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MS calls for responsible dog ownership campaign following vicious attack

04 Oct 2023 2 minute read
Jack Sargeant MS with his dog Coco (Credit-NCM Media)

Welsh Labour MS Jack Sargeant has called for a responsible dog ownership campaign after he and his small dog were viciously attacked by two Staffordshire Bull Terriers.

Speaking in the Senedd, Mr Sargeant relived the terrifying event and thanked members of the public who came to his aid.

Dog attack

“…a few weeks ago myself and my dog, Coco the King Charles cavalier were involved in a violent dog attack from 2 Staffordshire Bull Terriers off their leads. I must pay tribute to the 6 members of the public who came to our rescue.

“Remarkably, I was physically ok from the attack – more mentally shook up from the ordeal. Coco, after 6 visits to the vets is on the road to recovery. We’ve heard already from Hefin David this afternoon how things can go tragically wrong.

“What consideration have you given to a responsible dog ownership awareness campaign that would amongst other things, remind dog owners in Wales of their legal obligation to keep their animals under proper control in all places, at all times; encourage them to seek advice if they are concerned about their dog’s behaviour; and urge people to report any suspicions they have about illegal breeding to their local authorities?”

Jack Sargeant’s dog Coco was attacked by two Staffordshire Bull Terriers.

Speaking after the Senedd Plenary, Mr Sargaent said: “The two dogs were running loose and seemed to appear from nowhere. Before I knew it one dog had Coco around the neck causing two puncture wounds to her throat and back of the neck whilst the other pinned her to the ground.

“I attempted to rescue Coco and I am incredibly grateful to members of the public who answered my calls for help as I was lying over Coco’s body in efforts to protect her. Without the bravery of the public, Coco would almost certainly not be with us anymore. Over two weeks since the attack, my partner and I are still finding wounds to Coco’s flesh.

“The powers to introduce new legislation in this area are not devolved but we can look at campaigns for to promote responsible dog ownership.”

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11 months ago

Those attack dogs probably need to be humanely put down. Their owners should definitely be put down and I don’t really care how it might be done. Most dog related attacks are down to the vicious people that own them and we need to face up to the fact that they get off on it.

11 months ago

Summer on the cosst in nirthern Wales is a challenging time for local residents with pets. “ City “ man comes to the thousands of caravans we have to tolerate – with a range of dogs. These poor creatured are then to be found on our beaches and community areas messing and occadionaly worse .

The Original Mark
The Original Mark
11 months ago

Sometimes, reading this website and the comments, you could be forgiven for thinking somehow you’ve accidentally found yourself on the daily mail web pages

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