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Welsh Lib Dems host spring conference in Cardiff

01 Mar 2024 2 minute read
Jane Dodds. Photo Welsh Liberal Democrats. Picture by Huw John

The Welsh Liberal Democrats host their annual spring conference this weekend and are expected to criticise the Tories and Labour for their failure to resolve Wales’ current economic issues.

Over a two-day period (Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 March), party members are expected to debate motions on Childcare, Local Government funding and providing a Fair Deal for Wales amongst others.

The conference will be opened by the Rt.Hon. Mayor of Cardiff, Cllr Bablin Molik, the first woman of colour to be appointed as the Lord Mayor of the Welsh capital.

Vision for Wales

Party leader Jane Dodds is expected to use her keynote speech to set out the party’s vision for Wales ahead of a potential election year, whilst also criticising both the Welsh Labour and UK Conservative governments for their failings in protecting the NHS and resolving current economic woes.

Jane Dodds MS, Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats said: “We currently find ourselves in difficult circumstances, surrounded by economic uncertainty and global instability that has clouded our future.

“Our economic woes and current deprivation of public services have been fuelled by an indifferent UK Conservative government intent on running our country into the ground.

“Never before or since have we been faced with a government so out of touch with the needs of its people.

“Meanwhile, Labour have been too busy moving the goalposts and changing their promises to offer anything substantial for the people of Wales.

“If you want to get rid of the conservatives, don’t vote Labour.”

Independence Obsession

She added: “Plaid Cymru, through their obsession over independence, have lost sight of their principles.

“Choosing instead to compromise in their co-operation agreement with Welsh Labour on some of the promises they have previously made, which includes their abandoning of the Single Transferable Vote system.

“We have every reason to be hopeful about the party’s prospects for the future, and at the next general election I can promise you that the Welsh Liberal Democrats will be playing their part in kicking the Tories not just out of Number 10, but also out of Wales for good.”

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Ernie The Smallholder
Ernie The Smallholder
6 months ago

Plaid Cymru is committed to the Single Transferable Voting and to Welsh liberal democracy as much as your party. We in Plaid Cymru will never give up pressing to change Labour’s party-list system for our STV system. Plaid Cymru entered a partnership with the elected Labour government to attempt to improve Wales and press for the larger Senedd we need. Plaid Cymru never accepted a cabinet post so that we could take our role as the only effective opposition group in the Senedd. That is, unlike Kirsty Williams actually became Education secretary in a Labour government. She did achieve the… Read more »

Richard E
Richard E
6 months ago

“ Lost sight of their principles ?”

wow – coming from the last suvivior of a one great political party – whch lost their way so recently – quite a claim.

best look at the log in your own eye before worrying about the splinter in Plaids .

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