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Welsh Secretary calls for Cardiff conference which calls Israel an ‘apartheid state’ to be cancelled

10 Oct 2023 7 minute read
Welsh Secretary David TC Davies. Photo Jonathan Brady PA Images

Martin Shipton

Welsh Secretary David TC Davies has called on Sir Keir Starmer to discipline a Welsh Labour MP if she addresses a conference in Cardiff which labels Israel as an “apartheid state”.

Cynon Valley MP Beth Winter is billed to make a speech alongside other speakers including Dr Husam Zomlot, head of the Palestinian Mission to the UK and representatives of Amnesty International UK and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) at a conference to be held in Cardiff’s Temple of Peace on November 4.

In a letter to Sir Keir, Mr Davies stated: “Amnesty International and the Palestine Solidarity Group [sic – actually Campaign rather than Group] will be holding an event … to discuss what they call ‘apartheid’ in Israel. Neither of these organisations have unequivocally condemned the appalling atrocities being committed against innocent civilians … It has been drawn to my attention that at present one of your MPs has agreed to participate in the conference.

“I have asked her to withdraw and called for the conference to be cancelled. I would be grateful if you could tell me whether you will ask other Welsh Labour MPs to refrain from supporting [PSC] events and take disciplinary action against those who do so.

“I hope you agree [that the event] runs the real risk of fuelling further fear for British Jews living in Wales and elsewhere and should not be given any political support.”

A calling notice for the conference posted on social media states: “Hear from outstanding speakers who will shed light on the facts behind reports from leading organisations like Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and B’Tselem, unequivocally recognizing Israel’s policies towards Palestinians as apartheid.”

All three human rights organisations have condemned Israel for its “apartheid” policies.

Amnesty International

Last year Amnesty International released a report which said: “A system of apartheid is an institutionalized regime of oppression and domination by one racial group over another. It is a serious human rights violation which is prohibited in public international law. Amnesty International’s extensive research and legal analysis, carried out in consultation with external experts, demonstrates that Israel enforces such a system against Palestinians through laws, policies and practices which ensure their prolonged and cruel discriminatory treatment.

“In international criminal law, specific unlawful acts which are committed within a system of oppression and domination, with the intention of maintaining it, constitute the crime against humanity of apartheid. These acts are set out in the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute, and include unlawful killing, torture, forcible transfer, and the denial of basic rights and freedoms.

“Amnesty International documented acts proscribed in the Apartheid Convention and Rome Statute in all the areas Israel controls, although they occur more frequently and violently in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) than in Israel. Israeli authorities enact multiple measures to deliberately deny Palestinians their basic rights and freedoms, including draconian movement restrictions in the OPT, chronic discriminatory underinvestment in Palestinian communities in Israel, and the denial of refugees’ right to return. The report also documents forcible transfer, administrative detention, torture, and unlawful killings, in both Israel and the OPT.

“Amnesty International found that these acts form part of a systematic and widespread attack directed against the Palestinian population, and are committed with the intent to maintain the system of oppression and domination. They therefore constitute the crime against humanity of apartheid.

“The unlawful killing of Palestinian protesters is perhaps the clearest illustration of how Israeli authorities use proscribed acts to maintain the status quo. In 2018, Palestinians in Gaza began to hold weekly protests along the border with Israel, calling for the right of return for refugees and an end to the blockade. Before protests even began, senior Israeli officials warned that Palestinians approaching the wall would be shot. By the end of 2019, Israeli forces had killed 214 civilians, including 46 children.”


In 2021, Human Rights Watch issued a report which also referred to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as “apartheid”. The report said: “About 6.8m Jewish Israelis and 6.8m Palestinians live today between the Mediterranean Sea and Jordan River, an area encompassing Israel and the OPT, the latter made up of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Throughout most of this area, Israel is the sole governing power; in the remainder, it exercises primary authority alongside limited Palestinian self-rule. Across these areas and in most aspects of life, Israeli authorities methodically privilege Jewish Israelis and discriminate against Palestinians. Laws, policies, and statements by leading Israeli officials make plain that the objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli control over demographics, political power, and land has long guided government policy.

“In pursuit of this goal, authorities have dispossessed, confined, forcibly separated, and subjugated Palestinians by virtue of their identity to varying degrees of intensity. In certain areas, as described in this report, these deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”

Also in 2021, B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories published a report which accused Israel of being guilty of apartheid. The report said: “The Israeli regime … seeks to advance and cement Jewish supremacy throughout the entire area. To that end, it has divided the area into several units, each with a different set of rights for Palestinians – always inferior to the rights of Jews. As part of this policy, Palestinians are denied many rights, including the right to self-determination.

“This policy is advanced in several ways. Israel demographically engineers the space through laws and orders that allow any Jew in the world or their relatives to obtain Israeli citizenship, but almost completely deny Palestinians this possibility. It has physically engineered the entire area by taking over millions of dunams of land and establishing Jewish-only communities, while driving Palestinians into small enclaves. Movement is engineered through restrictions on Palestinian subjects, and political engineering excludes millions of Palestinians from participating in the processes that determine their lives and futures while holding them under military occupation.

“A regime that uses laws, practices and organized violence to cement the supremacy of one group over another is an apartheid regime. Israeli apartheid, which promotes the supremacy of Jews over Palestinians, was not born in one day or of a single speech. It is a process that has gradually grown more institutionalised and explicit, with mechanisms introduced over time in law and practice to promote Jewish supremacy. These accumulated measures, their pervasiveness in legislation and political practice, and the public and judicial support they receive – all form the basis for our conclusion that the bar for labelling the Israeli regime as apartheid has been met.”


The PSC issued a statement which said: “Every humanitarian will be appalled and horrified at the scenes we are witnessing after the severe escalation of violence since October 7.

“International law must be the framework within which we judge acts of violence and their legitimacy. International law makes it clear that the deliberate killing of civilians, hostage-taking and collective punishment are war crimes. International law also enshrines the right of a people to resist oppression and military occupation.

“An offensive launched from Gaza can only be understood in the context of Israel’s ongoing military occupation and colonisation of Palestinian land, and imposition of a system of oppression that meets the legal definition of apartheid, which under international law constitutes a crime against humanity.”

Amnesty International, Beth Winter and the Labour Party have been invited to comment.

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Sarah Good
Sarah Good
9 months ago

I thought to Tories were bleating on about free speech. Apparently this speech was a little too free?

Neil Anderson
Neil Anderson
9 months ago

I’m a pacifist so cannot support the appalling Israeli Government policies in the West Bank and Gaza, nor the violence of Hamas. However, I do support the both the people of Israel and of Palestine. Only a two-state solution will bring peace. Netanyahu must go, not to mention David T C Davies…

adopted cardi
adopted cardi
9 months ago
Reply to  Neil Anderson

well said

9 months ago
Reply to  Neil Anderson

The problem with that is Hamas does not want peace they want tension so they can keep existing one of their goals is to wipe jewish people out (Hamas is not most of palestine i believe) .. who knows maybe thats whats needed hamas removed and palestine and isreal reset and trust built.

Ed Jones
Ed Jones
9 months ago

I thought Tories believed in free speech…

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
9 months ago
Reply to  Ed Jones

No, only theirs.

9 months ago

I am with Beth Winter! The state of Israel was set up in 1948, so for the whole of my life there has been a gradual encroachment by Israel on the lands and rights of the Palestinians who were resident there before that date. The Israelis have settled beyond the Green Line and built a Wall of Separation! Yet it is the Palestinians who are being accused of “terrorism”!!

9 months ago
Reply to  Ann

On the side of the Cenotaph in Pontypridd, it says Palestine. Time Israel was put in its place and stopped using the grief of the past as their get out of jail card. Must be a fair two state settlement. Because in my lifetime Palestine might be wiped out. It’s genocide and people don’t want to say it. The orthodox Jewish Israeli’s know it and protest their governments actions. Listen to the Jewish people who honour lives.

Philip Steele
Philip Steele
9 months ago

The Israeli nation state law of 2018 and its interpretation in the courts is discriminatory in character, and I would respect the opinion of someone such as the late Desmond Tutu as to what is apartheid, rather than Mr Davies or indeed his party which did so much to support it at the time. All the loss of life in this struggle is appalling. A lasting peace which would benefit Israelis as well can only be achieved with justice for Palestinians: it cannot be achieved by annihilation. Unfortunately I fear the illegal settlement and occupation of Palestine makes a two… Read more »

John Brooks
John Brooks
9 months ago

I have heard that Beth Winter has already pulled out of this conference.
Perhaps the Secretary of State for Wales would like to explain why Israel is not an Apartheid state and how the many respected Human Rights organisations are wrong.

Thank you to Nation Cymru for quoting at length the contents of one of the reports that explains how Israel operates a system of Apartheid.

Rhyddid i Balestiena.

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
9 months ago

I call upon the Secretary of State for Wales to read and comprehend the contents of the above reports and, furthermore, immediately and unequivocally condemn the decades long dehumanisation, oppression and mistreatment of Palestinian people including the demolition of their homes with the occupants inside OR watching it happen from the outside if they were lucky enough to get out. Warning: The following silence will be deafening.

Steve Duggan
Steve Duggan
9 months ago

A ceasefire and talks regarding an independent Palestine are the only answers to this never ending conflict. Both cultures need to exist peacefully next to each other – it’s the only way.

Nobby Tart
Nobby Tart
9 months ago

Is this grubby little Davies man actually doing anything good for Wales?
Or is he just constantly spoiling for a fight?

Fi yn unig
Fi yn unig
9 months ago
Reply to  Nobby Tart

Answer 1: No.
Answer 2: Yes.

Carys M
Carys M
9 months ago

Thanks for advertising this event. Booking tickets right now.

9 months ago

Whats happening in Israel / Palestine now, is the direct result of the British 1917 ‘Balfour Declaration‘ & the ‘British Mandate of Palestine‘ under that mandate, the Palestinian Arabs were not given any national or political rights even though they constituted a 90 % majority of the population. From the 1920s increasing numbers of poor Jewish immigrants (mainly from Europe ) started driving Palestinian Arabs of their lands, backed up by the League of Nations and the British Army ( my grandfather was there & told us of some of the atrocity’s our army committed ). The result was the… Read more »

Charles Coombes
Charles Coombes
9 months ago

Justice for Palestine!

9 months ago

The post of secretary of state was created to represent and stick up for Wales in Westminster. However Mr Davies appears to think it is his job to berate Wales on behalf of the Tory government. The reality is since devolution the office of Secretary of State for Wales should be obsolete along with Mr Davies..

Alun Gerrard
Alun Gerrard
8 months ago

I am not convinced that the Israeli or Palestine person can talk freely through threat of punishment but if Hamas is classed as an illegal organisation any supporter should be arrested and if not British they should be kicked out of the UK. Most of the Hamas political wing live in other neighbouring Arab states such as Qatar…I would suggest that the UK, France and Germany defend its citizens a lot better than they do as fear of upsetting our enemies will cost lives…

Wanda Azaden
Wanda Azaden
8 months ago

Freedom of speech, MP Beth Winter, must be allowed to speak. We must demand a ceasefire, thousands Palestinians are being slaughtered. Keir Starmer is not fit to lead a party which supports the slaughter.

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