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Michael Fabricant says it’s not up to Mark Drakeford how Prince of Wales investiture goes ahead

22 Sep 2022 4 minute read
Michael Fabricant picture by Chris McAndrew (CC BY 3.0). Mark Drakeford. Photo Ben Birchall PA Images

Conservative MP Michael Fabricant has said that it’s not up to Wales’ First Minister Mark Drakeford how the investiture of the new Price of Wales plays out.

Last Friday the First Minister has suggested that there may not be a need for an investiture for the new Prince of Wales at all, after meeting the new King Charles at Cardiff Castle.

But Michael Fabricant accused Drakeford of “politicising” the event and potentially “tarnishing” it.

The King made Prince William the new Prince of Wales in his first speech as Head of State, an act that has proven controversial as just short of 35,000 people have since signed a petition opposing the continuation of the title.

Speaking to TalkTV after meeting the King, Mark Drakeford said that Prince William should be given time to get used to his new role before thoughts turned to another investiture.

After that, they could start thinking about “whether there is a need for any further ceremonial underpinning of what has already been announced,” he said.

But Michael Fabricant told the Daily Express that the First Minister should not intervene as it was “essentially a matter for the King”.

“Frankly, I don’t think it is for Mark Drakeford, who politicises everything he touches, to tarnish the Investiture should the King and Prince of Wales decide it should go ahead,” the Lichfield MP said.

‘Knows little’

His intervention came after fellow Conservative MP and former Welsh Secretary David Jones said the Welsh First Minister’s comments were “deeply inappropriate” and that the title of the Prince of Wales was a matter for King Charles III and his heir alone.

David Jones, who is Conservative MP for Clwyd West, however, said that Prince William understood Wales better than Mark Drakeford did.

“I think it was deeply inappropriate of Drakeford to comment on something which is entirely a matter for the new King, not Drakeford or any other politician for that matter,” he said.

“Drakeford suggested they should get to know Wales. Well, I can say as an MP in north Wales, that the new Prince and Princess of Wales know North Wales much better than he does.

“Prince William was based in Anglesey as an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot and the couple had a cottage there. They lived there for three years so know this part of Wales very well.

“I think the limits of Wales for Drakeford is Merthyr Tydfil, it’s like a Londoner’s view of England. He knows very little of north Wales.”

‘Decision has been taken’

On Tuesday Plaid Cymru called for a “national conversation” and a Senedd vote on the issue of having a Prince of Wales.

Speaking in the Senedd, Plaid Cymru deputy leader Sian Gwenllian said that the Welsh Government had a key role in responding to the decision to give the title ro Prince William “without consultation with Government or the people of Wales”.

“The Welsh Government has a key role now in leading a national conversation with the people of Wales on these issues, and the Senedd too has a crucial role as the democratically elected body representing the views of the people of Wales,” she said.

“So, will you confirm that the Government is planning to allocate time in the parliamentary timetable to allow the Senedd to have a meaningful vote on these issues?”

However, the leader of the house, Labour Senedd Member Lesley Griffiths, suggested that the decision to make William Prince of Wales had been taken but that there was room to discuss what he did with the role.

“You will be aware, because it’s been out in the public domain, that even if the Prime Minister couldn’t find two minutes to speak to the First Minister, the Prince of Wales did during his time of grieving call the First Minister,” she said.

“This decision has been taken now, and I think that’s really important to recognise. But what the First Minister made very clear was that it’s important how he develops his role going forward, and there is a debate to be had around that. ”

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David Zenati-Parsons
David Zenati-Parsons
2 years ago
Dai Rob
Dai Rob
2 years ago

t*t in a wig!!!

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago

Does Fabricant need to be told that Mark Drakeford is the democratically elected First Minister of Wales and that the insult title under discussion here directly relates to OUR country and is no longer to be viewed as a right to be bestowed in line with the whims of a a sick and dying Empire of which he is a relic? YES it seems but he is about to receive a rude awakening. Abuse of nations is over and it is very much our First Ministers’ business because WE the people who elected him expect him to stand firm and… Read more »

The original mark
The original mark
2 years ago
Reply to  Fi yn unig

Don’t rise to the bait, fabricant is a distraction, not worth wasting your breath on.

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago

Aw, but it’s fun like a game of ‘Whack a mole’.

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
2 years ago

Don’t laugh he can’t help it…

2 years ago

How curious. A Tory MP who does not represent a Welsh constituency believes that the elected leader of the Welsh Nation (I’d laugh my backside off if the Senedd voted to change the title of the First Minister to Tywysog) should have no say in the British Monarchy’s pomp and ceremony that appropriates an historic title that belongs to our Nation?


Keep on taking the tablets Michael …

Evan Aled Bayton
Evan Aled Bayton
2 years ago

Mark Drakeford and the people of Wales are entitled to suggest that an investiture in Wales may not be required. As I understand it the ceremony is similar to that for creating a Duke and most previous ceremonies prior to the 20thC took place in Westminster possibly on College Green or even in the House of Lords. As I have pointed out previously the title is honorific and has no real connexion with Wales politically or administratively. It could probably be organised to take place in a Royal Palace.

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
2 years ago

So according to English MP Michael Fabricant Mark Drakeford is politicising the investiture if Prince William. Oh really. So King Charles III proclaimation & parade on Owain Glyndwr day was not one but political or insult to Wales as a nation. Man’s an ignorant fool besides looking absolutely rediculous with that dead ferret on his head.

Mark Drakeford has every right to question any investiture being the democratically elected First Minister of Wales, where both King Charles III & Prince William are elected by no one and enjoy their priveraged positions in society solely because of who they are.

Last edited 2 years ago by Y Cymro
Rhydderch Willisms
Rhydderch Willisms
2 years ago
Reply to  Y Cymro

Owain Glyndwr day such an iconic day for Wales. I remember marching through Garnant in 1965. There were hundreds of us. The most iconic Welsh day St David’s day pales into insignificance compared to OGDay

David Charles pearn
David Charles pearn
2 years ago
Reply to  Y Cymro

Dead ferret 🤣🤣🤣.

George Thomas
George Thomas
2 years ago

The questions is why does Lichfield keep voting for Fabricant? Surely they have a different option?

Ieuan Evans
Ieuan Evans
2 years ago

He is the most idiotic MP there is. And lets not forget he broke Covid rules to stay in his second home in Tywyn. Not worthy of respect.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ieuan Evans

He has a home in Tywyn ? Does he leave his hair at home so he can’t be recognised when strutting his stuff around the promenades of Bae Ceredigion ? He’s just a Grade A 2at.

David Smith
David Smith
2 years ago

The Republicans’ paradox. Enough people are about, stupid enough to bow and scrape before a monarchy; what on earth will they vote for given the choice. And here it is.

2 years ago

The irony of it. A English MP with no connection to our country, telling our elected leader, not to comment on things that concern him, in the country that elected him. This is the English establishment displaying to the world their superiority complex, and belief that they know best, and only their opinion matters. It is they, not elected officials who will decide how the UK is governed, in their minds.

2 years ago

“Frankly, I don’t think it is for Mark Drakeford, who politicises everything he touches”

Call me old-fashioned but isn’t that what politicians should be doing? Politics?

Or have Tories forgotten that?

2 years ago

In law there is no need for an investiture nor a coronation. Charles has been made king, he is king, and he named William as PoW. But they will both go ahead as the monarchy relies on pomp and ceremony to remain popular, given that it serves no useful purpose constitutionally, in fact it’s damaging to democracy. Fabricant is right, the job is done and the royal soap opera will happen. A national debate on the PoW has been called for but Drakeford says no. So how to stop it happening Mr D?

2 years ago
Reply to  notimejeff

What’s the point of having all these tossers if you can’t hold a big panto so they can be put on display from time to time?. I suggest you tune in to Game of Thrones or the prequel now running and there are several good digs at royalty’s need for pomp and splendour even when the country is need deep in rats and other pests.

2 years ago
Reply to  notimejeff

I doubt the pomp and ceremony will be popular in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis.

Mick Tems
Mick Tems
2 years ago


2 years ago

Just today’s daily assault on those upstarts in Cardiff Bay. Torygraph’s turn tomorrow, unless the rota’s changed…

Steve Duggan
Steve Duggan
2 years ago

When are these clowns going to realise they are insulting a country? This is not a decision for the damn Daily Express, UK government or even the King – it is a decision for the Welsh people. What if Drakeford was to appoint a Welsh Prince of England. How quiet would the rabid right wing press be I wonder?

2 years ago

Of course it is! He is Wales’ democratically elected First Minister.

They do not have the consent of the people nor does Fabricant have the authority to speak on our behalf!

Owain Morgan
Owain Morgan
2 years ago

So, let me get this right David ‘I’m a Muppet’ Jones thinks William and Kate Hanover know Cymru better than First Minister Mark Drakeford. Is the Muppet just drunk or permanently inebriated!? As for loud mouth Fabricant, that junior member of the land thieving aristocracy needs to learn the difference between Natives, Residents and people who have nothing to do with it, namely him in this context. Drakeford’s politicising things!? The loud mouth needs to get his facts straight first 🙄 Politicisation point no. 1. Using the Prince of Wales title to slap down the people of Wales down, again.… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Owain Morgan
2 years ago

No one can take this wiggy character seriously, surely?

Phil Nedin
Phil Nedin
2 years ago

Hi Mark, please don’t comment on anything to do with Wales in future. Anything you say has zero validity. Thanks.

David Charles pearn
David Charles pearn
2 years ago

Fabricant talking to the daily express, now there’s a double act for us all to take notice of.

A John
A John
2 years ago

Who does this stupid wig wearing buffoon think he is. Typical English Tory MP imposing his pathetic outdated opinion on Wales and the Welsh people, how insulting and anti democratic. It does make you think what type of people vote for this type of creature they must set their political standards extremely low.

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