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Senedd urged to reject bill that would ban public bodies from boycotting Israel

05 Aug 2023 5 minute read
Boycott Israel graffiti. Photo by esra is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Martin Shipton

Grassroots campaigners in Wales are urging Senedd Members to oppose a UK Government bill which would take away the right of local authorities, public sector/local government pension funds, universities and the Welsh Government to make ethical choices about spending and investments.

Members of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) in Wales are writing to MSs about the ‘Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill’ (or anti-boycott bill). It passed its second reading in the House of Commons on July 3. The bill will now be debated at committee stage where a detailed examination of its provisions will take place.

The campaigners are urging their MSs to withhold legislative consent when the motion comes before the Senedd. They say the bill not only seeks to limit the ability of public authorities to make ethical choices, it also represents a potential attack on Welsh decision-making.

Given its potential impact on areas of devolved competence, the anti-boycott bill could encroach on the powers of the Welsh Government and the Senedd, for example by trampling on the ethical commitments contained within the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act.

Unique status

Speaking on behalf of the Welsh PSC groups, Betty Hunter – who is Abergavenny based and honorary president of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said: “The bill’s main target is the Palestinian-led campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions [against Israel] (BDS).

“Appallingly, Israel is given a unique status through a special clause in the bill that makes it the only state in the world permanently protected from divestment by a public body, no matter what it does to violate international law and human rights.”

Campaigners believe the bill could also potentially hit campaigns against deforestation, environmental pollution and the exploitation of children and workers. It is opposed by a wide coalition of some 70 organisations including trade unions, charities, NGOs, faith, climate justice, human rights, cultural, campaigning and solidarity organisations.

Heledd Fychan, Plaid Cymru MS for the South Wales Central region, said: “The proposed bill shows the determination of this UK Government to limit the ability of campaigners and public bodies to hold governments and institutions to account. Removing the right to boycott or disinvest poses a threat to freedom of expression and the ability to challenge non-ethical practices or ones that breach human rights wherever they may take place in the world. The bill must be opposed so that here in Wales we can continue to play our part as globally responsible citizens.”

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has opposed the BDS movement.

The UK Government has now started the ‘legislative consent motion’ process in relation to clauses 1 and 4 of the bill. A legislative consent motion is the means by which the Senedd and the Scottish Parliament are asked to consent to the UK Parliament passing a law which impacts on a devolved matter.

The Scottish Government has decided to formally oppose the anti-boycott bill.

Although not binding on the UK Parliament, which could still pass the bill if MSs withhold legislative consent, campaigners say it would send a clear message that the Senedd believes it represents a significant act of overreach by Westminster, as well as signalling opposition to the provisions of the bill.

Mark Drakeford

PSC has also written to First Minister Mark Drakeford about the bill, stating: “Wales has a proud history of support for these progressive movements, from the famous refusal of renowned poet and abolitionist, Iolo Morganwg, to stock sugar produced on slave plantations in his shop in Cowbridge during the late 18th century, to the best-known boycott of them all – the drive to end apartheid in South Africa.

“As you know, the magnificent role played by the Wales Anti iApartheid Movement in that campaign was subsequently celebrated by Nelson Mandela in Cardiff in 1998, when receiving the freedom of the city.”

At that time, Mr Mandela stated: “The knowledge that local authorities all over Wales were banning apartheid products from canteens and schools – and that the universities, the Welsh Rugby Union, and the choirs had cut their links – was a great inspiration to us in our struggle.”

In its letter to Mr Drakeford, PSC stated: “Alarmingly, had the anti-boycott bill been in place at the time, many of these impressive acts of solidarity would have been illegal. The anti-boycott bill threatens to erode local democracy, weaken devolution, restrict freedom of expression, and undermine campaigns for social and climate justice. We hope that you will use your influence as First Minister to speak out against this damaging legislation and urge your party colleagues at Westminster to do the same. For opposition parties who believe in democracy, human rights and climate justice, abstention on this issue should quite simply not be an option.”

When he announced the UK Government’s intention to introduce a bill that would ban public bodies from participating in boycott campaigns, Michael Gove, the Cabinet member responsible for local government in England, said: “It is simply wrong that public bodies have been wasting taxpayers’ time and money pursuing their own foreign policy agenda. The UK must have a consistent approach to foreign policy, set by the UK Government.

“These campaigns not only undermine the UK’s foreign policy but lead to appalling antisemitic rhetoric and abuse. That is why we have taken this decisive action to stop these disruptive policies once and for all.”

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Cathy Jones
Cathy Jones
11 months ago

Passing that bill would put Cymru firmly on the wrong side of history. …We rightly condemn Putin and call for peace in Ukraine, we weep for the people of Ukraine for they face injustice and oppression. Palestine is being destroyed by the Israeli government (whilst it oppresses its own people) if you do not weep for the people of P[alestiene, why is that? If its geography, you’re a hypocrite, if it is because you feel the Palestinian people are too different from you, then you are a racist, Cymru has a long history of standing against oppression, bullying and hatred.… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by Cathy Jones
11 months ago
Reply to  Cathy Jones

You are correct. The Senedd must not implicitly lend support to the apartheid state of Israel. This seems a simple moral issue, and a no-brainer.

Last edited 11 months ago by Rhosddu
11 months ago
Reply to  Cathy Jones

Correct. Can anyone tell me why Israeli settlements in Palestine and the takeover of the West Bank by a far-right racist government is ok, but a takeover of eastern Ukraine by a far-right nationalist government is something we (rightly in my opinion) should oppose and spend billions sending weapons to those fighting against the oppressor?

11 months ago
Reply to  Llyn

Deuteronomy 20:10. Again and again and again and again and again.

The original mark
The original mark
11 months ago

This will be interesting, I wonder who’s side the Senedd will come down on, that of Palestinian human rights or will they back the aparthied and extreme right wing government of Israel? Knowing how the zionist lobby works I think its a foregone conclusion.

11 months ago

Surah 8:61

11 months ago

The Welsh Conservative Party under Andrew RT Davies always pronounce that they are against the nanny state and for local democracy and further devolution to local government, so I’m sure they will withhold consent to any Bill which would take away the right of local authorities, public sector/local government pension funds,
universities and the Welsh Government to make ethical choices about spending and investments.

11 months ago

Oh this comment section is going to get fun. בַּקֵּשׁ שָלוֹם וְרָדְפֵהוּ

11 months ago
Reply to  CJPh

Has your keyboard had a funny turn ?

11 months ago
Reply to  hdavies15

I think I might only comment using scripture from now on. What do you think? How many blood vessels would end up bursting from cognitive dissonance?

11 months ago
Reply to  CJPh


11 months ago
Reply to  Llyn

Iago 1: 6-8

11 months ago
Reply to  CJPh

Well that’s made everything much clearer.

11 months ago
Reply to  Llyn

Surah Yusuf 12:33

The Original Mark
The Original Mark
11 months ago
Reply to  Llyn

I guess they think they’re being clever?

Peter Cuthbert
Peter Cuthbert
11 months ago

You have to admit, it does add some fun to these comments looking up the references. However, perhaps it should only be once in a while.

11 months ago
Reply to  Peter Cuthbert

Trust me when I say that it will only ever be on this article! Trying to bring a bit of levity to a grim subject with some of the most blatant outward-facing propaganda on both sides and the lowest level of info from people who think they have something to say on the matter. For the blindly pro-Israel crowd, look into the myriad pardons for clear war crimes. For the “River to the sea” crowd, search “Tomorrows Pioneers”. Terrifying.

The original mark
The original mark
11 months ago

So, it would appear that N.C doesn’t approve of anti zionist comments?

11 months ago
Reply to  Mark Mansfield

Mathew 18:15 – Os pecha dy gyfaill yn dy erbyn, dos a dangos ei fai iddo, o’r neilltu rhyngot ti ac ef. Os bydd yn gwrando arnat, fe enillaist dy gyfaill.

The Original Mark
The Original Mark
11 months ago
Reply to  Mark Mansfield

So they have.

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
11 months ago

It states here that Michael Gove is ‘the cabinet member responsible for local government in ENGLAND’. This bill should, therefore, apply only in England and even then, local authorities in England must oppose it vigorously. It cannot be imposed on Wales and Scotland. Gove and his heinous party by their actions clearly support atrocities against the Palestinian people. If they were to refute that allegation, I would point them towards the demolition by bulldozers of Palestinian homes, in many cases with the occupants dying inside including children or if they managed to get out in time, having to stand and… Read more »

11 months ago

The Westminster government doing a good job as always, representing their constituents in Tel Aviv.

11 months ago
Reply to  Glwyo

Oherwydd yr wyf gyda thi i’th achub,’ medd yr Aglwydd;
‘gwnaf ddiwedd ar yr holl genhedloedd y gwasgerais di yn eu plith,
ond ni wnaf ddiwedd arnat ti.
Ond ceryddaf di yn ôl dy haeddiant; ni’th adawaf yn gwbl ddi-gosb.’

-Jeremeia 30:11

11 months ago
Reply to  Glwyo

Exodus 1:9-10. Canard.

11 months ago

He gives wisdom to whom He chooses, and whoever is given wisdom is blessed abundantly. But only insightful people bear this in mind. -Surah 2: 269.

Does anyone here support the rallying cry “From the River to the Sea”? If so, what exactly do you mean by it and what do you think most people mean when chanting it?

Gareth Westacott
Gareth Westacott
11 months ago
Reply to  CJPh

It means they want to destroy the state of Israel and exterminate the Jews – they make no bones about it. So why would you even want to consider any sort of rapprochement with people who want to wipe you off the face of the earth?

Gareth Westacott
Gareth Westacott
11 months ago
Reply to  CJPh

‘From the river to the sea’ means that the arabs want to destroy the state of Israel and exterminate or drive out the Jewish people. So, what incentive is there to try to negotiate or find compromise when you’re dealing with people like that.

The Original Mark
The Original Mark
11 months ago

And what do you think the Israeli government is doing to the Palestinian people?
Amnesty International, a UN Special Rapporteur even B’Tselem and other human rights groups have found the Israeli government to be practising apartheid in the occupied territories,
You have a constant barrage from Israeli gov ministers denying the existence of the Palestinian people, So, what incentive is there to try to negotiate or find compromise when you’re dealing with people like that.

Peter Cuthbert
Peter Cuthbert
11 months ago

Just a thought. How would we feel if the English tried to do to Cymru what the Far Right Israeli government is doing to Palestine? I suspect that folk would soon be shouting about destroying the state of England. My understanding, which is not great, is that there are quite a lot of folk both in Palestine and Israel who believe that both can exist together and that the current approach is wrong. The only trouble is how do you get the extremists on both side to calm down and see that there is another way.

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