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Union recommends police staff accept 7% pay offer

10 Aug 2023 2 minute read
Police in Wales (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Police staff in most forces in Wales and England are being recommended to accept a 7% pay offer.

Unison said the proposed deal, covering staff including those in witness support, data teams and cleaning roles, would take effect from September 1.

The union said the hourly rate for the lowest-paid police staff would rise from £10.62 to £11.46, an increase of £1,446 a year, which would see the lowest annual salaries rise from £20,655 to £22,101.

In addition, the police staff employers are offering a 7% rise on payments to employees who are asked to be available for work outside their normal hours. This would see the hourly rates for “standby” allowances rise from £32.23 to £34.49.


Unison is recommending its members vote to accept the offer, which is the same percentage wage rise the UK Government announced for police officers last month.

The union’s police staff committee discussed the proposed pay rise and decided it was the best that could be achieved by negotiation.

Unison’s national police and justice officer Ben Priestley said: “This offer recognises the vital role police staff play in keeping communities safe and helping bring offenders to justice.

“It’s now up to police staff to decide if they want to accept the offer. If they don’t, the only alternative will be to ballot for possible industrial action.”

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G Horton-Jones.
G Horton-Jones.
1 year ago

This is all very fine but there are some matters to consider
An across the board rise creates massive injustices which makes the police even more remote from the public it serves especially here in Cymru
Police organisational and operational structure needs fundamental review to bring it into the current millennia
Early retirement should not be a shoehorn
into a pension plus a job bung

Etc etc

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