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Unite billboard campaign urges UK Government to reverse winter fuel allowance cuts

22 Sep 2024 2 minute read
Sharon Graham. Picture by Twitter / @UniteSharon

A leading union is unveiling a series of billboards as part of its call on the UK Government to reverse its controversial cuts to winter fuel allowance.

Several billboards will appear in Liverpool, where Labour’s annual conference opens on Sunday.

Funded by Unite, they include the message “Defend the winter fuel payment” and show a pensioner huddled over a heater.

Sharon Graham, general secretary of Unite, described the winter fuel payment cut as “cruel”.

The union plans to raise the issue at Labour’s conference on Monday.


Interviewed on Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips, Sky News, she said the priority she would like to hear from the Prime Minister was that he is going to reverse the decision.

“It’s a cruel policy. He needs to reverse it. And I’d like him to say that he’s made a mis-step and to reverse that policy. I’d also like him to say that we’re not going to take this country down austerity mark 2.

“People voted for change. They need to see change. He needs to reverse the winter fuel allowance [decision] and let people have that £300 they can put their heating on this winter.

“The reality here is it’s a mis-step. You’ve got a situation where the poorest in our society, the first thing that Labour does is take away the winter fuel allowance from the poorest in our society whilst they leave the wealthiest people pretty much untouched.”

Writing in the Observer newspaper on Sunday, the Unite leader said first steps were critical and about-turns “absolutely necessary”.

She wrote: “Dying in an early ditch for policies most people hate is not only silly politics, but it can also set the public mood.

“This is particularly so when the decision you are defending delivers so little towards whatever plan you have and is instead seen as punitive.

“Labour’s decision to cut winter fuel payments is one such policy. It is particularly important because it relates so deeply to the story of this new government. Targeting everyday people without much money is cruel, not tough.

“Most people will forgive you for making a mistake. We all make them, after all. But doubling down? Refusing to change tack? Many will be less impressed by that.”

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1 day ago

Yep. Don’t know how Elton John, Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger are going to cope without their 300 quid.
Seriously, this fetishising of the one demographic that’s done relatively OK throughout the austerity years has to stop at some point.

1 day ago
Reply to  Rob

Better, a lot better, if Rachel and her crew got stuck into the tax dodging fiddles of thousands including those celebs you quote. If you think pensioners did well during austerity years then your head must be shoulder deep up you jacksy. They don’t go without heat or skip meals for a laff you silly boy.

17 minutes ago
Reply to  hdavies15

Yeah Rob needs to get a plexiglass liner fitted, his head is so far up his jacksie he needs one to see where he is going

Steve Woods
Steve Woods
1 day ago

Unite has a conscience.

The Tory Continuity Party does not.

Johnny Gamble
Johnny Gamble
1 day ago
Reply to  Steve Woods

I agree Steve,Unite should now show some bottle by stopping funding the Labour Party.

Pete Cuthbert
Pete Cuthbert
1 day ago
Reply to  Steve Woods

It is a pity that they shown no sign of picking up on the alternative ways of helping those that need this sort of funding. I have so far read three different ideas that would target the funds to those that need it and not give it to Elton John et al. Of course, it could be that Kier will pick up on one of these suggestions and make it a major part of his speech. He could also include a ruling that no Labout MP is allowed to accept freebies, and that includes family members and the PM. If… Read more »

1 day ago
Reply to  Pete Cuthbert

The Barreness seems disinclined to do anything that might upset the aspiring Fuhrer up the far end of the M4. All this elitist indifference needs to be embedded in the electorate’s collective memory and activated at the 2026 Senedd elections.

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