UK Gov want children in Wales to celebrate ‘One Britain One Nation Day’ and sing ‘We are Britain’ anthem
The UK Government have said that they want school children across Wales to sing a ‘We are Britain’ anthem as part of an event that will teach them about the UK’s “shared values”.
They are encouraging schools across the UK to take part in a ‘One Britain One Nation’ day on June 25th which includes singing the song “We are Britain and we have one dream to unite all people in one Great Team”.
The lyrics include: “Our nation survived through many storms and many wars, We’ve opened our doors, and widened our island’s shores, We celebrate our differences with love in our hearts, United forever, never apart.”
It ends with the repeating lines “Strong Britain, Great Nation”.
The event which aims to develop “a sense of civic pride by championing our shared values of British Citizenship” also includes encouraging every child to clap for a minute to recognise, embrace and pay tribute to all those people who helped during the Covid 19 pandemic crisis.
The Department for Education said: “We’re encouraging schools across the UK to celebrate One Britain One Nation Day on 25 June, when children can learn about our shared values of tolerance, kindness, pride and respect.”
So far, despite the UK Government’s plea, it seems that only schools in the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council area have signed up to take part in ‘One Britain One Nation’ day. Education in Wales is also devolved to the Welsh Government.
Among the aims of the organisation are to “promote, rejoice and celebrate the successes of our people under the common and collective identity of being British”.
Another aim is to “re-appropriate the flag of Great Britain so that it represents all people of good conscience, in order to promote and celebrate our common and collective identity”.
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Over my dead body!
Mae hyn yn anhygoel, hyd yn oed i Lywodraeth Boris Johnson. “Incredible” is a rather over-used, and mis-used word. But this indeed is it. And to throw the pandemic and NHS into the mix is the ultimate blunder of blunders.
Cyfle gwych i rywun fel D Iwan i gyfansoddu can ddychan – yn Saesneg rywbeth yn dechre gyda “are we Britain, nah nah nah …..” are we English, well hell no” …., er pur debyg fod yna lu o feirdd alle greu yffach o gan mewn munudau.
There is a downright lie in this song …the UK Govt has not “opened our doors” it has let people drown trying to seek refuge here.
And trapped desperate people’s fingers in “our doors” as they are shut in their faces.
Too right my though exactly
Phew, thankfully our bairns in Scotland will not be subjected to this rubbish including the union jackory, as most should have started their school summer holiday. Here we go with an attempt to ram their ‘English version of History’ down non ‘English’ bairns throats.
I must also add that for people that are so blinkered by their precious union they are doing a great job to promote Independence in Wales and Scotland and reunification in Ireland!!!
Thank God we moved to Ireland where my kid will be safe from all this rubbish… sending him over to a school across the water for the day primed and ready to belt out The Sam Song might be a plan though lol.
As you’ll notice by reading the article, no-one in Wales is being subjected to this either. And almost no-one in England is, either.
Do we have to sing it in Korean?
No mention of keeping the home fires burning…
Kindness, tolerance, respect and pride; words without a home in Toryland.
Long live Chairman Mao!……..err Boris
Sounds more like der Führer/il Duce to be honest.
OMG, is it April 1st again!
Starts with ‘f’ … ends with ‘f’!
Byth dragwyddol!
This can’t be true,after all isn’t Goto Harri’s cosmopolitan and socially liberal friend Alex Johnson the prime minister of Britain?
Guto Harri,my apologies.
This is now entering the realms of the absurd. It will be interesting to see how the Welsh Education Minister reacts, bearing in mind that Welsh Labour are still officially a unionist party.
Given it’s in 3 days time (25th June), and the article doesn’t say anyone in Wales is taking part, it’s probably fair to say that the Welsh Education Minister doesn’t give a toss about it.
Agreed; it’s so offensive to Wales that it’s probably not worth his giving it a second thought.
The tune [at is such drivel that this will never catch on. A pathetic effort from the nation that bred Edward Elgar. The Star Spangled Banner should have been taken as the minimum standard, since the scalp-tingling Russian national anthem can’t be approached.
England, England über alles …..
Hail hail Freedonia (Groucho M) “If you think this country’s bad now, just wait till I get through with it”!
Sorry to say this Richard but your link doesn’t work, comes up with a “404” error … Humm … perhaps the so called “Anthem” should too!
OMG, sadly your second link does. Pass me the bucket!
Oh Fatherland, Fatherland,
Show us the sign
Your children have waited to see.
The morning will come
When the world is mine.
Tomorrow belongs to me!
How about they sing “The English Are Best” ? At least that’s tongue-in-cheek. The composer, incidentally, was born in Llanelli to a mother from Turmenistan and a Russian father of English descent.
Definitely time I got new specs. I read ‘…born in Llanelli to a mother from Trimsaran…’
Seems similar to the way that the Hitler Youth movement began
Boris has always liked a bit of the old formation marching and enforced enjoyment of rituals. That was part of the core curriculum at Eton and Oxford. Sadly he hasn’t grown up and acquired sufficient critical faculties to see beyond such antics.
No. It began with the 1933 Enabling Acts which have been copied almost word for word in the UK Internal Markets Act 2020.
I’ll have what Kerry’s having! Nationalism is a hell of a drug!
Indeed it is, Charlie. You BritNats are definitely addled.
Our nation survived through many storms and many wars*
*Next line should be “almost all of our own creation against every conceivable people on the planet and still the penny hasn’t dropped that we’re the problem”.
how does the tune go?
Tediously —
Thank you for that Richard, I just listened to it. I’ll never be the same again, I only survived the experience by gnawing one of my own legs off.
Oompa Oompa stick it up yer jwmpa’ – just like that !
Cringe worthy and very American. Not in Wales please.
One Britain One Nation day???. More like Deny Your Nationality day. Totally pathetic.
I see Westminster has learned something from China. Brainwash the children.
The ‘poetry’ is dangerously crass too.
The Union Jack doesn’t include Wales. It combines the English and Scots flags. Nothing to do with us. “our shared values of tolerance, kindness, pride and respect.” our shared values of tolerance [racism], kindness [cruelty], pride [entitlement] and respect [inequality]. Orwellian opposites talk. As for opening our doors, we have prison camps for desperate refugees and we’re now cutting foreign aid. Yes we widened our shores as a greedy, exploitative Empire but those days are GONE and children of today know it though Tories don’t. They celebrate our differences? Yes Tories are hell keen on their difference from the subhuman… Read more »
Read this —- It could be argued that the English flag & the English part of the Union Jack are not entirely legal even.The English Monarch paid an annual tribute to the Doge of Genoa for this privilege to use the Flag of St George.The Flag of St George Only trouble is the British / English monarch has not being paying the Genoise for the right to use the flag for the last 250 years.Perhaps they will claim a back payment through the EU for the English to keep using it. The Flag of St George actually represents the… Read more »
Is this the work of Johnson’s special save the union unit? Well whoever, they can shove their imperial BS where the sun don’t shine.
It is a grant farming outfit One Nation One Britain run by the founder and CEO of the British Indian association Kash Singh a former senior police officer in Yorkshire.
I presume this is why Bradford have rushed to sign up but only Bradford.
Possily why it is a culkturally tone deaf intiative guaranteed to garner null points.
Just found out we actually have a Minister for the Union.This post was created in 2019 & has a budget of £10 million / year.Have a guess who actually is the Minister of the Union? Should we trust him with all that money since it actually has no defined responsibilities apart from acting on behalf of the entire United Kingdom: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.
So when did every body blink and let them in, autobahns, work camps and gas chambers next.
And do the children have to buy their own “Johnson Youth” uniforms?
or maybe have a “One Cymru Un gwlad” day instead. With the children singing
“Nos da Rule Britania, farewell the Union Jack. We don’t want to rule the waves, we just want Cymru back.”
I really don’t know what to say, what a bloody awful idea. If it was 1 April I would have thought it was a joke.
Who said the Right lack a sense of humour…
Number 10 have their own Dilyn in residence!
Hence the Doggerel…
Good grief. Dim byd arall i ddweud. Just: good grief.
I’m not surprised by this totalitarian drivel from the government. However it’s dangerous drivel aimed at brainwashing our children with a pack of lies which I hope will be resisted in Wales. It’s contrary to many of our real aspirations. The words only serve to remind us about mean spirited immigration policies and the colonial past.
Who do they think they are? Sounds a bit like a ductatorship to me. They can go to hell
Not a problem for Scottish schoolchildren they are on their summer vacation having to sing this brainwashing far right dirge one Britain one nation no it’s 3 nations and a colonial statelet Independence can’t come quick enough for both our nations 🏴🏴
typical tory imperialist BS. They really are losing the plot.
I thought this must be a joke. Then I realised it’s yet another idea the idiots got from another country!!
Crist o’r nef! Swnio fel addasiad o anthem gan Gor Ieuenctyd Hitler gan imperialwyr Prydeinig. Dim siawns!
Christ almighty! It sounds like a British jingoists’ adaptation of a Hitler Youth Choir anthem. No chance!
Reminds me of the Lemmings game theme music
I’m a teacher and I can tell you that I will NOT be doing that!
Will the children of Northern Ireland be ‘encouraged’ to do this as well? I wander how that will go down.
Open invitation for songwriters and lyricists to come up with some appropriate alternative words to this Horst Wessel song of Brexit Britain.
Hang on a minute, has the song been translated into Welsh? If not can’t we refer to the Welsh Language Act and refuse to sing it?
Just refuse to play it to the children at all, it’s horrible. I’m English with no kids, but if I did I would tell them to ask all the awkward questions the “lyric” suggests. Nationalistic claptrap with a ridiculously twee tune.
English hate it, as far as I have seen. Remember, the Tories are still a minority.
Not only a “ridiculously twee tune” but there is no substance or harmony in it either. Whoever wrote/composed it should be hung, drawn and quartered it doesn’t even stir the coffee, never mind Nationalism!
Enforced union is not a union it’s enslavement! Wales needs to take Scotland’s lead.
The USA is a Nation of states whereas GB is a state of Nations.
My children are grown and gone but had they still been with me I would rather have died then allow them to utter such rubbish. The english are getting getting desperate. The Senedd should step in and put a stop to such bloody nonsense
I wonder if they are asking Northern Ireland to sing along ? I doubt it….
Scottish schools go on holidays on 24th. Boris is an idiot.
Not going to go over well that isn’t. Best ignored. It’s just another of Johnson’s stupidities. Of course, if efforts are made to enforce compliance it may be a different matter, but since this shower are good at making striking announcements but very bad at carrying them through, it may not come to anything. Mind, forced patriotic songs for kids is always a very bad sign. I am reminded of French kids under Vichy singing hymns to Petain. Only the wrong sort of regime goes in for this sort of thing. Fortunately education in Wales comes under Drakeford’s government, not… Read more »
Wales, I’m sorry I’m so so sorry.
“Reappropriate the flag of Great Britain” from whom? “To represent people of good conscience” What, are they including Wales in this one?
They probably want it back from the barmy right for the stupid right to use.
Pure desparation and just too late. Besides Cymru has never had a choice – we were forced into this ‘Union’ like it or not and the benefits have been non existent.
We were forced into the union by a king of Welsh decent actually.Wales was never conquered entirely, although it can be argued Wales were never a sovereign nation either.The Scottish union with the British (England & Wales) was achieved through a joint monarchy as well.
Boris Johnson is a *uc*ing c*nt
Kiss my hairy Scotch arse.
Anybody know a “Get Stuffed” Anthem?
I think you’re all being Debbie Downers about this. Here is a campaign to celebrate all of Britain’s cultures, which I support whole-heartedly. The second they release the full Welsh translation of “Ni Yw Prydain” I’ll be teaching it to my kids! In fact I’m going to pop to their website now and ask when the translation for use in Welsh medium schools will be released.
Hilariously, their website reports a “fatal error” when I try to send them a message about a Welsh language version. Wel yn gymwys cyfeillion. I wonder if any journalists might like to chase up the release of the Welsh translation with the campaign?
We’ll have the Johnson Youth instead of Urdd Gobaith Cymru next! A red, white and blue, pear shaped mascot named Mr BJ.
Apologies. Just saw Phil Davies got it in 21 hours ago!
We have many of our own great songs, just one example is ‘Yma o Hyd’ 🏴
Lyrics by Boris Johnson aged 9 and three quarters (on the back of his Latin grammar book)
I feel sorry for the pampered kids of the VoG. They are BOUND to be forced into this by some Uncl Twm headmaster in a butcher’s apron bow tie and a chestful of National Service participation badges