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UKIP candidate’s support for Franco called out by anti-fascist group

27 Jun 2024 5 minute read
General Franco (L). Photo Vicente Martín, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Stan Robinson, UKIP’s Llanelli candidate

Martin Shipton

The anti-fascist group Hope Not Hate has called out UKIP’s lead spokesman for Wales after he told an election hustings meeting that he admires the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco.

Stan Robinson, who jointly runs the far right video blog Voice of Wales with convicted fraudster Dan Morgan, was recently promoted to lead spokesman status and is also UKIP’s general election candidate in Llanelli.

The hustings meeting was in uproar after Labour councillor Gary Jones raised his arm in a fascist salute three times as a protest against Mr Robinson and his supporters. This led to Cllr Jones, who represents the village of Llangennech on Carmarthenshire County Council, being asked to leave the meeting.

Nazi salute

An observer at the hustings meeting, which was organised by Llanelli Chamber of Trade & Commerce, said of Cllr Jones’ depiction of a Nazi salute: “It was finger under the nose – the whole thing.”

The councillor faced calls for him to be suspended by the Labour Party, but Cllr Deryk Cundy, leader of the county council’s opposition Labour group, posted a message to a Labour WhatsApp group, saying he understood why Cllr Jones had behaved the way he did and supported him.

There is a wealth of evidence to back up the case that Franco, who ruled Spain after the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939 until his death in 1975, ran a regime that hunted down its enemies before torturing and killing them.

Mr Robinson is a notorious far-right activist who has made numerous offensive comments on social media about those he regards as his enemies or left-wing. He has called, for example, for the castration of Sky presenter Adam Boulton with a “rust [sic] blade” . Two days later Mr Robinson re-posted an online news article which inaccurately claimed a Muslim terrorist was responsible for the stabbing of two people in London. along with a highly derogatory statement about people from Pakistan.


Cllr Jones admitted doing the Nazi salute, saying: “I did, after his admiration for Franco, I shouldn’t have done it .He repeatedly attacked Nia [Griffith, the long-serving Labour MP for Llanelli who is seeking re-election], didn’t listen to the adjudicator etc. I lost it, his fans were heckling all the time. They asked me to leave, and I did voluntarily, and apologised to the security.”

Now the Llanelli branch of Hope Not Hate has defended Cllr Jones, posting a message on Facebook that states: “So Mr Robinson UKIP Wales. What is it about Franco that led you to saying at a public hustings that he is your political hero?

“Do you actually understand the history of the Spanish Civil War and the number of people from South Wales – including #Llanelli who fought with the International Brigade?

“Franco was a murdering fascist. Franco supported Hitler and Mussolini.

Franco is your hero?”

Cllr Jones himself posted a message on Facebook that said: “During WW2 Franco supplied resources to Hitler and refuelled U-boats, that preyed on our ships.”

Another Facebook user, Jonathan Williams, wrote: “There used to be a plaque on the building where the tattooist is in Bres Road [Llanelli] which remembers some of the Llanelli volunteers that went to fight against Franco [in the Spanish Civil War]. Ironically VoW [Voice of Wales] have their HQ in the same building so Stan could have seen it many times.”


Facebook users have also expressed concern about Mr Robinson’s decision to post a picture from the racist, neo-fascist and white supremacist channel Radio Genoa that depicts a blond-haired white family beneath a caption that states: “There’s no battle more important in our lifetime than the fight to save our people.”

Sue Hegerty wrote: “That image has strong Aryan race vibes”. She went on to post a similar picture from Nazi propaganda in the 1930s and 1940s.

Mr Robinson has also posted bizarre and disturbing messages, including one with a caption that reads: “Revelation 13:11-18, the second beast, later known as the false prophet , comes ‘out of the earth’ and forces everyone on earth to worship the first beast. Here is the SECOND AntiChrist.” Below is a photograph of Pope Francis.

In another post, Mr Robinson reproduced a photograph he said was of journalists being hanged after World War 2. His caption stated: “All the Welsh media are busily engaged in bailing out their paymasters @WelshLabour @WelshGovernment in the matter of the best steel in the World coming to an end in Wales .”

A picture of hangings is then shown, with a caption stating: “Members of the Media who lied and misled the German People were executed, right along with Medical Doctors and Nurses who participated in medical experiments using living people as guinea pigs.”

A Llanelli Labour source said: “These kinds of posts are disturbing – all the more so when Stan Robinson is both the leading spokesperson for UKIP in Wales and a candidate in the general election. The racism he represents has no place in Welsh politics and we hope he is roundly defeated in Llanelli on July 4.”

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Richard Davies
Richard Davies
3 months ago

I wish there was a way to remove the phrase “voice of Wales” from the knuckle-dragging oxygen thief aka stan robinson. He certainly does not speak for Cymru! I have nothing but respect and admiration for all those from Cymru, indeed from the uk, that joined the International Brigade to fight against franco and the fascist scum. I recall hilary benn making reference to the international brigade during a westminster debate about a war (it might’ve been Syria, Iraq or somewhere else I don’t recall). He was out of order for doing so in my opinion because all the main… Read more »

3 months ago

Ah, this makes a lot of sense. I have a relative who votes UKIP. They also have bizzare religious views and beliefs about the end of the world. I have sat in their company and heard the wildest conspiracy theories which are a crossover of religion and politics. And they’re overtly racist and hostile towards Islam and Judaism. This crossover is no surprise to me. I’m very familiar with lots of “end of days” conspiracy theories that were doing the rounds in my youth when I was obliged to be indoctrinated by religious lunacy (I was told I shouldn’t have… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Annibendod

The LEGACIES PARTY (but which mocks other, older, more honest parties as “legacy” parties) which itself is a LIMITED COMPANY ILLEGITIMATELY CONTROLLED BY ONE CROOK (but which mocks other parties which legitimately use limited company structures, though all more democratic than UKIP’s dictatorship) has to be admired for its brass neck….. Alas, it appears from Guido’s Archives to be in its own “end of days” now.

John Ellis
John Ellis
3 months ago

It’s no more than you’d expect from a ‘Kipper’.

3 months ago

“Politicide, mass murder, slave labour, forced abortions, human experimentation, war rape, abduction of children, genocide” and “between 160,000 and 400,000 state-sanctioned murders during Franco’s ‘White Terror’. But someone should explain to Simple Stan that his nomination of the Generalissimo to succeed Lois “34 Days” Perry as UKIP LEADER has one, teeny-weeny little flaw………. Even though Franco ticks all UKIP’s boxes and will never contradict or disobey or fire Walker, and even though convicted rogue-builder and sacked magistrate as Returning Officer can rig every thing like he promised to make both Rebecca and Lois Hot favourites, a disinterred corpse might not… Read more »

3 months ago

Is this guy a racist moron? You bet he is

Is hope not hate a good-faith organisation? Not in the slightest

HNH is nothing more than a front for the right wing of the Labour Party, which refuses to call out racism by Blairites

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
3 months ago

What is it with Ukip & Reform UK whose candidates have a soft spot for the most delightful people like Hitler, Mussolini, Franco & Thatcher. Only today we had Reform UK canvassers in Clacton videoed using disgusting racist language. And of course everyone’s favourite fluffy fascist Nigel Farage whose made a career out of whipping up hatred towards Europe, asylum seekers and Muslims always plays the innocient party and distances himself from those bigots & racists he’s courted like the pied piper his army of rats.

3 months ago


Now his “leader” has been flipped, Stan is the youngest and best-looking of the batch in the Party of the Young – just look at the beauts.

It is also the Party of Free Speech, until you say something which exposes any of the real leader’s scams.

3 months ago

“Revelation 13:11-18, the second beast, later known as the false prophet, comes ‘out of the earth’ and forces everyone on earth to worship the first beast. Here is the SECOND AntiChrist.” — UKIP candidate Stan Robinson. Well Stan should be far right chuffed then that Nick Tenconi, with his special toxic brand of “Christianity”, has been made the new puppet Ukip Interim Leader. Ukip’s 2021 candidate for Mayor of London was an equally toxic, “faith-healer” and miracle-peddling predatory professional conman called Peter Gammons who had many other names and titles, including “Lord”. Hope that makes every reader VOTE ABU (Anyone… Read more »

Educating Mark
Educating Mark
3 months ago

Half of what Stan Bat gets hammered for is just his queer sense of humour. He and Dan Robin have been known to cut a corner here or there, grift a quick buck….. but both believe in their “cause”. So OMIGOD.this begs the question, why are they working for the Tories and enriching ? He even made Stan pay for the lost deposit. Or didn’t anyone take out the crayons to ekspurlane to these sheep? Instead Stan spouts the UKIP line that Reform is a limited company controlled by three people. While UKIP is a limited company controlled by… Read more »

and Kathryn
and Kathryn
3 months ago
Reply to  Educating Mark

I know, a bit naive to assume Llanelli’s future visiting MP, with all the best “lines” at Stamps bar, would have the foggiest about how to check his own party’s legal status at the companies registry before smearing others. My apols.

2 months ago

Why is Ben not yet been locked up for embezzlement?

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