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YesCymru calls for new members to join their governing body

11 Dec 2023 3 minute read
Picture by YesCymru

YesCymru, the campaign for an independent Wales, will be holding elections to its National Governing Body in the New Year.

YesCymru’s Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) is scheduled to take place on Saturday 13 January 2024. The meeting will be held virtually and all members are being encouraged to attend.

With spaces available to be a part of their National Governing Body (NGB)  in every region, YesCymru hopes to find new members who are passionate about the cause of Welsh independence to help steer the strategy and plan events and campaigns as momentum grows across the movement and across Wales.

Register interest

The group’s EGM also aims to amend the grassroots pro-independence group’s existing Articles of Association.

The proposed amendments are designed to streamline the operational processes of YesCymru.

Following on from the EGM, YesCymru’s elections for the vacant Directorships on the NGB will take place.

Members are currently being encouraged to stand for election. Interested members who are eligible are invited to register their interest by Dydd Santes Dwynwen, 25 January. Further details will follow later this month.

Raise your voice

Voting will be open to members on Saturday 3 February 2024 through to Thursday 8 February 2024 via an online voting platform and post. There will be a virtual hustings before the end of January.

Gwern Gwynfil, CEO of YesCymru, said: “In relative terms YesCymru is still quite a young organisation, one which has grown and evolved a great deal over its short history. We are now at the next stage in that evolution, we stand ready to make a difference, to really influence and guide the debate. To become the influential, driving force for independence in Wales that we know we can be. To be the voice of all those who yearn for a better, brighter future for Wales, whatever their background, whoever they are, whichever direction they lean politically. To be the campaign that drives home the truth that if we truly wish to have a happier, healthier, wealthier Wales then we must take control of our own future and make this happen for ourselves. Westminster will never deliver for Cymru.”

“We are looking for individuals within YesCymru who have the ambition, bravery and confidence to drive us forward. Who are willing to innovate and inspire, to work together, to achieve the goal of independence. Those who are not only tired of this failed Union but also full of hope and optimism for the future independent Wales when it takes its place on the world stage. If this is you then get involved, raise your voice, be part of the change”

To be eligible to vote, individuals will need to be members of YesCymru on or before 25 January.

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