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Welsh Government urged to act over closure of RWCMD’s young music and acting programmes

29 Jul 2024 2 minute read
Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. Photo by artur-salisz is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

MSs have urged the Welsh Government to take action, following the decision to close the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama’s (RWCMD) young music and acting programmes later this summer.

In May, the families of nearly 400 children received an email to say the college was planning to axe its junior music and drama training.

RWCMD said the scheme is being cut due to “significant financial challenges”, blaming the impact of high inflation, capped undergraduate fees, and a 6 per cent reduction to higher education in Wales.

Young RWCMD is currently the only junior conservatoire in Wales, and the closure will make it the only Royal School of Music in the UK without a junior department.

Since news of a possible closure first emerged, there has been a widespread backlash from parents and from within the creative sector in Wales. A Senedd petition opposing the closure has reached over 10,000 names.

Deeply disappointed

Delyth Jewell MS, Chair of the Senedd’s Culture Committee said: “We’re deeply disappointed by the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama decision to close its young music and young acting weekend programmes.

“These courses have been a cornerstone of arts education, playing a crucial role in developing our young talent. This closure marks a huge loss for students and our cultural landscape.

“We’re very grateful to the many students who shared their powerful stories with the Committee and it’s clear that closing these courses will have a profound impact on their lives.

“The Royal Welsh College is facing serious financial challenges and maintaining schemes like this is very difficult. However, we are concerned by the abruptness of this closure. It leaves a significant void in music and drama education and creates uncertainty for staff, students and families affected.

“Our young people must not be disadvantaged compared with their peers in other parts of the UK and beyond.

“Today we’re calling on the Welsh Government to do all it can to generate alternative opportunities and to secure sustainable pathways into professional training within Wales

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1 month ago

Welsh Government should be concerned that the RCWMD seemed to accelerate the closure of this young musicians academy precisely so that Welsh Government could not intervene. Or even discuss the petition. This is very high handed behaviour from an institution reliant on a considerable amount of funding from Welsh Government.

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