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Rishi Sunak to be quizzed on Eat Out scheme and lockdowns at Covid inquiry

10 Dec 2023 3 minute read
Then Chancellor Rishi Sunak placing an ‘Eat out to help out’ sticker in the window of No.11 Downing Street. Photo PA Wire

Rishi Sunak will face allegations his Eat Out to Help Out scheme fuelled the spread of coronavirus when he appears at the UK Covid inquiry on Monday.

The Prime Minister is expected to be grilled on whether he believed scientists were handed too much power and if insufficient consideration was given to the impact of lockdowns.

His appearance at the official inquiry in west London on Monday morning will kick off a crucial week for Mr Sunak as he faces a crunch vote on his Rwanda legislation on Tuesday.

Messages have revealed that Government scientists referred to him as “Dr Death, the Chancellor” over concerns about his push to keep economic activity going while leading the Treasury during the pandemic.

Public critique

Cabinet minister Michael Gove defended Mr Sunak on Sunday, arguing there was no “public critique” of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme before its launch in August 2020.

But Professor Sir Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, is said to have privately referred to the scheme to boost the restaurant industry as “eat out to help out the virus”.

Sir Patrick Vallance, who was chief scientific adviser, said he and Sir Chris could not recall being consulted in advance about the scheme that cost hundreds of millions of pounds.

Giving evidence to Baroness Hallett’s inquiry, Sir Patrick said the scheme was “highly likely” to have fuelled deaths.

Mr Gove argued the policy was announced a month before it was implemented and during this time it was “not the case that there was a public critique”.

“It was an effective way of ensuring that the hospitality industry was supported through a very difficult period, and it was entirely within the broad outlines of rules about social mixing that prevailed at the time,” he told Sky’s Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips programme.

Economics update

The plan formed part of Mr Sunak’s summer economic update on July 8 2020, and provided 50% off the cost of food and/or non-alcoholic drinks.

Former deputy chief medical officer Professor Sir Jonathan Van-Tam said the scheme “didn’t feel sensible” because it was encouraging exactly what officials had been trying to stop in previous months.

One of Sir Patrick’s diary entries recorded Dominic Cummings, who was Boris Johnson’s chief adviser in Downing Street at the time, saying Mr Sunak “thinks just let people die and that’s OK”.

It is understood that the inquiry has shared with its core participants an interview Mr Sunak did with the Spectator magazine in August last year.

In it, Mr Sunak claimed he “wasn’t allowed to talk about the trade-off” between the economic and social impacts of lockdowns and their benefits to suppressing the virus.

He discussed the “problem” of handing power to scientists, adding: “If you empower all these independent people, you’re screwed.”

Mr Sunak may also face questions over his WhatsApp messages, or lack of them.

He has reportedly told the inquiry that “having changed my phone a number of times over the last three years” he no longer has access.

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8 months ago

This the policy that the medicos in No10 didn’t know about and people outside No10 were asked why the hell is he risking lives?

he wont like being questioned on this. They started to follow some very bonkers policies when the barrington declaration got involved. That is apart from the terrible policies they did themselves.

Wonder what his defence of lost WhatsApp will be. He hosted Musk trying to be some sort of tech guru, yet he managed to pull a Lord Bethel. Funny that.

8 months ago

What’s to quiz, the eat out scheme was pure stupidity.iit was designed to line pockets if the rich and mass spread.

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