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Starmer: I was angry when I saw prisoners toasting early release

17 Sep 2024 3 minute read
Photo by Tom Blackout on Unsplash

Sir Keir Starmer has said he was “angry” when he saw photos of offenders toasting their early release from jail as part of emergency Government efforts to ease prison overcrowding.

The Prime Minister criticised Tory leader Rishi Sunak for “delaying” a decision to free up space behind bars for him to deal with after the general election, insisting it was “not a position I should have been put in”.

Some 1,700 prisoners were released early from their sentences last week in the first phase of the Government’s plan to tackle overcrowding, with some pictured celebrating with friends and family, and having drinks outside.


Speaking to reporters on his trip to Rome, Sir Keir said of the images: “I spent five years prosecuting and putting people in prison, and being forced to release people who should be in prison makes me angry.“But the choice was pretty simple. We’d got to the point where prisons were so full we had the choice between releasing people in the way that we’ve done it, or not being able to arrest people and put them in prison.”He added: “(Rishi Sunak) delayed until after the election and made the situation worse. So, angry is what I feel, as I did when I was in Cobra, literally having to plot how many prison places we had, in order to assess whether we could contain the disorder. No prime minister should be in that position.

“To be put into a position where it’s a choice because prisons are so overcrowded that it’s a release scheme the likes of which we had to go down, or a point where the police say we cannot carry out our basic functions, is not a position I should have been put in.”

Sir Keir has said Labour’s proposed changes to planning laws will help to speed up the expansion of the prison estate and the Government is “already (trying) to move forward some of the projects in play”.

Tuesday’s exodus from jails across England and Wales included some convicted killers and came after Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood announced plans in July to cut temporarily the proportion of sentences which inmates must serve behind bars from 50% to 40%.

The Government said the measures were necessary as overcrowding had pushed jails to the “point of collapse”.

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14 hours ago

Gotta wonder if the usual suspect murdoch goons were out and about seeking such pics with bottles of bubbly on expenses.

John Ellis
John Ellis
13 hours ago
Reply to  Jeff

My initial reaction was similar – and it still is. If the picture had shown them quaffing cans from a pack of lagers, I’d have thought it was all authentic.

But bottles of sparkling wine? Nah – no chance!

12 hours ago
Reply to  John Ellis

How many are released early before this, quite a lot. No one seems to have bothered with them. Did they get the bubbly treatment (no matter how expensive)?

John Ellis
John Ellis
19 minutes ago
Reply to  Jeff

With good behaviour, released under restrictions after 50% of their time inside served, and as of now released under the same conditions after 40% served.

Hardly any choice in hard reality given that, following the Farage riots, there was simply not the capacity in the prison estate to incarcerate a whole batch more. Just how things are.

Last edited 19 minutes ago by John Ellis
13 hours ago

Should Keir really be so forthcoming that its got him riled up? That will only encourage them!
He has either this kind of peevish demeanour, or a rabbit-in-the-headlights look.

12 hours ago

Anyone given freedom back is going to celebrate. That is a non issue. The issues are how it became so overcrowded, why people commit so many offenses in the firstplace. And quite importantly, how will the probation service and other services cope with these extra releases.

10 hours ago
Reply to  Karl

The pressure on already depleted probation services will be huge. I expect to see a fair slice of these early leavers back in jail sooner rather than later. Maybe it’s time Starmer commissioned the barges that Rishi was going to use for asylum seekers.

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