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If Plaid Cymru wants to appeal to all of Wales it needs to ditch republicanism

05 Feb 2018 4 minute read
Queen Elizabeth II

Abraham Somers Cocks

If Plaid Cymru wants to make headway amongst the bulk of voters in Wales they need to drop their opposition to the monarchy.

In the grand scale of things, having a monarchy just isn’t a big enough problem to make it worth squandering the votes of the majority of the people in Wales who support the Royal Family.

A Constitutional Monarchy doesn’t make this country any less democratic.

According to the Democracy Index report of 2016, the five most democratic countries in the world were 1) Norway, 2) Iceland, 3) Sweden, 4) New Zealand, and 5) Denmark.

Four of these are monarchies and only one, Iceland, is a republic.

Yes, there are constitutional monarchies which are authoritarian, like Saudi-Arabia. But to compare the modern UK, or indeed an independent Wales to any of them, is laughable.

Plaid Cymru should look at the much more pragmatic SNP.  They have made it clear that they have no intention of abolishing the monarchy in an independent Scotland.

Does that make them any less of a nationalist party than Plaid Cymru? Of course not.

But it does make them much more appealing to the Scottish electorate, which in turn has made them much more likely to win independence.

Both Owen Donovan and Ifan Morgan Jones, have recently written articles about the growing popularity of anti-establishment parties.

But being anti-monarchy has not made Plaid Cymru any more ‘anti-establishment,’ or ‘of the people’ – because the people, in general, support the monarchy!

All it’s done is make Welsh nationalism palatable to a much smaller proportion of the populace. According to YouGov, just 8% of the population of Wales are actively opposed to the Monarchy.

Ditching republicanism won’t lose Plaid Cymru any votes. If you’re a republican and a nationalist, there’s nowhere else to go.

So Plaid Cymru has a choice: it can either be anti-monarchy and lose the support of voters who are pro-monarchy, or be like the SNP and win the votes of both republicans and monarchists.


Some may argue that Welsh antipathy to the royal family goes back to the conquest of Wales and the death of the Welsh tywysogion.

But what is apparent when you go back and look at the Welsh nationalism of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century is that the current antipathy towards the Royal Family is a largely recent phenomenon.

Saunders Lewis was, in his own words, a ‘strong monarchist’.  So too was David James Davies, who was also one of the founding members in 1925.

Lewis was a radical conservative but Davies was firmly on the left back then and looked to the Danish model of both social democracy and constitutional monarchy as a goal for Wales.

So, when I talk about tuning down on the republicanism, I’m not talking about a great break in the tradition but the reversal of a more recent trend.

Republicans will complain that the Royal Family are ‘English’ or even ‘German’. But in truth they’re just a mish-mash of European Royal families – including Welsh.

Prince George is descended from Llewelyn the Last on both sides of his family, because Welsh and English nobility intermarried quite a bit.

So Plaid Cymru needs to stop shooting itself in the foot by being so vocal in its opposition to the monarchy.

I’ve met plenty of people in Wales who would never consider voting Plaid under Leanne Wood precisely because of her anti-monarchism.

There are much more important issues facing Wales today, and Plaid Cymru shouldn’t allow this one trifling issue to stop them gaining power and setting Wales right.

Such a move away from republicanism could well create a new tradition in the party’s history – that of winning national elections and governing Wales.

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7 years ago

The YouGov poll linked to in the above article does not give separate figures for Wales – “Midlands and Wales” for some reason. In that breakdown, 19% is given as the percentage of people who believe that there should be an elected had of state rather than a monarch.

Phil Steele
Phil Steele
7 years ago

If Wales is to be independent, it needs free citizens – not subjects. The monarchy is the cornerstone of the Unionist establishment. Sticking to a principle is the best way to impress voters, not fudging the issues.

Jac Hwntw
Jac Hwntw
7 years ago

I may have taken Abraham’s article more seriously if his Facebook profile didn’t show him wearing a Team GB shirt. Is this really the best Nation.Cymru can do?

Ifan Morgan Jones
7 years ago

I’m a Republican through and through and think the Royal Family are an anachronism. However I do appreciate Abraham’s point here. There are a number of issues on which Plaid Cymru need to decide whether they want to be ‘right’ or pragmatic. The bulk of the SNP’s membership are also republicans but the party itself has taken a very pragmatic approach on those issues that could alienate the bulk of their voters. The SNP would no doubt be a republican party in an independent Scotland, but in order to win independence has decided to ignore the issue. Perhaps it’s best… Read more »

eric hall
7 years ago

Judging by several other recent polls which are far more reliable than a YouGov poll, such as the last several dozen General Elections, the best way for Plaid Cymru to appeal to all of Wales is to abandon its quest for independence. Are you seriously suggesting that the Party should put its “appeal to all voters” first, and abandon all of its hard-fought principles in favour of popularity and a tenuous grasp of power? You saw how well that worked with the Lib Dems in 2010. How Politics works is that you have principles, you stick to them, and you… Read more »

Ifan Morgan Jones
7 years ago
Reply to  eric hall

I would argue that how politics work is that you decide which issues you *really* want to campaign on and which issues are less important ones that you can compromise with the electorate on. The Lib Dems’ problem in 2010 is that they compromised on an issue – tuition fees – that betrayed a constituency that made up the bulk of their support in many electoral areas. They were just bad negotiators. They should have compromised on the Alternative Vote referendum which was a terrible system anyway. Plaid Cymru’s one core issue is more autonomy for Wales. If they need… Read more »

Dafydd Thomas
Dafydd Thomas
7 years ago

Hands up those who think the monarchy has a well oiled publicity machine.

For Wales, a country which has a desperate need to take over its own affairs, control of economic levers etc. We need to limit the battles we have to fight to get there. The monarchy is a low priority issue.

Australia and others debate the monarchy from the comfort of controlling their own country.

Dyfrig Jones
Dyfrig Jones
7 years ago

I’d be perfectly happy to see us go down the same path to independence as Ireland. That is, secure meaningful political independence as a first step, and then deal with the symbolic trappings of the British state. I say this as a republican, but a pragmatic one. Let’s secure full political sovereignty first, and worry about the monarchy later.

7 years ago

I agree with the principle that the party should be pragmatic and pick the important battles to fight. Like Ifan I am philosophically a republican and find the concept of a monarch quite distasteful, however I also recognise that many people like them for whatever reason and that it really is not important enough to refuuse to compromise regarding.

Having said that, I also dont see any evidence that Plaid’s position on the Monarchy has had any sinificant impact on their electoral success. Where is the evidence for this?

leigh richards
7 years ago

‘A Constitutional Monarchy doesn’t make this country any less democratic’ – well first off i’d like to remind Mr Cocks that britain isnt a ‘country’ it’s a a state. The island of britain is in fact composed of three countries, england, scotland and wales. Secondly i strongly suspect these ‘voters’ he claims to have spoken to wouldnt vote for plaid because of leanne’s republicanism also wouldnt vote for plaid because of its aim is independence for wales. So to follow Mr Cocks ‘advice’ maybe plaid should abandon their goal of independence for wales to. Yes the SNP stated they would… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  leigh richards

Abraham’s twitter account includes entries which suggest that he is as concerned as the rest of us about the survival and growth of the Welsh language and the promotion of Welsh identity, whatever his views on the British establishment and its power over Welsh minds.

7 years ago
Reply to  leigh richards

Republicanism has been around a long time… and its fallen and risen as many times as Monarchy. In some cases they’ve risen and fallen together. Don’t forget that Republicanism has a bloody history and when it goes wrong it really, really goes wrong. There must be a balance Autocracy and Republicanism are both extremes. As the writer pointed out – Constitutional Monarchies are some of the most democratic in the world. Best of both worlds… but the British monarchy goes a little over the top with all its palaces and the amount of money they have. Electing a head of… Read more »

Red Dragon Jim
Red Dragon Jim
7 years ago

I would defuse the issue of the monarchy to one side and be neutral.

Leanne Wood has met the Queen and I thought that came across well, but nothing was ever made of it. Perhaps that should have been highlighted more.

Rhondda is believed to be a very monarchist area but as with the rest of Wales, people will overlook it as a topic of importance if you highlight other issues in its place. Nobody has to change their principles then, it’s a case of prioritisation.

Jason Morgan
Jason Morgan
7 years ago

I say this as someone who is fundamentally opposed to the “British” monarchy specifically because I see is as an English institution, and not because of any republican conviction (of which I have little): the point here is the republican/monarchy debate is a distraction and a pointless one at that. If anything, diverting any energy Welsh nationalism has to the republican cause essentially moving the focus away from independence to a reformed union. I don’t want a British republic even slightly more than I want a British monarchy. It changes sod all with regards to the national question: from that… Read more »

Phil Davies
Phil Davies
7 years ago

I would rather suck a lemon than suck up to the Royal Family. The pyramid of privilege which overshadows our nation has at its apex an unelected Head of State born to reign over us. Despite the prevalence of brown tongue disease amongst our population I would rather be counted amongst those who dream of a Free Wales made up of citizens rather than subjects, where our leaders are chosen according to their ability rather than their descent from our blood-stained oppressors.

Adrian Parry
Adrian Parry
7 years ago

It is important to put forward what you believe in as a democratic political party. Pretending you have a different stance to buy votes is deception. To be frank I’ve never heard anyone even bring it up at election time as the royal family are totally irrelevant to most people and there are many more issues that would win or lose votes.

7 years ago
Reply to  Adrian Parry

If they were irrelevant they’d be gone. I think its more some kind of apathy over it. But I wouldn’t underestimate how well liked William is – part due to the media… but YougGov also puts him as significantly more popular than any politician.

JE Lloyd
JE Lloyd
7 years ago

Some thoughts on this issues … Plaid’s strategy of not giving this issue airtime or official status in its policy platform. There is, however, no need to muzzle Plaid politicians in relation to the expression of their personal views. Generally, it is utterly pointless expending time, effort and political capital on issues over which the Welsh electorate has no control, and will have no control until after independence. I would place the issues of currency and NATO membership in the same bucket. Ireland accepted the monarchy from the establishment of the Free State in 1922 until 1937, when they moved… Read more »

Gwilym ab Ioan
7 years ago
Reply to  JE Lloyd

An excellent comment of the first degree by JE Lloyd. Borne out of historical knowledge and an understanding of lessons learnt (especially in the Irish context) rather than sentimentalism or emotion. Scotland, as you rightly pointed out JE, is rather a different animal, given it’s history (James was King of Scotland as James VI from 24 July 1567 and King of England and Ireland as James I from the union of the Scottish and English crowns on 24 March 1603). They come at the question of a monarchy from a totally different angle. By contrast, our last King Llywelyn ap… Read more »

7 years ago

This article is a joke.

Plaid gets stick for not sticking to its core principles enough so to suggest that it should ditch republicanism is ridiculous.

Almost as ridiculous as using a survey that bundles Wales and the north of England into one and then uses the results to suggest that Wales by itself thinks something.

Na – ddim diolch.

Benjiman L. Angwin
Benjiman L. Angwin
7 years ago

Mr. Cocks

Well done. Some responses here have shown what republicanism can oft form as: reactionary hatred.

Cymru Fydd (born largely out of Liberals), sought home rule and saw the Royals as part of our Welsh culture.

Canada is a wonderful nation, and goes out of its way to celebrate its royal connections.

Let’s stop shouting about a Republic like spoiled middle class teenagers in 1968 Paris, and actually move Wales ymlaen.

JE Lloyd
JE Lloyd
7 years ago

With respect, I don’t see any sign of “reactionary hatred” in the comments on this piece. Just valid questions about whether the house of Windsor has any positive contribution to the past, present or future of Wales. I would also question whether Cymru Fydd took a united position on the monarchy. The reaction to republicanism at that time would anyway have been shaped by the sectarian prejudices stirred up by the Irish Home Rule issue, and by attitudes towards the British imperial project. Hopefully, neither of those impulses has any place in contemporary Wales (outwith UKIP). Canada is also a… Read more »

JE Lloyd
JE Lloyd
7 years ago
Reply to  JE Lloyd

Having done a little more checking, I think it is very difficult to associate Cymru Fydd with fulsome support for the monarchy. The greatest ideological influence on Cymru Fydd was Giuseppe Mazzini, an ardent republican

7 years ago

Monarchy is not a friend of your liberal ideology Benjamin ….. your contradictions stand proud now

Jonathan Edwards Sir Benfro (+ North Carolina)
Jonathan Edwards Sir Benfro (+ North Carolina)
7 years ago

JE Lloyd has it right. And Ifan. I am a republican because I have now lived in a republic (USA) and a Monarchy there;s just no contest, Politically, the thing should start with We the People and you go from there. Moreover, I have a suspicion that the UK Monarchy, using its underestimated soft power, has held the UK (and therefore Wales) back from developing as political adults. BUT The republican in me says that when Wales grows up it will be as follows: Assembly legislates for an elected Welsh Constitutional Convention. The Welsh elect the delegates. What does the… Read more »

jim humphrys
jim humphrys
7 years ago

Agree, Jon.

Has anyone mentioned Wales has no place on the r.coat of arms, or the union flag?

One takes Abe’s has a point though. Thanks for that.

Royston Jones
7 years ago

Republicanism versus royalty is an interesting issue . . . that doesn’t bother anybody in the context of Welsh independence until someone brings it up. My position is that as republicanism is usually allied with left wing views – as exemplified by Leanne Wood – I am very wary of zealots for the cause of republicanism. Scotland has been mentioned, but the history is totally different. Scotland and England were first united when James VI (of the House of Stewart) came south to take the throne of England in 1603. Which explains why many Scots to this day support the… Read more »

JE Lloyd
JE Lloyd
7 years ago
Reply to  Royston Jones

Personally, I find history a critical pillar of national identity, and — as a Welsh person — one can only swallow a house of Windsor monarchy by taking a large draught of historical amnesia. The English monarchs are of course the lineal successors of Edward Longshanks who made us foreigners in our own country, a condition we continue to endure in many respects to the present day.

Anarchist and Welsh Nash
Anarchist and Welsh Nash
7 years ago

I also have no time for Royalism. As someone else has said, it’s an integral part of the zombie British state which keeps people in a state of virtual subject captivity. But, it’s hard for Plaid to make any headway with opposing the monarchy at this stage because of various factors. I wonder though could the new soon to be launched national party, take a more assertive and daring approach here? Its very newness can allow it to say things that other parties can’t. And get a fair hearing from the public as they won’t be tainted by all the… Read more »

Huw Davies
Huw Davies
7 years ago

E.R.II remains the Queen of 16 realms, including Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Wanting to be ‘free’ of the monarchy just seems a pointless waste of effort as it is clear a country can be 100% free and self governing even if the Queen is still, officially. reigning there.
I don’t need a monarchy but a lot of people still seem to like feeling ‘ruled’ even though they are actually governed from Westminster. Let them keep their royal comfort blanket.Why pick a fight about something irrelevant?

JE Lloyd
JE Lloyd
7 years ago
Reply to  Huw Davies

Personally, I think it is an issue that is fundamental to our national identity for the reasons I have set our in earlier comments. However, I am happy to join the near universal consensus that this is not an issue for now because it is completely outside the control of the Welsh electorate until we are a true self-governing democracy. i.e. independent

Gwylon Phillips
Gwylon Phillips
7 years ago

Republianism is not Plaid policy. To most Cymry Royalty is as irrevelant as the Monarchy itself.

jim Humphrys
jim Humphrys
7 years ago

True Gwylon, but last year I had to frame a photo of the queen and hang it by my mom’s front door!
My brothers chortled, but I didn’t mind. They both came through the war, my mom was Land Army in Betws Y Coed
and Elizabeth did her bit. She has been a pretty good queen.
Though now, some English folk are thinking she could be Elizabeth the Last . Let’s leave it alone.

Habib Steele
Habib Steele
7 years ago

I’m a member of the Scottish National Party, a republican, and I’m living in Wales. As far as Scotland is concerned, the issue of monarchy or republic can be dealt with after independence. What matters is that we choose, and England does not choose for us. Only by independence can we have a choice. Independence is the most important thing right now. I suggest that this is also true for Wales. Let the people of Wales decide if they want a monarchy or a republic. Only after independence can the people of Wales decide. Before independence, the people of England… Read more »

7 years ago

This is going to be a long one. Welsh nationalism is a constantly evolving beast. But its roots are still in the original fight started by Aberffraw and Dinefwr in the 1100’s. We still have later Owain Glyndwr and his flag – the ultimate symbol of Anglo-Welsh identity – we can work as hard as we can but we will still only be Welsh over the dyke. Then and today. Has so many meanings. But why has Republicanism surged? That same unfairness – Wales in poverty. The difference then and now? Aberffraw and Dinefwr… whatever is left is as lost… Read more »

7 years ago

I’ve been pondering this issue for a few years now. Yes, Plaid Cymru’s republican stance is yet more evidence of their distance from ordinary Welsh people and almost certainly a deliberate choice to keep them in the comfortable position of avoiding taking power in Wales, clearly preferring to remain in perpetual opposition. In contrast, Welsh nationalists in earlier decades, including, possibly, Saunders Lewis, were in favour of restoring the House of Aberffraw (currently represented by the Anwyl family of Tywyn) to give Wales a native Prince of Wales and more importantly to use a home-grown constitutional monarchy as a protection… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Wrexhamian

I don’t think it was Aberffraw. Not sure if people were widely aware of the Anwyl family then – though there are supposedly other branches. Gwynfor Evans suggested the Rice family of Dynevor or a member of the Windsors. Heard that about Estonia before.

I think if we were to choose to have a home grown monarchy any future English investiture should be the point we assert it though. While still part of the UK.

7 years ago

The Anwyls have the legitimate claim, but it’s ‘third cousin twice removed’ stuff – no direct descendents. Good enough, though, for the purposes of meeting the requirements of Cocks’s Welsh monarchist hordes.

They can choose Max Boyce if it will strengthen the cause of Welsh independence.

7 years ago
Reply to  Wrexhamian

Anwyls are descendants of Rhodri don’t think they need to be related to Llywelyn in any direct directional sense… though so much intermarrying they could be through the female line I suppose. When Rhys ab Owain of Deheubarth died some time earlier it was his second cousin who rose in his place – Rhys ap Tewdwr. A supposed brother of Rhys ab Owain, named Meredudd tried to claim the throne some time later (he probably reached 28 years of age) and failed. Succession wasn’t a certainty by birth.

What do we learn from that? Too many Rhys’s and Owains!

Clwyd Davies
Clwyd Davies
7 years ago

I agree with Abraham. I’m a Plaid member and a republican, I have nothing against the Royals, I quite like Charles he’s a bit of an old hippy but so am I. I never have or will ever support an undemocratic monarchy that’s based on privilege, class and blood lines.

But many people do like the monarchy system. I attend the local Plaid branch meeting, and sometimes this subject pops up and I’m quite surprised how many members are monarchists.

So yes, need to ditch republicanism if Plaid are to appeal to a broader section of society.

Steve Collings
Steve Collings
7 years ago

This is a great comments section. We need so much more discussion of the nature of independence and strategies for getting there rather than pretending we are already in the middle of a yes/no style referendum. The route of the Irish free state, Canada, dominion status, home rule, federation; the important thing is to bring home enough powers so that we can really start to make decisions for ourselves and redevelope our own economy. And the only way to get there is to create a Plaid Cymru government first. Its easy to forget that the SNP formed its first government… Read more »

Daniel Cavanagh
Daniel Cavanagh
7 years ago
Reply to  Steve Collings

I think Plaid have actually now recognised how the SNP have been so successful and are attempting to copy it. They don’t speak much about independence. It’s more social and economic issues, as you say

7 years ago

SNP failed at the final hurdle though and WM has had time to adapt. They won’t let the same happen here.

Graham John Hathaway
Graham John Hathaway
7 years ago

A union has the storms and rains, the hidden sun, the moon has fled and the stars like lead. I view them not, nor the raging rivers, for in our baptism, to the regal horses, lie one unpalatable truth that indoctrination is an indelible ethos, like a stick of rock, an invisible monument , a lighthouse, visible night and day. You cannot miss it or avoid it. It barks like a dog at night, as silent as the grave in Spring. Perpetual and ordained. Be aware of the ides of March. And Julius Caesar. No heads to roll please ,… Read more »

Gareth Rogers
Gareth Rogers
7 years ago

Llywelyn Ein Llyw Olaf had one daughter who spent her whole life imprisoned. It is highly unlikely that George or any other living member of the royal family is descended from him. Edward deliberately made sure he had no descendants who could succeed him.

7 years ago
Reply to  Gareth Rogers

Llywelyn Fawr had a daughter Gwaldus Ddu who married one Roger de Mortimer – the Mortimers eventually became claimants to Richard II’s throne which (Sir Edmund Mortimer of Owain Glyndwr fame was protector of his nephew who had been named as Richard II’s heir – but Henry IV/Bolinbroke took the throne by force) passed into the House of York through Anne Mortimer (I think). Presumably that’s what the writer is referring too. None the less irrelevant to any kind of claim there – no more or less than half of North Wales.

Gareth Rogers
Gareth Rogers
7 years ago

But Llywelyn Fawr != Llywelyn Ein Llyw Olaf.

No doubt most welsh speakers in the north of Wales can trace their ancestry back to Owain Gwynedd – but not Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, which was the claim in the article.

7 years ago
Reply to  Gareth Rogers

Indeed bit of an oversight of the writer. I don’t think they necessarily need be Welsh speakers either – lots of families moved out of the rural Wales during industrialisation. You’d be surprised at how far removed people can become from their roots and identity.

Tim Richards
Tim Richards
7 years ago

When the thrust of this article is that Plaid Cymru will only make headway amongst the bulk of voters in Wales if they drop their opposition to the monarchy I have to ask where is the evidence for this argument? I remember when Plaid Cymru did not even mention the Monarchy and when some Plaid Cymru Councillors welcomed the Queen on visits and it did not lead to a surge of support for Plaid Cymru – far from it. It just left many voters wondering what the point of Plaid Cymru was – so can the author of this article… Read more »

Dafydd Williams
Dafydd Williams
7 years ago

The entire article is based on a false premise. Why not campaign for independence instead of indulging in sectarian politics?

7 years ago

I am appreciate the hard work to write an article….but seriously….this is non-news.

Plaid Cymru are not losing many votes because they are not that fond of the English monarchy.

They mainly lose votes to the “They will never win, its a wasted vote” grouping…the “I do not trust left politics ” brigade…or the “no time for worrying about Welshness” cultural cringe brigade

Gwilym ab Ioan
7 years ago
Reply to  Edeyrn

Gwir y gair. That’s why there’s a need for a re-boot, with the focus on independence and what’s best for Cymru and it’s people. Not vacuous arguments about royalty.

We need to convince everyone that living in an independent sovereign country benefits everyone, on every level. We can burn effigies later!

7 years ago
Reply to  Gwilym ab Ioan

Got to polarise Welshness and Englishness first. Cannot do it ideologically. I think its all pretty intertwined with monarchy and defiance of it… and that one “occasion” and how we approach and deal with it – especially considering it’ll be on the global stage. Or maybe I’m just a romantic about it. 🙂

7 years ago

here’s the question. would ditching republicanism gain Plaid more votes? Probably not. I don’t think Plaids lack of appeal to many voters can be attributed to its republicanism standpoint.

7 years ago
Reply to  david

Plaid’s lack of appeal at present, and for some years, is its pathetic image – a kind of wetness that’s nothing to do with that tired old left-right dichotomy but more to do with taking up “Causes” and “Issues” that are mostly passing fashions or in some other way remote from the grim reality of the lives of so many people here in Wales. It’s a strange wetness because it often chucks up a burst of faux militancy which then fizzles out as the “thought leaders” shift on to the next big thing. One day Royalty/Monarchy will once again become… Read more »

7 years ago

If mrs Windsor really wants to make an impression on me, a follower of human rights, she should return y croes naid to us. it was nicked by edward 1. If one agrees with the statement that all people are equal – first statement in the united nations charter on universal human rights – and if you don’t i assume you ar akin to a nazi, one would resign the job of ”monarch”. In hungary’s quest for national survival, they tolerated the habsburg ‘royal infrastructure’ as a means to further national self-rule, and ultimately full independence. Monarchies in Scandinavia and… Read more »

T N D Anderson
T N D Anderson
7 years ago

As one small part of the struggle for Welsh independence, we must assert our right to choose our own Head of State. Whether we might also be a monarchy is for a later debate. I know where I stand – viva la republica!

7 years ago
Reply to  T N D Anderson

why use a Spanish slogan when surely it is appropriate to coin one in Welsh ?

Tame Frontiersman
Tame Frontiersman
7 years ago

The issue of monarchy v republicanism is a something that independence minded politicians would be advised to leave well alone. The very nature of monarchy is its direct appeals to the populace over the heads of the politicians. The Anglo-Scottish monarchy will eventually either wind itself up because the heir doesn’t want the job or doesn’t want it for the children or because the title holder will disgrace him or herself unrecoverably in some way in the eyes of the public (Remember how quickly public opinion turned against the monarchy after the death of Diana) or the public just get… Read more »

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