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Tory MP tells Mark Drakeford to keep his ‘nose out of the King’s business’ over Prince of Wales title

21 Sep 2022 3 minute read
King Charles III and First Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford (right). Picture by Chris Jackson / PA Wire.

A Conservative MP has told the First Minister of Wales to “keep his nose out of the King’s business” after he suggested that there was no rush for an investiture for the new Prince of Wales.

Former Welsh Secretary David Jones said the Welsh First Minister’s comments were “deeply inappropriate” and that the title of the Prince of Wales was a matter for King Charles III and his heir alone.

The King made Prince William the new Prince of Wales in his first speech as Head of State, an act that has proven controversial as more than 33,000 people have since signed a petition opposing the continuation of the title.

But David Jones, who is Conservative MP for Clwyd West, however said that Prince William understood Wales better than Mark Drakeford did.

“I think it was deeply inappropriate of Drakeford to comment on something which is entirely a matter for the new King, not Drakeford or any other politician for that matter,” he told the Daily Express.

“Drakeford suggested they should get to know Wales. Well, I can say as an MP in north Wales, that the new Prince and Princess of Wales know North Wales much better than he does.

“Prince William was based in Anglesey as an RAF search and rescue helicopter pilot and the couple had a cottage there. They lived there for three years so know this part of Wales very well.

“I think the limits of Wales for Drakeford is Merthyr Tydfil, it’s like a Londoner’s view of England. He knows very little of north Wales.”

‘Not a good guide’

On Friday the First Minister has suggested that there may not be a need for an investiture for the new Prince of Wales at all, after meeting the new King Charles at Cardiff Castle this afternoon.

Speaking to TalkTV after that meeting, he said that Prince William should be given time to get used to his new role before thoughts turned to another investiture.

After that, they could start thinking about “whether there is a need for any further ceremonial underpinning of what has already been announced,” he said.

Charles’ investiture at Caernarfon castle in 1969 drew protests including Cymdeithas yr Iaith’s non-violent mass protests, to more direct threats from the Free Wales Army and Mudiad Amddiffyn Cymru.

But Royal sources have since then hinted that this time a “low key” investiture could take place at Llandaff Cathedral – which the King visited this morning.

Speaking today, Mark Drakeford suggested the investiture proceedings for William need not follow the same form as that of the 1969 ceremony that saw the title bestowed upon his father.

He told TalkTV: “Well, I certainly don’t think that 1969 is a good guide for what should happen in 2022. Wales is a very different place.

“The nature of the monarchy has developed over that period. My message is that we shouldn’t be in a rush about all of this.

“We should allow the new prince, as I say, to become familiar with his new responsibilities, develop the job in a way that will work for him and will work for Wales.

“And then we can think about how and whether there is a need for any further ceremonial underpinning of what has already been announced.”

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Richard 1
Richard 1
2 years ago

Totally agree. As King of Hope I have anointed my son Prince of Caergwrle. None of Drakeford’s business.

2 years ago
Reply to  Richard 1

I am Count Coedpoeth, Jones knows nothing about Adwy, so butt out, Jones!

Last edited 2 years ago by I.Humphrys
Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago

Imagine a discussion about an investiture in a room containing three people. Charles, Mark and Jones, yes, Jones (just the surname if he thinks that is appropriate for our First Minister). Charles and Mark are having a constructive discussion about what to do about an investiture for the new Prince of Wales while Jones runs around the room screaming, shouting and smashing ornaments until being removed by security at the request of the other two as he will be by the electorate at the next opportunity. Jones isn’t fit to address our First Minister by any name nor cast aspersions… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Fi yn unig

“Jones isn’t fit to address our First Minister”……. I think Jones is not fit to address an envelope.

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank

Indeed but no matter. I expect he has a private secretary to do that.

Evan Aled Bayton
Evan Aled Bayton
2 years ago

The Prince of Wales’s job is to be Heir Apparent to the throne of England. It has no legal or ceremonial function in relation to Wales specifically. The title is a courtesy title similar to those borne by the heirs to a peerage usually out of the subsidiary titles of the holder. The King when he held that title showed a polite interest in Wales which is gratifying but it wasn’t by any means a main interest.

Hogyn y Gogledd
Hogyn y Gogledd
2 years ago

If what you say is true, why was Elizabeth numbered the Second?

Peter Cuthbert
Peter Cuthbert
2 years ago

Paul is correct. In 1707 the United Kingdom of Great Britain was created by the ‘union’ with England and the colony of Wales. If memory of history is correct the 1707 union was brought about by serious financial problems in the Scottish Government. The English, being flush at the time agreed to provide serious funding in exchange for singing up to the union. That worked to Scotland’s advantage as it also created a single market with fewer barriers to trade. So why was Elizabeth II not Elizabeth I? That is simply the same of thing of the English thinking that… Read more »

Kerry Davies
Kerry Davies
2 years ago
Reply to  Peter Cuthbert

The main reason Jones is an idiot and wrong is that the precious “union” is nothing if not a fluid matter of convenience.
The last act of union was 1801 much to the disappointment of the majority of the Irish who got out as soon as possible while the Ulster so-called unionists were importing German arms to kill British soldiers in an effort to remain “United”.

Hogyn y Gogledd
Hogyn y Gogledd
2 years ago
Reply to  Kerry Davies

So similar to the Russian settlers in eastern Ukraine.

David Smith
David Smith
1 year ago

An indication of how imbecilic and backwards all these pantomime titles are: the Peerage still uses place names in the Republic of Ireland for their ridiculous little honorifics!

George Atkinson
George Atkinson
2 years ago

How about the English occupiers keep their nose out of our business instead? This is our whole countries business, not just for a few inbreds and their toadying sycophants in another country.

David Zenati-Parsons
David Zenati-Parsons
2 years ago

pmsl Jonsie boy must be part of #abolishthemonarchy his crassness is breath taking #IndyWales asap please

2 years ago

So Charles lll knows more about the north of Wales than the country’s First Minister. Did he know that he visited Wales touting for support on Owain Glyndwr Day?

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
2 years ago

I like to remind that little Englander David Jones that the archaic title of Prince of Wales is up to the Welsh people to decide not Mark Drakeford or that opinionated adulterer currently sitting on the throne of England Charles.

And may I also suggest you tell your illegitimate Conservative party in London to get off our turf, stop interfering with Welsh devolution,
and to never darken our door again with your & their right-wing idiocratic putrid stench you embarrassing sychophantic ne’er-do-well.

2 years ago

Tory MP’s should keep their noses out of Welsh Government business. They should certainly not repeal Welsh Law when they have failed to win a majority in Wales in the entire history of the democratic franchise. They would not dare act in such a way what with zero electoral mandate would they?


2 years ago
Reply to  Arwyn

They are all turncoats of Wales and servants of the crown all hoping to be knighted. They would sell their soul to the devil to achieve a title.

Last edited 2 years ago by Frank
2 years ago
Reply to  Arwyn

When was the last time they achieved a majority in a national election in Wales. The majority vote for pro-devolution parties and the Tories actively seek to undermine our constitutional settlement. They have no mandate. Suck it up sunshine.

Mr Williams
Mr Williams
2 years ago

Would David Jones dare to say that to the 30, 000 people who signed the petition calling for the abolition of the title?

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
2 years ago

I remember thinking during the 1969 county sports day in Dolgellau as two lads wrestled at the feet of young Carlos that I would not have his job for all the tea in China…as for who has the better knowledge of North Wales between them…the view from the air versus the view from the south…I would not hazard a guess…

2 years ago

David Jones clearly wants to become Sir David Jones and would probably sell Wales down the river to achieve his goal.

Mab Meirion
Mab Meirion
2 years ago
Reply to  Frank

Brexit…he has done that already…

2 years ago

I declared myself Prince of England a few days ago and I insist that all English subjects bow to me, not that I have any plans to cross the border any time soon.

Last edited 2 years ago by Frank
2 years ago

It’s not the nature of the monarchy that has changed, it’s the nature and extent of the opposition to it, as people become more aware of the democratic alternative to it. The monarchy cannot change, it is rigid, unaccountable and undemocratic and always will be. Since 1705, only Anglicans can become monarchs, while most people in this country aren’t even religious, let alone Anglicans. Some change eh?

Jonathan Gwyn Mendus Edwards
Reply to  notimejeff

I’m not sure the people of Wales are in fact aware of the democratic alternative. Just saying “Indy!” and demanding a Referendum won’t crack it. Wales will have to follow Ireland ie: call Conventions of the People, devise a Constitution. Then tackle London, hold a Referendum etc. And etc, because this isn’t easy. We are luckier than Ireland because we won’t have to use armed force because the English will be quite happy to see Wales sort itself out and pay for itself. Two conditions. Like Ireland, Wales would benefit from going through Dominion Status, ie 90% Indy, self-financing. And… Read more »

2 years ago

Not enough people here at present willing to do the hard work, the heavy lifting. Much more fun screeching fashionable slogans, tearing down statues, engaging in a bit of globally recognised virtue signalling, and supporting various causes in far off lands. It’s not immaturity in most cases, but a cynical ploy to avoid confronting the real challenges. Come the day when the chips are down many of these flirts will not be seen.

2 years ago

Good post. You know, I don’t know why quite a few don’t also think having William and Kate (that’s what the public think of) as foil against the current Tories, and push for more devolution at the same time, building skills as we go along? My view, is that this will be a more Scandinavian royalty. Bind them to us! Hope some see what I mean.

Last edited 2 years ago by I.Humphrys
Steve Duggan
Steve Duggan
2 years ago

We know the Prince of Wales has no real function but that is not the point. The title is derogatory to an entire nation, a slap in the face. There is no need for the title – why is it still used? It would cost nothing to scrap it and stop our humiliation. It shows the mind-set of these people – they will never treat Cymru with any sort of respect. As for Jones – he represents the very people who are being slapped in the face by this title – he should be ashamed of himself for being such… Read more »

2 years ago

The arrogance and ignorance of the British establishment is absolutely breathtaking!

Like him or loathe him, Drakeford is First Minister of Wales, democratically elected. Of course, it IS his business!

Who will be paying for this investiture, despite a cost-of-living crisis?! Us?

And to suggest that Kate and William know North Wales better than Drakeford does on account of living here for all of twelve months is hilarious.

How about they remove their noses out of our business and leave this title well alone?

Less than half of people polled this year wanted another Prince anyway.

Last edited 2 years ago by SundanceKid
Michael Griffiths
Michael Griffiths
2 years ago

In the words of Dane of the Iron Hills, let’s hope they just ‘Sod Off!’

2 years ago

‘Prince’ of Wales, Duke of Cambridge (still), Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay in Scotland, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew and Lord of the Isles. 

How many titles does a chap need FFS?

The juicy bit is the Duchy of Cornwall. The Duchy owns 7,571 hectares of land in Cornwall and the estate is worth approximately £1 billion. This is what William will take on as the new Duke of Cornwall.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maglocunos

Declared earnings of 23 mill p.a and that’s after all sorts of “expenses” have been laundered. Nice one Willy, your dad set you up well.

2 years ago

So much for the Queen’s death setting a new respectful tone to political debate. The very day after she is buried David Jones exploits the Queen’s passing to launch a nasty, personal attack on Mark Drakeford that puts some Twitter trolls to shame.

2 years ago
Reply to  Llyn

Jones is a nasty attack 24/7/365. It’s just a case of always on tap but you’re never too sure which way he’s going to spout.

2 years ago

We might need a term stronger than “Dic Siôn Dafydd”.
Maybe “Davie Jones” could work, because he needs to get in the sea.

2 years ago

What an odius little man Jones comes across as. Talking of nose’s , I would imagine if his is not up some back passage it is firmly in the Tory Westminster trough.

2 years ago

And the people of Wales tell David Jones to keep his nose out of the King’s backside

2 years ago

This shows what vitriol we release for having an opinion on the royal family, the thought police get you. We can keep our nose out of the royals business if they can keep their nose out of ours

2 years ago

At last DJ comes out in the open.

His background influences on sections of his Party is not too welcome by what’s left of the more moderate and liberal wings.

His long time concerns on all Wales devolved bodies, the failure to understand the concept that there is no sub region of ‘ north wales and Merseyside’side ‘ and that Colwyn Bay/ Llamdudno are not the centre of the world comcern many in the Welch Tory Parti !

2 years ago

Snivelling Jones at it again.

George Thomas
George Thomas
2 years ago

David Jones is not wrong in his statement – Drakeford could make a big issue out of this but the power to change lies with Charles and William – but using the title when it’s so little to do with Wales is a cultural concern. We hear that William and Charles respect Wales. Either relinquish the title or change it to “Prince for Wales” and act as Rob and Ryan have been doing for Wrexham in promoting our country while recognising you’re not Welsh. We’re a welcoming bunch, at least we should aim to be, and many within Wales see… Read more »

2 years ago

So, Drakeford should “keep his nose out of the King’s business”, says that odious slimeball David Jones. When our noses are being rubbed in the dirt by Charlie Windsor concerning the continuation of the PoW title, it is very much every Cymro’s business (including Drakeford) as no self-respecting citizen of this fine country can put up with this intolerable slap in the face to the status of our country.

David Smith
David Smith
2 years ago

Collaborationist vermin. Who votes for these people?

Cai Wogan Jones
Cai Wogan Jones
2 years ago

The “Church in Wales” was disestablished more than a century ago. If they organize or host an imperial Durbar to confer the offensive POW title on the English prince, I would urge a general boycott of them.

2 years ago

David Jones is a deeply unpleasant character – he didnt last long as Sec. of State for Wales because even the tory’s hated him. Many thanks Nation Cymru for not displaying his sneering chops on here…..Mas o ma sycophant! .

Kenneth Vivian
Kenneth Vivian
2 years ago

Keep your noses out citizens of Wales – it is up to one Englishman to decide the.figurehead of he nation.

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