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Poll shows every parliamentary constituency in Wales backs phasing out sale of tobacco

03 Jun 2024 2 minute read
cigarette smoking

A poll carried out by an anti-smoking organisation has shown widespread support for a proposed ban on phasing out the sale of tobacco.

In the run up to the general election, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) has published analysis by YouGov demonstrating majority support for phasing out the sale of tobacco among adults in every constituency in Wales, Scotland and England (Northern Ireland was not included in this poll).


The analysis was carried out using a national GB survey of over 13,000 respondents, and was commissioned by ASH and funded by Cancer Research UK.

The analysis based on the constituencies in the forthcoming general election found levels of support ranging between 57% and 74%, showing the extent to which this policy cuts across political and social lines. 

The highest level of support, 74%, was found in Keir Starmer’s constituency of Holborn and St Pancras. The constituencies of other party leaders also showed strong support, with 72% of the Rishi Sunak’s constituents in Richmond and Northallerton supporting the policy and 71% of constituents in Liberal Democrat leader, Ed Davey’s constituency of Kingston and Surbiton. All three leaders have backed the legislation.

In Dwyfor Meirionnydd, Plaid Cymru Westminster group leader Liz Saville Roberts’ constituency, 67% are supportive. In SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn’s constituency of Aberdeen South, 67% support the legislation.


Suzanne Cass, chief executive of ASH Wales Cymru, said: “Raising the age of sale for tobacco products is vital legislation for the future of our children, as it will protect them from vaping as well as smoking.

“The incoming government, whoever they are, must listen to constituents and commit to bringing it back as a priority when they announce their legislative programme in the King’s speech.”

ASH has also created a tool so people can look up the support in their own parliamentary constituency:

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Alun Owen
Alun Owen
3 months ago

firstly I am an ex smoker, but this poll is not democratic in any sense, 13,000 people polled throughout Wales, and the suposition is made that there is an overwhelming majority with the desire to introduce phased prohibition on tobacco sales, this is a line which should not be crossed – the logical next item will be Alcohol, followed by red meat, this measure will only increase the already growing black market in tobacco products and fuel organised crime. since the prominent health warning on cigarettes, advertising bans, removal from display in shops, and plain packaging , has the number… Read more »

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
3 months ago
Reply to  Alun Owen

Thankfully it doesn’t happen often but I have experienced a number of times someone having a go at me for smoking, talking about its’ health effects, what a waste of money it is and suggesting banning it whilst they are slurping on an alcoholic drink. When I suggest that alcohol could well be the next target for this fate on the same grounds, they go quiet. Next time out, they’re at it again. These two people to whom I refer drink and like red meat and would kick and scream if those things were under threat at which point, despite… Read more »

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
3 months ago

“The impact of a single smoker is substantial” on climate change, who knew!

Why vote
Why vote
3 months ago

Why is cancer research funding lobby groups monies donated should be used for research not to manipulate statistics that can be used to prove anything then manipulated to achieve any outcome required by the user 20mph is a prime example. Just ban cigarettes totaly no smoking within the boundaries of wales raise the tax elsewhere, cycling, vegetarian food transportation, solar panels, electric vehicles, or just tax lobby groups 99% of their income.

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