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Welsh Conservatives to force Senedd vote on winter fuel payment cuts

16 Sep 2024 3 minute read
Senedd Siambr – Image: Senedd Cymru

Emily Price

The Welsh Conservatives are set to bring forward a Senedd motion which will force Labour MSs to vote on whether they think the UK Government should reverse its decision to cull winter fuel payments.

Sir Keir Starmer and Chancellor Rachel Reeves have insisted the plan is necessary to help address a £22 billion black hole in the public finances left by the Tories.

From this winter, only people on pension credit or other specific benefits will be eligible to receive the discount.

Around 400,000 households, and 540,000 pensioners are expected to be affected in Wales.


On Wednesday (September 18) the Welsh Conservatives will lead a debate proposing that the Senedd call on the UK Government to axe the plan.

Last month, Welsh Labour minister Jane Hutt said that scrapping the scheme would risk pushing some pensioners into fuel poverty.

Her comments came in response to a written question from leader of the Senedd Conservatives Andrew RT Davies who asked what consideration had been given to the impact of the decision.

Ms Hutt said: “The decision that the winter fuel payment will no longer be universal risks pushing some pensioners into fuel poverty.

“This is why I am keen to work closely with the new UK government on our shared ambition of tackling poverty to develop a permanent, effective form of protection for households in need.”

Speaking ahead of the debate, Mr Davies said:  “This debate is a chance for Labour MSs to show that they have the courage to put their constituents’ interests before their party interests.

“The Welsh Conservatives will not stop fighting to keep pensioners warm this winter.”


Pensioners will receive a letter in October or November informing them if they will receive the benefit, with the payment made in November or December.

They will find out this week if they have met the eligibility criteria.

Age Cymru Chief Executive Victoria Lloyd, said: “Age Cymru firmly believe that cutting the winter fuel payment this winter, with virtually no notice and no compensatory measures to protect poor and vulnerable pensioners, is the wrong decision.

“People have been sharing with us how they’ll struggle this winter without the winter fuel payment, we have heard from people who have long term health conditions who need to have a warm home and will need to cut back on food to ensure that their homes are warm.”

The motion which will be debated on Wednesday reads:

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Expresses deep concern that around 400,000 households in Wales will lose up to £300 per person after the UK Government’s decision to end the universal Winter Fuel Payment.

2. Notes the Welsh Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip’s response to WQ93698 where she stated that the UK Government’s decision to end the Winter Fuel Payment will risk pushing some pensioners into fuel poverty.

3. Calls on the UK Government to reverse their decision to end the universal Winter Fuel Payment.

A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “Maximising incomes, building financial resilience, and putting money back into people pockets are top priorities. We are investing £30 million this year into our Warm Homes Nest scheme to tackle fuel poverty for homeowners and households renting from private landlords. Free expert energy advice is available to all householders in Wales via the Nest helpline.

“We encourage people to contact the Advicelink Cymru ‘Claim What’s Yours’ helpline on 0808 250 5700 to find out about the financial support they may be entitled to, including pension credit.”

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Dai Ponty
Dai Ponty
3 days ago

The winter fuel payment comes from U K government not Welsh Government so what the hell is that going to achieve wee and wind from Davies

3 days ago

Excellent idea. Let’s know where the Welsh Labour lot really stand in this, and how many cowards abstain.

3 days ago
Reply to  Adrian

Typical far-right. Unable to debate without calling people names.

3 days ago
Reply to  Llyn

No ducking this issue. May not be the most important matter confronting UK Government BUT they chose to go for it and have touched a big national nerve. Our regime can adopt a more balanced stance and advise Starmer that he needs to re appraise his priorities. Whether he chooses to heed their advice or not is another matter, now that he is not as lily white as he was a few weeks ago when elected into power.

Johnny Gamble
Johnny Gamble
3 days ago
Reply to  Llyn

What exactly is Far Right about campaignig to retain the Winter Fuel Allowance for OAPs

Ernie The Smallholder
Ernie The Smallholder
3 days ago
Reply to  Johnny Gamble

There is nothing far right about campaigning to retain the Winter Fuel Allowance for all OAPs. I urge all MSs to vote for this hoping that the UK government will change its mind. What is wrong is a government that votes through an unfunded tax cut of £22 billion and put the country in debt. I also urge UK Labour government to not victimise old people (we will all become old after a lifetime of work). They should instead make the last incompetent UK government that voted through those unfunded tax cuts and then hold a general election where they… Read more »

Last edited 2 days ago by Ernie The Smallholder
2 days ago
Reply to  Johnny Gamble

Nothing. His vocal support for a far-right party – Reform UK – does.

Johnny Gamble
Johnny Gamble
2 days ago
Reply to  Llyn

I far from support Reform UK and yes some of their members have said inappropriate things, yet Reform have taken steps to remove these individuals.
Furthermore the Chairman of Reform happens to be Muslim.

Last edited 2 days ago by Johnny Gamble
Welsh Patriot
Welsh Patriot
3 days ago

Excellent, now Welsh Labour will have no where to hide!
What’s the betting most of them will be “off sick” to avoid having to vote one way or another?

3 days ago

Every single Labour member can stand up and claim to be a plant pot full of dahlias and abstain and it will make no difference apart from giving ART”I am not racist but”D more material for memes.

Did he table debates in the Senedd to see what the Senedd main party thought of his parties austerity that killed 300K? How about the Lettuce ruining the nation? Did he table a debate for the way that Johnson sullied the office of PM? None of those the Welsh gov could influence either.

3 days ago

Striking that right-wing parties who attack other parties for naval gazing and not doing their day job by calling for the devolution of further powers to the Senedd (Conservative Party and UKIP – when in the Senedd) are or were constantly wasting the time of the Senedd by talking about non-devolved issues.

3 days ago
Reply to  Llyn

A broken clock is right twice a day. ARTD & Co haven’t achieved that kind of regularity and consistency but on this occasion they may be correct. Mark it in your diary if you are into that sort of thing.

Billy James
Billy James
3 days ago

You can bet the Labour MS’s will vote with the party…

And Morgan just saying yesterday country before party so lets see…

Nobby Tart
Nobby Tart
2 days ago

Just what is the point of this?

Hopefully the Speaker will rule it out of order.

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