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Union leaders raise concerns over nuclear industry

11 Sep 2024 2 minute read
The decommissioned Wylfa nuclear power station on Anglesey. Photo by rodtuk.

Union leaders have raised “significant concerns” with the UK government about its policy on nuclear energy.

In a letter to Chancellor Rachel Reeves, the general secretaries of the GMB union and Prospect said new nuclear development has a key role to play in achieving net zero, underpinning a green industrial strategy and providing good, clean jobs in communities that most need them.

Gary Smith (GMB) and Mike Clancy (Prospect) called on the Chancellor to guarantee the resources the nuclear industry needs to thrive.

Potential cuts

They highlighted “worrying” potential cuts by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, saying: “We understand that the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) is facing severe budgetary pressures, which would result in cuts to high hazard and safety-related activities across the nuclear estate including at Dounreay and Sellafield Ltd. We fear that jobs will be impacted at Sellafield in particular.

“The consequent reduction in the volume of work that can be undertaken will inevitably reduce plant maintenance, accelerating the degradation of assets and bringing cuts to the skilled workforce. As demonstrated in the phase two report of the Grenfell Tower inquiry, any dilution of the safety culture must be a red flag.”

They added it would be a “huge mistake” to rule out development of a new nuclear power station at Wylfa in North Wales.

“It is precisely such inconsistency in approach that has held back the progress of our nuclear industry, and indeed our energy industry more broadly, over many years,” said the letter.

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Neil Anderson
Neil Anderson
7 days ago

With due respect to Gary Smith and Mike Clancy, nuclear energy cannot play a key role in achieving net zero. While nuclear cannot be deployed in time to make that contribution, there are many other objections, including huge cost. I dispute that it provides ‘good, clean jobs’ – but, given the shroud of secrecy that envelopes such facilities, there isn’t publicly available comprehensive data that could be interrogated to assess the truth. But surely they are aware of the radiation loads currently endured by their members working at Sellafield, say? However, I share their concern about the funding for the… Read more »

Charles Coombes
Charles Coombes
6 days ago

May I beg to differ. Nuclear is not needed for peaceful purposes. It is too expensive and the impact will be felt next century. It will not create local jobs, it will offer nothing to the community and economically has never made ends meet

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