Stoke on Trent?

Morgan Morgan
Morgan Morgan
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Mansfield

Can you explain why my earlier post on this topic was deleted?

Mark Mansfield
2 years ago
Reply to  Morgan Morgan

It was downvoted off by readers.

Morgan Morgan
Morgan Morgan
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Mansfield

Aah. Can’t have anyone with a differing opinion on here now can we? It might provoke discussion.

2 years ago
Reply to  Morgan Morgan

It wasn’t just a different opinion, you were name calling. Offer something worthwhile if you want it left up.

One of the two witnesses
One of the two witnesses
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Mansfield

I was one of the ones who downvoted it. I will stop using the downvote button if it means posts are removed. Although it explains some of my previous ill fated forays into this site and indeed why some horrible, but not unpopular viewpoints have remained un-auto-moderated.
I disagree with MM. Vehemently. But if popularity is the measure of a post, you just end up with an echo chamber.

Last edited 2 years ago by One of the two witnesses
Doctor Trousers
2 years ago

I would agree that it shouldn’t be possible to downvote comments off the page. If the comment breaks the rules it can be reported and removed. Otherwise let it be known how unpopular it is. I can tell you for a fact that anyone with a bit of knowledge could very easily fiddle the ups and downvotes on here. I don’t think anyone but admins should have the power to make comments disappear, especially when the right’s main line of attack these days is playing semantic silly buggers with the concepts of free speech and censorship.

One of the two witnesses
One of the two witnesses
2 years ago

Completely agree with all you have said here. (Actually I worked out the fiddle)

The original mark
The original mark
2 years ago

It’s happened to my comments about Truss a couple times. Like your comment the facts are out there, people just need to look.

Doctor Trousers
2 years ago

Aye, if people were armed with the facts about what kind of agendas have their hooks in our government, they’d be at lot less dismissive of, as Mhairi Black referred to it, “the F word”.
This is not “do your own research” territory. These are not conspiracy theories, or speculative join the dot exercises. This is historical, factual, evidence based. There is an international network of far right think tanks, lobbying groups and, most perversely of all, “charities”, seeking to bring an end to democracy and social liberalism.

The Original Mark
The Original Mark
2 years ago

Exactly, people could check out de smog, they’ve done a lot of the groundwork and more, on exposing the links between MP’s, lobby groups and grubby money, and if people feel like doing their own research they could look up 55 Tufton street, or there’s Atlas network, they have a lot of fingers in political pies even our very own centre for welsh studies used to belong to that group, their name seems to have been removed now, perhaps they couldn’t afford the membership fees

2 years ago

She clearly feels that she needs to fling out some red meat to win the votes of the members. Curiously, the same members felt that Scottish independence was a price worth paying for a hard Brexit. Her attempt at invoking the spirit of Thatcher is the puerile act of an obvious political shape shifter. Truss has no values of her own. She has ambition but no true conviction. At least Thatcher had that, as appallingly blinkered as it was. Look at Truss’ inane comment about faith. Just say the truth … or is the truth not sufficiently red meat for… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Arwyn
DAI Ponty
DAI Ponty
2 years ago

As Boris was a good recruit for Welsh independence Truss will be a far far better cause for the it the destruction done to Wales by Thatcher tory maffia people still remember this thing Truss will be worse do not be surprised if they try to build more reservoirs for england and flood Welsh valleys then the fun will begin

2 years ago

Levelling up – by paying government workers in the ‘provinces’ less ? FFS!

One of the two witnesses
One of the two witnesses
2 years ago

Delusion at work

One of the two witnesses
One of the two witnesses
2 years ago

Minion. Serf. Chattel. Pet.

2 years ago

Liz Truss calling Nicolas Sturgeon an “attention seeker”. The same Liz Truss that employs professional photographers to follow her around the World at tax payers expense in order to take photos of her impersonating Margaret Thatcher!

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago
Reply to  Llyn

Like when May told Sturgeon ‘Politics is not a game’ before returning to the table to carry on playing it. Barnstorming hypocrisy!

2 years ago

For many it was Thatcher’s legacy that tipped the balance in favour of the YES vote for Welsh Devolution…. if Truss follows through on her promises, it’ll be her that delivers the independence YES vote for Cymru.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dafydd

You can add John Redwood to that too … and guess who’s being touted for a return to cabinet as one of the Tories best brains! You couldn’t make it up.

To quote Adam Price, I cant wait until we’re independent so we don’t have to put up with this cr*p anymore

2 years ago
Reply to  Arwyn

I almost want that to be true – John ‘ live long & prosper’ Redwood …. OMG!

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
2 years ago

“Run it” ! He could buy it…

Morgan Morgan
Morgan Morgan
2 years ago

Strange. My comment in support of Liz Truss has been deleted. We can’t have any air in the vacuum chamber now can we?!?

I Humphrys
I Humphrys
2 years ago
Reply to  Morgan Morgan

Well, your down-ticks haven’t, or you have two computers-

2 years ago

Thats realy great news – da iawn
Liz bach. We just need some more anti welch comments in ‘ Das Telegraff ‘ and perhsps suggesting the ‘ Welsh Nott @ returns 🇬🇧….

Should just about put the Tory Party in lead position to win the next election here in west Anglia 👍🏼🤣

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
2 years ago

Her dad was Prof of higher maths, I wonder what he thought the odds of his little girl becoming Empress of all the World King’s realm were…The possibility of 3 Popes on Earth at the same time must be a portent of something really bad…just at the moment we are spoilt for choice…

Kerry Davies
Kerry Davies
2 years ago

Devolution for York but not for Wales.

2 years ago

Truss couldn’t “deliver” a pizza. Nicola Sturgeon by contrast is one of the most competent politicians in the world.

Last edited 2 years ago by Quornby
Mick Tems
Mick Tems
2 years ago

I’m not looking forward to the time when two grown politicians fall over themselves to lick the arses of selfish ignorant bigots.

DAI Ponty
DAI Ponty
2 years ago

At last a NUT JOB who will give our people the final big nudge for FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
2 years ago

Liz Truss’s backwards little England attitude towards Scottish independence and Welsh devolution is bubbling up resentment. And her legacy if she becomes PM is to be witness the death of this archaic false United Kingdom. Keep up the good work Liz . You are the best recruiter for independence. 👋🙂 #YesCymru 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago
Reply to  Y Cymro

And so say all of us! Well almost all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Y Cymro

How right you are. 👏👏👏

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