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Paedophile guilty of historic offences told police he’d been waiting ‘a long time’ for arrest

14 May 2024 2 minute read
Robert Evans – Image SWP

A convicted paedophile who carried out historic sexual offences against a child told arresting officers, “I knew this was coming”.

Robert Evans from Ely, Cardiff, pleaded guilty to nine offences including rape of a child, sexual assault of child under 13 and breach of sex offenders’ notification requirements.

His offending came to light when the victim told his mother.

When arrested, Evans told officers: “I knew this was coming, I have been waiting for this day for a long time now.”


Evans, 58, made full admissions and on April 8, 2024, he was sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court to 12 years and eight months imprisonment, with an extended licence period of eight years.

He was also made subject to sex offender notification requirements and a Sexual Harm Prevention Order indefinitely.

The officer in the case was Detective Constable Chloe Parfitt from Cardiff and Vale BCU Rape Investigation Team.


South Wales Police said it takes all reports of sexual violence extremely seriously and it is never too late to report a crime.

A spokesperson said: “Help and support is available for all victims of sexual violence, and we would encourage any victims; no matter how long ago the offence happened, to come forward.”

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