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‘Welsh nationalists and other rabble-rousers’ will seize power unless Tories get a grip warns Telegraph editor

27 Jan 2022 3 minute read
Adam Price and Liz Saville-Roberts outside No 10 Downing Street. Picture by Plaid Cymru.

Welsh nationalists and “other rabble rousers” will seize power at the next General Election unless the Conservative party can get a grip and halt its sliding poll ratings, the Editor of the Sunday Telegraph has warned.

Allistair Heath said that unless the Conservatives arrested their slide a left-wing coalition would take over the UK Government including Labour, the SNP and Plaid Cymru.

“Without drastic, urgent action, the party will be sucked into the kind of death spiral that sunk John Major’s government in the mid-1990s,” he said.

“And a Left-wing coalition led by Sir Keir Starmer and supported by the SNP, Welsh nationalists, Greens and other rabble-rousers may seize power in 2023 or 2024.”

The Conservatives now had two options for turning things around, he said. Either they ditched Boris Johnson, or the Prime Minister turned his back on the ” weird blend of reheated neo-Brownite social democracy and green paternalism” he had advocated at Number 10.

Handing Plaid Cymru and others the keys to the UK Government would be “calamitous, and result in a vicious class and cultural war from which the country would never recover,” Allistair Heath added.

“Indeed, a failure to seize the moment risks jeopardising the PM’s two historic achievements: Brexit, and the political realignment which returned the Tories to levels of support last seen in the 1980s, giving them a mandate to reverse the UK’s decline,” he said.

“The Great Realignment is the other one of Johnson’s achievements that must be salvaged from the ruins of Partygate: the creation of a new coalition for the 2020s and beyond, consisting of Brexiteers, Thatcherites, blue collar workers, suburbanites, the aspirational lower middle classes (including a growing number of ethnic minorities) and wealthier Southern shire-dwellers.

“That coalition, at its widest, is stronger than the urban/woke/Scottish nationalist alliance that Labour can deliver.”

Boris Johnson may learn today whether he faces a vote of no confidence from his own Conservative MPs today as a report written by Sue Gray into the allegations of a string of parties at Number 10 and elsewhere is readied for publication.

Officials in Westminster however have said that the document may not become public until Monday due to a process of “legal scrubbing” currently taking place so that some staff aren’t identified.

Current polling suggests that the Labour party has opened up an almost 10% lead over the Conservatives if a General Election was held today.

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Ed Jones
Ed Jones
2 years ago

Too late sausage!

2 years ago

So being democratically elected is ‘seizing’ power!

Barry Pandy
Barry Pandy
2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

That’s the mindset of the Tories, they don’t really believe in democracy

2 years ago

The Telegraph sums up nicely why Wales needs independence ASAP – his views and aspirations are entirely alien to me and the majority of my fellow countrymen and women. We are by and large social democrats who care for our communities and the environment around them. We do not venerate greed and the making of money above everything else….it is not we who are rabble – it is you and your kind that are a foul stain upon humanity.

2 years ago

He wants to see an alliance of Brexiteers and Thatcherites. OMG These are the two worst dogma’s of my entire adult life, that have, and will, bring misery to millions.

2 years ago

Thank you Mr Heath. You have told the people of these islands including most of the English what you really think of them. Evident that the class war is still raging driven by the sheer superiority complex of a nasty type of Brit fogey and its well defined xenophobic vision.

2 years ago
Reply to  hdavies15

Did you forget your meds, or is your collar done up too tight ?

Doctor Trousers
Doctor Trousers
2 years ago

“a vicious class and cultural war from which the country would never recover”
I think you lot already started that one, pal.

Cai Wogan Jones
Cai Wogan Jones
2 years ago

The Westminster arithmetic makes this EXTREMELY unlikely.

It is however interesting that the Tories regard Plaid as the bogeyman. Which suggests that greater electoral support for Plaid yields the greatest leverage in obtaining benefits for Wales.

2 years ago

Yes, Cai that was always the case.

2 years ago

The rabble trying to sieze power are all in Westminster.

GW Atkinson
GW Atkinson
2 years ago

Pure classism by the English establishment and its rags. Its not about what best for everyone living here, its about what benefits the toffs.

Dewi Williams
Dewi Williams
2 years ago

The power of the right wing Press at its worse. Inflammatory, exaggerated and emotive language to indoctrinate a gullible Joe Public. “Rabble Rousers”? we should be told who these are. It seems any opposition, no matter how reasonable and rational, to the Tories is construed as extreme, dangerous and unthinkable. Proclaiming this when we are witnessing the biggest group of extreme nutters ever to accommodate their respective seats of government. It is clear the Right Wing Press Tories will not be satisfied until we have a one party state which is blue in colour.

Grayham Jones
2 years ago

Stop reading English newspapers and stop watching English news stop being little Englanders and and be proud to be welsh it’s time for a new wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

2 years ago

Speaking as one of “the rabble” I suggest the Telegraph editor should shove his propaganda rag somewhere where the sun don’t shine.

Y Cymro
Y Cymro
2 years ago

So the same Brexit championing Tory fascist comic that echoed Theresa May when she said that if Labour gained Westminster power with the support of SNP would lead to a “coalition of chaos” are now saying the very same rubbish again. Morons! The Telegraph’s rant is especially ironic seeing the damage Brexit and Boris Johnson’s Conservative idiocracy has done to Britain, more importantly Wales, and how the SNP in Scotland have such a high standing with Scottish voters unlike their power grabbing Unionist shambles in Whitehall that prefers to party rather than govern. Roll on Scottish & Welsh independence! #YesCymru… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Y Cymro
Mick Tems
Mick Tems
2 years ago

What far-right, stinking drivel.

2 years ago

Plaid Cymru a left wing party? Adam Price supports Fox Hunting that’s not left by any means 😉 only teasing but it is true, for some reason he does support the Hunt, any ideas why?

Steve Duggan
Steve Duggan
2 years ago

lol ! Rabble rousers ! Such a partronizing term suggesting conservativism is the only right form of government. It most definitely isn’t. Modern conservatism is heartless, cruel, cold and money orientated and Britain has badly suffered as a result. No one wants too much socialism or too much capitalism but a blend of both. The Welsh, Scottish and N.Ireland governments are more socialist than the UK government and that probably saved thousands of lives just the recent pandemic. If we allow rabid conservatism to continue to dominate us it will try to destroy our democratic institutions. Wales is as much… Read more »

Mr Williams
Mr Williams
2 years ago

“….result in a vicious class and cultural war from which the country would never recover,”

Er… what was Brexit then??

Peter Cuthbert
Peter Cuthbert
2 years ago

These Tories need to get out of their bunker more. Even the most optimistic of us know that the chances fo Labour joining in a coalition to defeat the Tories is not a bet on which you would stand any chance of winning. They might be right that if Labour did work with the other parties on an Electoral Reform platform it would overturn the pig trough in which all these safe seat Tories have had their snouts for so long. The idea that there were no longer such things as ‘safe’ seats would so refresh politics in these lands.… Read more »

Padi Phillips
Padi Phillips
2 years ago

Johnson and his toxic crew should go. but I want him, and them to remain in office thus making the Tories so toxic that they’ll be out of government, hopefully for ever, becoming, like the LibDems, just a minor annoyance on the fringes of politics. My actual feelings towards the Tories are actually far stronger than I can write here, and I’m sure I’m not alone. I would really like to see them, not just get beaten by a few seats, but totally crushed electorally, but it’s too soon, they could still pull through, so Johnson needs to remain a… Read more »

2 years ago

The more worried they are, the louder they scream. Full throated racist rants are sure to follow. Bring it on. The union ends regardless. If the far right cannot cope, all the better.

2 years ago

I think we should worry less about what the Telegraph thinks and more what the folk of Wales 🤔 think 💭….

In this digital and info savi age the scribbling of a man in an office far far away cuts little ice these days for the steel workers of Margam, the super market manager of Rhyl or the new resident to Wales selling the big issue in Wrexham market.

Last edited 2 years ago by Richard
Dewi Williams
Dewi Williams
2 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Then why did Wales vote for Brexit? Do not underestimate the power of the London Tory Press to influence and indoctrinate the ordinary Welsh Joe Public. They certainly achieved this with Brexit whether they were steel workers or the others you mention. That office far far away is not so far as you think it is. In modern media terms it’s just around the corner.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dewi Williams

Cardiff Uni did a study and found that it was not the Welsh Joe Public that tipped the Brexit vote here but the English Immigrants who have settled here. The Welsh vote to remain was similar to the Scots.

Dewi Williams
Dewi Williams
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I find it difficult to reconcile this study with the actual returning figures. 17 Council areas(many Labour supporting) backed Brexit. Only 5 areas voted Remain. 3 of these areas viz. Vale of Glamorgan, Cardiff, and Monmouth can be regarded as strong Anglo-centric areas. The Scottish result viz. 62% remain 38% leave, hardly compares as being similar to the Welsh return viz. 52.5% leave 47.5% remain. We have to accept it is an “own goal” partly explained perhaps by the fact that Scotland is blessed with its own significantly based media whereas Wales is virtually an English based media,

2 years ago
Reply to  Dewi Williams

A lot more in English in Wales than in Scotland, though.

George Bodley
George Bodley
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Correct but the gammons still think the Welsh voted leave the don’t like the facts that brexit is /was and always will be a little Englander concept

2 years ago

Does this mentally-constipated idiot really believe that English Labour will enter a partnership with the national parties of Wales and Scotland?
It’s not a bad suggestion, though.

Clive Busson
Clive Busson
2 years ago

Really! No one in Wales other than your tory traitors, take absolutely no notice of what the Telegraph thinks!

2 years ago

“… the SNP, Welsh nationalists…”
He couldn’t pronounce Plaid Cymru, could he?

George Bodley
George Bodley
2 years ago

This guy been at the magic mushrooms?

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