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Plans for large-scale housing development of more than 800 homes submitted

26 May 2024 2 minute read
The site of the current Bridgend College campus in Pencoed near to where new housing could be built

Lewis Smith, local democracy reporter

Early stage planning proposals for a large-scale housing development of more than 800 new homes and a primary school have been submitted.

The plans, for a site located east of Pencoed near Bridgend, could see the development of 804 housing units on land adjoining the existing Bridgend college campus.

It comes after plans were approved in 2023 for the creation of a new £70 million campus for Bridgend college, based in Bridgend town centre on the site of a former police station and car park at Cheapside.

The latest plans for the Pencoed site were handed in as part of an environmental scoping report to set out what environmental impacts would need to be looked at ahead of a full planning application over the coming months.

Local Development Plan

The early proposals say the massive development would be built on a site which is currently set aside as part of the Local Development Plan as a “strategic site for housing.”

It adds that alongside the housing, of which up to 20% could be set aside for use as affordable housing, there could also be the creation of a new primary school as well as commercial and community facilities.

The report reads: “The project comprises the comprehensive development of the site, delivering up to 804 residential units, the associated access and active travel routes, ecological mitigation, local community and commercial facilities, land for education facilities, landscaping, green infrastructure,
sustainable drainage systems and suitable site preparation and infrastructure works.”


If it is eventually given the go-ahead by council bosses, it is noted that the work would likely take places in stages allowing for earlier phases of development to be “completed and occupied while subsequent phases are constructed.”

The potential development could join other large scale housing sites set to go for approval in the coming years, such as a 900-home development which is planned as part of the Porthcawl sea-front re-development.

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3 months ago

These gigantic developments require a huge investment in infrastructure and services. Simple things get overlooked, like sewers and drainage which may well be all nice and shiny and up to current regulations but invariably connect ” downstream” to an antiquated and already overloaded system which will lead to excessive release of muck into water courses. Services into these estates – utilities, water etc should be installed to a standardised trunking system with specific provision for upgrading things like optical fibre comms so that we don’t have a number of different cable contractors digging up roads and pavements to sink their… Read more »

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