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Senedd roundup: Calls to observe lockdown as testing facility for key workers opens at Cardiff City Stadium

09 Apr 2020 9 minute read
Cardiff City Stadium. Photo by AndyRees1 licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Owen Donovan, Senedd Home

Public Health Wales has confirmed the opening of a new testing facility at the Cardiff City Stadium as the number of deaths in Wales from COVID-19 increased to 286, up by 41 since yesterday.

Dr Robin Howe, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said:  “As part of our efforts to continually expand testing, there is now a Deloitte testing facility operational at Cardiff City Stadium. This is part of the UK-wide plan to test key workers.  In Wales this has been led by Public Health Wales, Welsh Government, the Local Resilience Forum, and Deloitte. Please note that the facility is for key workers and you should only attend if invited.”

Echoing the comments of First Minister Mark Drakeford and Health Minister Vaughan Gething in a letter published earlier today, he also called on people to observe the lockdown on the eve of  the Easter holiday weekend: “Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is now circulating in every part of Wales. The single most important action we can all take in fighting Coronavirus is to stay at home in order to protect the NHS, and save lives.

“We want to thank each and every person across Wales for doing their bit to help slow the spread of the virus.

“We know that staying at home can be hard especially when the weather is nice, but members of the public must adhere to social distancing rules about staying at home, and away from others, introduced by the UK and Welsh Government.  These rules are available on the Public Health Wales website.”

Photo by Tobias Heine from Pixabay

Lockdown expected to continue; plans for prisoner voting dropped

Yesterday saw the second “Virtual Senedd” held, with more members involved this time. From the start, several members sent their best wishes to the UK Prime Minister – who remains in intensive care at the time of writing this – as well as Alun Davies AM (Lab, Blaenau Gwent) who suffered a heart attack last week and is currently recovering following surgery.

First Minister: Lockdown set to be extended; PPE “should be distributed across the UK”

Key Points:

  • The “lockdown” restrictions were due to end next week, but the First Minister said “these restrictions will not end then. We will not throw away the gains we have made and the lives we can save by abandoning our efforts just as they begin to bear fruit.” Discussions with the other UK governments and scientific advisers are ongoing.
  • The police believe they have the powers they need to enforce the lockdown as things stand.
  • Drive-in testing centres are starting to open and virus testing for more frontline staff (social care workers, police officers, prison staff) is set to increase.
  • Businesses in Wales have been asked to switch production to personal protective equipment (PPE), with a “tremendous response”. However, he said there “were sufficient supplies (of PPE) at this point”.
  • “On PPE, there is a UK procurement, the product of that gets divided out to Wales, to Northern Ireland, to Scotland and England, and it’s then for us to onwardly transmit that to people who need it” – there are reports today that some suppliers are holding back stocks solely for the use of England (it’s unclear if this is because of the arrangement or despite it).
  • He hopes the 2-metre rule in workplaces will be “self-policing” and send a message to employers that they must protect the health and well being of their employees.

The main concern from opposition AMs remained supplies of PPE and access to testing.

Leader of the Opposition, Paul Davies AM (Con, Preseli Pembs.) said people have been denied emergency dental treatment due to a lack of PPE, while Adam Price AM (Plaid, Carms. W. & Dinefwr) said the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) had repeatedly asked the Welsh Government for a distribution schedule for supplies.

The First Minister said the Chief Medical Officer held regular meetings with the RCN and was sure they would be happy to discuss whether the distribution schedule would be useful information.

Concerning supplies of ventilators, he added that the lockdown actions have “suppressed the curve to a point where we can have a much greater degree of confidence that the additional supplies we have of ventilators will match the current pattern of illness much more closely than would have been the case a month ago”.

The Brexit Party’s Caroline Jones warned against the spread of conspiracy theories around 5G and the First Minister reiterated that people should use trusted information direct from official sources.

Darren Millar AM (Con, Clwyd West) asked whether tuition fees can be reduced as the current £9,000-a-year doesn’t presently represent value for money with courses moving online and students being sent home. The First Minister said the Education Minister was listening to all sides of the story to work out “how we can make sure that students themselves don’t feel that they are being short-changed at the moment.”

Photo National Assembly for Wales licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

Environment, Energy & Rural Affairs Minister, Lesley Griffiths (Lab, Wrexham): Free food box scheme being rolled out; farmers won’t be able to access economic resilience fund unless they have a diversified business

Key points:

  • £15 million has been made available to supply free weekly food boxes to the 80,000+ people who’ve been told to self-isolate for 12 weeks. The scheme is being managed and delivered by councils.
  • The Minister thanked food retail staff for their hard work; there are no concerns over resupplying food stores.
  • The deadline for farmers to complete their single application form has been extended to June 15th 2020, while an additional £5.5 million has been made available through the Basic Payment Scheme and Glastir.
  • The Minister confirmed that farmers can’t access the economic resilience fund unless they have a diversified business (i.e. camping, tourism). A package for farmers exclusively focused on agricultural activity is being looked at.
  • Testing for bovine TB will only happen where it’s safe to do so and cattle movement restrictions will be applied for overdue TB tests. Where a pre-movement test is required, animals may only be traded if they have all been tested by a vet and shown to be negative.
  • A hardship grant scheme for fisheries is being developed as trade and exporting has stopped completely.
  • Draft regulations on agricultural pollution in waterways (Nitrate Vulnerable Zones/NVZ) are due to be published soon.

Andrew RT Davies AM (Con, South Wales Central) condemned UK supermarkets for sourcing Polish beef when supermarkets (except in Wales) had been supported by taxpayers, yet simultaneously undermining domestic suppliers.

The Minister confirmed following discussions with supermarkets that it was a one-off caused by a run on beef mince by customers (presumably to use with all the pasta that’s been hoarded).

Llyr Gruffydd AM (Plaid, North Wales) was sharply critical of the decision to go ahead with agricultural pollution regulations:

“You’ll be aware that this is one of the most contentious issues that you have been grappling with for 12 months and more, and it’s a cause of great concern and anxiety to the sector. So why did you choose now to make such an announcement, with large parts of the sector on their knees, as we’ve heard? I fear it will be seen as being antagonistic, hard-hearted and cruel. I still don’t understand the rationale as to why now.”
– Llyr Gruffydd AM

The Minister denied this was antagonistic at all and committed to publishing the regulations before the Easter recess; the regulations are only a draft and it’s right that everyone can look at them.

Photo by Tom Blackout on Unsplash

Plans for prisoner voting dropped; opposition AMs baffled Local Government Bill debate went ahead

One other thing up for discussion yesterday was the Stage 1 debate on the Local Government & Elections Bill. It’s safe to say the opposition was dumbfounded that the debate was going ahead (including a vote) in such circumstances.

The Bill was prioritised by the Welsh Government because arrangements need to be in place before 2022, making it time-sensitive – though that argument didn’t hold water with some AMs.

Although Stage 1 debates only discuss the general principles of a new law, opposition AMs felt the virtual Senedd wouldn’t provide the right conditions for full scrutiny.

Delyth Jewell AM (Plaid, South Wales East) criticised the fact half of the allocated time was turned over to debating the Bill, not the government’s response to the pandemic – “if we can’t legislate properly….we shouldn’t be legislating at all, and to do so would be irresponsible.”

That said, there was quite a bit of support for the Bill’s provisions, particularly reducing the voting age in local elections to 16 – though David Melding AM (Con, South Wales Central) argued for a return to a four-year electoral cycle rather than a five-year cycle.

The most significant change was that the Welsh Government has decided to drop plans to introduce amendments at a later date to grant prisoners serving sentences of less than four years the vote (in time for the next local government elections in 2022) due to time/resource constraints (for obvious reasons). Delyth Jewell condemned the Conservatives for spreading “fake news” by implying the policy was already in the Bill when it wasn’t.

Neil McEvoy AM (WNP, South Wales Central) was ejected for live streaming on Facebook during the session, which breached the agreed rules.

In the end, the vote was carried out via block voting on behalf of party groups and Independent members, with the Bill being cleared for the next stage by 30 votes to 25.


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